The trio, who used to be lively and funny, now all had gloomy faces, hunched bodies, and looked gloomy.

Kota also noticed their state, walked over and patted their shoulders one by one, and asked with concern:

"Is there any problem? Tell me and I will help you share the burden."

Tao took a puff of cigarette and replied depressedly.

"It's nothing serious, I just feel so useless, I can't help at all in the face of a powerful pirate group."

They all know that this time when facing the Dragon Pirates, they can basically only stay on the ship and watch the ship, because they can't beat any of the members of the Dragon Pirates.

This is still the East China Sea, and when they reach the Grand Line, they will be even more helpless.

"So that's it!"

Kong Tai breathed a sigh of relief. He was wondering what happened to these three guys!

He looked at Ah Hua and the other two and said seriously

"You didn't come on board to fight, and a ship doesn't only have combatants on it."

He looked at Ah Hua,"Take Ah Hua for example, if Ah Hua is missing from our ship, we can only eat the food we cook ourselves, just imagine how it feels."

Everyone looked at Ah Hua, and shuddered at the thought of having to eat only the food they cook every day.

They shook their heads.

Ah Hua listened to Kota's words, and seeing everyone's reactions, his gloomy face instantly brightened.

He pushed the frame of his glasses, straightened his fat belly, and raised his head with a proud look.

"I'm so indispensable!"

Kota then looked at A Tao,"And A Tao, if we don't have A Tao on our ship, who will start and repair this big guy under our feet!"

After hearing this, A Tao's mouth curled up, and a smile quickly climbed up his whole face. He even smoked a little more elegantly

"What about me? What about me?"

A Luo looked at Kota expectantly and shouted in a slightly hurried voice


Kota stroked his chin and looked at A Luo in deep thought.

A Luo looked at Kota's reaction, and his expectant eyes gradually dimmed. He stared at the sea with lifeless eyes, as if his whole body was shrouded in shadow, making people feel that he was going to jump into the sea in the next moment.

Looking at A Luo's appearance, Kota smiled and decided not to tease him.

He stared at A Luo and suddenly shouted loudly:"Of course you are important too!"

Hearing Kota's roar, A Luo raised his head stiffly and looked at Kota pitifully.



Kota nodded and answered affirmatively

"Among us, only you, A Luo, can stay on the small observation tower for a whole day to escort our voyage."

"You are the eyes of our ship. Without you, our voyage would be as good as blind."

The more Kota spoke, the straighter Luo's back became. In the end, his hair style stood up.

Looking at the three people who had regained their confidence, Kota clapped his hands to attract their attention.

Then he said to them:"So, each of you is unique. Don't underestimate yourselves. We can't do without any of you on our ship."

He paused and then said jokingly.

"If you all go to fight, what will Kuina and I do?"

"Do you think this is the truth?"


Ah Hua and the other two nodded repeatedly.

"And there are shortcuts to strength."

""Kota, do you have a way to improve my strength?"

Kota's voice came to their ears, and they immediately stared at Kota excitedly.

No one wants to be a weakling, even though they all know that even if they are weaklings, Kota will not give up on them.

But if there is a way to quickly improve strength, I think no one can remain indifferent!

"Have you heard of devil fruit?"

"Devil Fruit?"

Ah Hua showed doubt on his face.

At this moment, Ah Luo, who was thinking with his head down, seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said,"Is it a secret treasure from the sea that can make people stronger and give them the power of the devil?"

When he was a gangster, he heard others say

"Yes! It is a secret treasure from the sea that can give people some kind of superpowers, called the Devil Fruit.’"

"So, Kota, is your ability the devil fruit?"

A Tao took a puff of cigarette, looked at Kota curiously and asked.

Kota lowered his head and thought for a while,"My ability does not come from the devil fruit. You can think of me as a human being born with special abilities."


They all nodded.

Kota went on to explain,"Devil Fruit abilities are divided into three categories: superhuman, animal, and natural."

"Any devil fruit you get is enough to deal with general dangers."

"But I heard that the market price of any devil fruit is at least 100 million Baileys!"

Luo said in distress, circling his head.

""Huh! Is it so expensive?"

Ahua and Atao showed surprise on their faces at the same time.

Don't think that 100 million is nothing just because they picked up nearly 20 million berries from the Creek Pirates.

But don't forget that the Creek Pirates are the largest pirate group in the East China Sea. They can only get 2000 from them, so how many pirate groups must be destroyed to get 100 million!

Kota looked at them and smiled:"Don't worry, as long as there is any news about the devil fruit, I will find it for you."

He paused and continued:"And I also know that a lot of devil fruits can be found there."

Of course he knew that if he really couldn't find the devil fruit at that time, he would have to ask Doflamingo for it in advance.

"Really? Kota."Ahua and the other two stared at Kota nervously.

They knew Kota would not lie to them, but they still wanted a positive answer from Kota.

""Yeah! When have I ever lied to you?"

Kota nodded confidently.


After hearing Kota's answer, the three guys jumped up and shouted at the bow, becoming lively as usual.

Kuina watched them quietly from the side. When she saw that Ahua and the other two were lively again, a smile appeared on her face.

She knew what a devil fruit was. Kota once planned to find a devil fruit for her so that she could improve her physical fitness.

But she refused. She just wanted to become a great swordsman with her own abilities.

And the devil fruit has more than just benefits.

This thing has a most fatal weakness for sailors, and that is fear of sea water.

She is a swordsman with strong attack power, so there is no need to find a devil fruit weakness for herself.

So she never thought about eating a devil fruit.

Of course, if it is a supernatural ability, that's another story.



At this moment, Kota and Kuina were both stunned. They looked at each other and looked at the opposite coastline together.

Kuina could only sense that there were a lot of messy and panicked atmospheres in the village in the distance.

But Kota was different. He knew what happened in the opposite village with just a flash of red in his eyes.

He turned to Ahua and the other two and said,"Let's land here! You wait for us here. We will come back after we deal with the Arlong Pirates."


Ahua and the other two answered loudly and turned around to get busy.

Kota turned around and looked at the village in the distance, thinking about his worries.

It seems that he has to clean up these miscellaneous fish first, otherwise they will run away and cause great harm.

After all, they are fishmen. As long as these guys hide in the sea, it will be difficult to find them.

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