On the Pseudo-Merry.

Seeing the pirates on the opposite side who were about to get off, Kuina took the first step.

She would not let these pirates get on the Pseudo-Merry and fight again, which would not only dirty the ship, but might also damage the ship.

Seeing the side of the Fearless Battleship Sabre being cleared in an instant, Kota jumped on first.

He stood on the guardrail beside the ship, took off the wine gourd from his waist with his left hand, raised his head and took a sip, then lowered his head and looked inside, just in time to meet Creek's gaze.

The two people's eyes met, and Kota's mouth showed a hint of teasing,"Hey! Pirate, I heard that you are the overlord of the East China Sea, right! Come on, dance for me."

"How dare you talk to Captain Creek?"

A Jin, who was standing to Creek's left, shouted in a very inattentive manner.


"Do you want to dance too?"

Korata frowned and looked at Jin calmly.

Although this guy seems to be nice in the anime, he is actually a very cold-blooded and cruel villain.

When Kota looked at him, Jin felt a great sense of oppression.

He was so oppressed that he broke out in cold sweats and couldn't speak.

At this time, Creek stepped forward and broke the pressure on Jin.

The sense of oppression disappeared, and Jin quickly took a step back and stood behind Creek, gasping for breath.

He raised his head and stared at Kota, his eyes full of horror and his face solemn.

He was so overwhelmed by the momentum that he couldn't speak. This was too strong!

"You must be the swordsman! When did a person like you appear in the East China Sea? I didn't even know it."

"I'm not a swordsman. Today, someone else will play with you."

"Yes! There are others."

He then turned his sight to Kuina who had just come up. As for Ahua and the other three who had climbed up behind him, he simply ignored them. He only felt threatened by Kuina and Kota.

Kuina looked up and glanced at Creek indifferently, and ignored him. The other party was not her target, her target was the cadres on the opposite side.

Then she looked at the demon Akin and the iron wall Balu standing next to Creek.

Akin saw the dark blue-haired woman on the opposite side looking at him, and quickly pulled out the crutches from his waist, looking at Kuina warily.

Without any nonsense, Kuina quickly pulled out the Wado Ichimonji, stomped her feet on the guardrail, and shaved her engine.

"With a"whoosh", he instantly arrived in front of Ajin and quickly drew his sword to cut.


It was too fast.

Ajin only had time to raise his crutches to block in front of him, and then his body became lighter uncontrollably, his feet left the ground, and then he was pushed backwards by a huge force and shot quickly.

Bang! He crashed into the cabin.

Ajin, who was in the ruins of the cabin, supported himself with his left hand, covered his chest with his right hand, and sat up trembling.

"Cough cough cough!!"

"Cough cough cough……!!"

He coughed, lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He raised his head and looked at Kuina through the hole formed by the collision. He shouted in horror:"Why are you so strong?"

Yes, very strong, so strong that he was seriously injured after being hit.

Kuina ignored him and turned to look at Bal with a cold face.

At this time, the pirates around him reacted and suddenly shouted loudly:

"This must be a dream!"

"The captain will be defeated by this guy in one blow."

"How could it be? That's the demon Akin with a bounty of 12 million berries!"

Seeing Kuina's gaze, the pirates around Bale retreated instantly, leaving a large area.

At this time, Ahua and the other two on the side of the boat also drew their swords and rushed towards the surrounding pirates.

They couldn't beat the cadres, but these ordinary pirates could still fight.

More than ten years of training were not in vain, and there was also the swordsmanship taught by Koshiro.

Clang clang clang——!

For a while, the collision of swords and the screams and curses of the pirates were endless.

"Bagaya Road"

"Go ahead, kill them."


Hearing the screams from behind, veins popped out on Creek's forehead. He didn't look back, nor did he dare to look back.

When the woman came up, the silver-haired boy opposite him locked him with his aura. He felt that as long as he turned around, he would be hit by a storm.

When he found that there were no pirates who could threaten Ahua and the other two, Kota withdrew his gaze, turned his head and looked at Creek and smiled.

"Yo! Creek, you have to stay still! If you feel bored, you can dance."


As he spoke, he laughed out loud.

"Ah! Help!"

"Captain Creek, please get rid of them!"

"You are the strongest person in the East China Sea!"


Hearing more and more screams, Creek finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He tore off his cloak, put the shields on his hands together, pulled out a long stick, and a huge sharp knife appeared.

"The Creek leader's most powerful weapon, the 'Great Battle Gun', has appeared.’"

Looking at the pirates cheering loudly in front of him, Ah Hua glanced at Creek with disdain.

"I have a big gun, and I have a big machete! That's it?"

Then he looked back at the pirates opposite him.

"Hey! You still have the heart to look at your captain now, take care of yourself first! Pirates."

He shouted and rushed forward.

Kota stared at Creek with interest.

This guy's armor hid a lot of gunpowder and bullets. Oh, yes, it seems that there are also poison gas bombs.

"You, you have never taken me seriously since you boarded the ship."

Sora looked down on him with extreme contempt, which completely angered him.

He looked up with a gloomy face and stared at Sora fiercely.

"Why do you think I became the strongest in the East China Sea, and why everyone is afraid of me?"

Kota pouted at Creek and sneered,"Of course it's because of your ugliness and cruelty, how could it be because of your strength?"

Creek raised his battle gun with both hands, looked at Kota angrily, and rushed towards him quickly.

When he got in front of Kota, he shouted,"Who do you think I am?"

"I am Admiral Creek of the East China Sea, the strongest man in the East China Sea with a bounty of 17 million berries!"

Then he chopped down hard on Kota's head.

"Go to hell!"


There was an explosion, followed by a thick smoke that quickly enveloped Kota.

"Well done, Captain Creek."

"Kill them."

These guys ignored the knife flashes around them and cheered loudly for Creek.

But the next scene was like a gust of cold wind blowing, freezing them all from head to toe.

A gust of sea breeze blew, the smoke dispersed, and Kota was seen holding the battle gun firmly in his right hand, standing there unscathed.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?"

"How could anyone take Captain Creek's big gun and remain unscathed?"

"Impossible, impossible, this must be a dream."

They kept shaking their heads.

Their bodies retreated backwards involuntarily.

Then they suddenly looked up at Kong Tai and shouted loudly.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?"

"I am just an ordinary person."

Kōta waved at them with a big gun in his right hand and a wine gourd in his left hand.

Then he took a sip of wine with his left hand, turned his head and stared at them, and said in a serious and second-year manner.


"If I have to give myself an identity, I think it should be a partner of justice!"

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