Zoro walked through the courtyard and the first thing he saw was a huge cherry tree.

After passing through the cherry tree, there was the back door.

On the open space outside the back door, there was a row of black barbell plates, which were arranged in a row from large to small. The smallest one was as big as a pot, while the largest one was three or four times as tall as him.

Passing through the iron mountain in front of him, he saw Kuina, who was sweating profusely, swinging an iron rod again and again. At the front of the iron rod, there was a barbell plate that was almost as tall as him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!……"

From her arms with exposed veins, one can feel the weight of the barbell.

Looking inside, one can see Kota, shirtless, supporting himself with his hands, doing push-ups upside down.

Above his feet, there is a barbell with weight plates hanging on both sides.

"Hey! This is how you train, there's nothing special about it,"

Zoro walked forward confidently while watching Kota and the other man train.

"What? That's it! Isn't this normal training?"

If this is how he can become stronger, then he will definitely be able to defeat Gu Na very soon.

But when he approached about five meters away from Kong Tai, he suddenly felt like he had fallen into the deep sea, with endless pressure from all directions.

Especially on his back, it was like a thousand-pound burden was suddenly added, trying to press him down bit by bit.

"How could this little bit of pressure stump him?"

He roared in his heart, his eyes widened, bloodshot.

He looked up and stared at Kuina, gritted his teeth, trembled his legs, and slowly moved forward step by step. It took him more than ten minutes to cover these few meters.

Kuina glanced at Zoro indifferently and continued to practice swinging the sword.

Kota once said to her

"In this world, although women are not as physically fit as men, the key to victory does not necessarily depend on strength. Sometimes skills and speed are also the key to victory. As long as you kill the enemy before your physical strength is exhausted, you will win."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but speed up her sword swing.

Kuina's look deeply stimulated Zoro. He raised his head and stared at Kuina with high morale.

"I must surpass her."

Although I don't know what's going on in this place, I should be able to become stronger soon if I can train in this kind of environment!

Relaxing and taking a deep breath, he slowly squatted down, supported himself with his hands and did push-ups.

Since standing is difficult, he might as well train while lying on his stomach.

Kota looked at Zoro, whose face was ferocious due to excessive force, and could only say that this amazing willpower was worthy of Zoro.

If ordinary people entered his space domain, let alone training, I'm afraid they would not even be able to lie on their stomachs, and could only lie flat.

This space is his space domain, and he can now control the domain to extend outward to a radius of five meters.

Within this space range, the more layers extending outward, the stronger the control, and the space can be compressed to achieve pressurization, and of course it can also be decompressed to the point of flying.


"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, ten thousand."

Kota silently recited the numbers in his mind and stopped.


He bent his legs slightly, pushed up, and threw the barbell aside, splashing dust.

Then he used both hands to jump upside down and landed steadily next to the barbell.

Looking at Zoro who had fainted from exhaustion, he picked up the sweat towel on the barbell plate, wiped the sweat from his face, and put away the domain.

Kuina, who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly felt her whole body lighten, knowing that Kota had finished training.

She quickly picked up the bamboo swords on her legs, stood up, and said to Kota

"Kota, let's start today's sparring!"

"Wait, wake up Zoro first."

As the domain dissipated, Zoro's breathing gradually stabilized.

But judging from his appearance, he might not wake up for a while, so Kota had to help.

Kota casually hung a sweat towel around his neck, walked in front of Zoro, bent down and grabbed the clothes on the back of his neck, and lifted him up, like a sleepy green-haired cat.

Then he turned and walked towards the stream not far away.

Kuina looked at the direction Kota was walking, and already knew what he was going to do.

She hurriedly trotted to catch up.

"Kota, he will definitely challenge you later."

"No, I will tell him that you did it."

Sora turned to look at Kuina and deliberately joked

"It doesn't matter anyway, he can't possibly beat me."

Kuina looked at Zoro's confident face.

Of course, she had reason to be confident. In the entire Ximoshiki Village, her swordsmanship was recognized by everyone except her father.

"You can't underestimate Sauron. His willpower and determination are not inferior to yours."

"After spending time together today, I can certainly feel his determination and see his beast-like willpower."

Kuina stared at Kota and said firmly:"I! But I promised you that I would be determined to become the world's strongest female swordsman. Only in this way can I always, always be by your side!"

After hearing what Kuina said, Kota was stunned.

For so many years, it was Master Koshiro and Kuina who took care of him like a family member, and gradually erased his confusion, hesitation, and fear.

This trust and bond was so clear at this moment.

"Yes! This is not an anime world, this is a living world with flesh and blood, ideals, and dreams."

He had been trying to integrate into this world in the past, but he always felt that something was missing. Now he knows that what is missing is the bond.

Only when he has a bond, a home, and a spiritual belonging in this world can he completely integrate into this world, otherwise he will always be a lonely ghost.

At this moment, he clearly felt that there was a kind of power surging from the bottom of his heart, breaking through the realm he had always wanted to enter but could not.

He closed his eyes gently, and his spirit radiated outward. At this moment, he could feel that the whole world seemed to come alive.

The creek, the woods, the birdsong, the ocean, the clouds, the sunshine, everything was so vivid.

"Is this the realm of a swordsman?"

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

This sudden realization made him laugh out loud involuntarily, and the sound echoed throughout the back mountain, startling the birds flying all over the mountain.

His emotion infected Kuina next to him. She looked at Kota and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

Although she didn't know why Kota suddenly laughed, she could feel from his laughter that Kota was now happier than ever before. This kind of happiness was something Kota had never experienced before. Koshiro, who was meditating on a straw mat in the front yard of the sword hall, heard the laughter coming from the backyard, and his eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, suddenly widened a little.

""It seems that this child has finally untied his knot," he nodded, with a smile on his face.

Then he pondered for a while, stood up and walked out.

"It looks like this kid will have to go to sea in a few years, so I have to prepare a gift for him."

Kota stopped laughing, looked at the stream in front of him, swung his right hand back, and then threw forward with force, throwing Zoro out.

"Go away."

Zoro drew a not-so-graceful arc in the air, and fell into the water with a"plop!".

As soon as he fell into the water, Zoro woke up. He struggled and roared loudly."Who, who threw me into the water? Cough cough! Cough cough cough!!"

Looking at Zoro who was struggling randomly, Kota turned his head and smiled at Kuina,"Look at him, doesn't he look like a drowned dog?"

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

Kuina placed her hands on Kota's right shoulder and said nothing, but her slightly narrowed eyes and her trembling shoulders betrayed her.

"Damn it! You just wait for me."

Zoro glared at the two people on the shore angrily.

Kota straightened up and looked at Kuina, then turned to look at Zoro with a smile,"Okay, come up and continue training!" After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the training ground with Kuina.

Looking at the two figures going away, Zoro slapped the water with both hands, splashing water everywhere. He vented for a while, then walked towards the shore.

"Hey! Wait for me."

The voice drifted far away.

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