The Freedom followed the current and quickly rushed to the top of the mountain, then flew into the sky.

Kota was in the air, but his feet were firmly on the bow.

Looking at the water flows coming from the top of the mountain and colliding with each other, and then merging into one place, his eyes involuntarily looked to the back of the Red Earth Continent.

That is, the direction of the New World.

He has the ability to fly, so why not go directly to the New World to challenge the Four Emperors!

Although he probably can't beat any of them now, fighting the Four Emperors can quickly train his domineering.


He retracted his gaze and glanced at his companions who were shouting excitedly, and thought about it.

Forget it, although this is the plot that the most handsome readers want the most, it is not his plot.

Although he hopes to clash with the strong, it is not now, and his companions can't stand it.

There is no point for him to go alone.

His purpose of going to sea is not just to become the strongest in the world, he should enjoy the scenery on the way to the strongest, right?

The Liberty rushed to the top, paused for a moment, and then fell rapidly downwards in a sense of weightlessness, and finally crashed into the only waterway formed by the fusion of four water currents.

"With a"bang", it slid down quickly.


This experience is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster


"What's wrong?"

Standing on the observation deck, A Luo put his hand on his forehead, stared hard ahead, and shouted to the people below.

"There seems to be a black mountain blocking the way ahead"


Ah Hua subconsciously raised his voice.

"You are not awake yet! There should be endless sea below, where are the mountains?"

"Anyway, there is one."

At this moment, the Freedom rushed out of the clouds at high speed, and the view in front of them suddenly became clear.

Everyone saw the black mountain wall blocking the exit of the waterway in front of them.

"No way!"

"There really is a mountain!"

Ah Tao held a cigarette in her hand and stared at the black mountain wall in the distance. Then, as if she had seen something scary, she paused and shouted,

"It’s not a mountain, it’s a giant monster!"

"Who cares what it is! Go ahead!"

Korata looked at the giant beast that was blocking the exit and kept yelling, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

This giant beast can be said to be the most romantic animal in One Piece!


As if sensing the arrival of Kota and the others, Laab stopped shouting and stood still.

The Freedom rushed towards Laab's abdomen like a moth to a flame.


"It's about to hit."

Seeing the black giant wall approaching, Ah Hua subconsciously took a few steps back and shouted loudly:"Kongtai, leave it to you."

Just as the Freedom was about to hit, the Kongtai space domain instantly opened up, and then shouted loudly

""Hold on tight."

Everyone held on to the objects around them, except Ah Tao.

Then they saw that the Liberty, which was moving at high speed just now, including the sea water below, suddenly stopped in place.

Due to the influence of inertia, the people on the ship involuntarily rushed forward. Fortunately, they all held on to the things around them tightly, so they didn't make a fool of themselves.

But Ah Tao was different. This guy thought he was Kota! Standing on the bow, smoking a cigarette, motionless, posing.

As a result, when inertia came, he instantly flew forward.

"With a"bang", he hit a transparent wall at the bow of the ship, and his entire face was flattened.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You are so funny! Why don't you listen to me?"

When Kota put away the Kota Domain and the air and seawater flowed instantly, Ah Hua covered his stomach and laughed at Ah Tao.

"Is this the Grand Line's welcome gesture?"

A Luo quickly climbed down the mast, ran to the bow, looked up at the huge head that was hundreds of meters high, and exclaimed loudly

"It’s really amazing!"

"Well! It's really pitiful and sad!"

Korata looked at Lab with red light flashing in his eyes. He could feel the sadness of this big guy in front of him.

"Kota, why do I feel like this guy is crying?"

Kuina took Kota's hand and held it tightly.


"Why can't I feel it?"

A Tao stood up from the bow deck, patted the non-existent dust on her body, straightened her hair, and then took a puff of cigarette.

"You stupid pig, of course you can't sense it."

Two tentacles stretched out from Luo's head and moved.

"There is indeed a very sad feeling, as if this guy has been waiting for someone, but that person has never shown up."

He touched his heart with his hand, as if he was infected by Lab's sadness.

Kota turned his head to look at the people on the bow and asked

"Want to know why this guy is like this?"

""I want to."

Everyone answered in unison.

"If we want to, can't we just ask someone who knows?"

"Who are you asking?"

"You will find out in a moment, hahahaha!"

Kong Tai laughed, and his observation Haki swept across the entire Twin Gorge, but did not find any other auras.

"So it's in Laboo's body."

He looked at Laboo in front of him, his eyes fixed.

His Conqueror's Haki burst out instantly, trying to stun Laboo and get the old man out.

But when he burst out his Conqueror's Haki, Laboo not only didn't faint, but became violent instead.

It seems that Laboo also has a heart that is not afraid of anything!

Laboo regarded the breath emitted by Kota as a provocation to it. It roared, then quickly lowered its head and opened its mouth to inhale.

Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone on the ship, the Freedom followed the current and disappeared in front of Laboo in the blink of an eye.

"Kota, what are you doing!"

���We are being eaten by this guy now!"

Ah Hua shouted in the darkness.

"Well! Just eat it! Friends, the first adventure of the Grand Line has begun."

A red light flashed in Kota's eyes, and he had already sensed the breath ahead.

"Risk it? I just hope I won't be really digested."

Tao took a deep breath of smoke, and in this darkness, the only beam of light emerged.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"how could it be possible!"

"You will know how romantic this guy is later."

Korata looked ahead, with expectation and curiosity in his eyes.

If waiting for someone for 50 years is not a romantic thing, then nothing can be called romantic.

At this moment, a strong light suddenly came from the front. The Liberty passed through the strong light and fell into a dark green lake with a"bang".

Everyone's eyes were blinded for a moment, and then they were clear in an instant.

When they saw the surrounding environment, everyone showed shocked expressions.

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