Outside the mountain.

Kota waited for a while, but didn't see the golden lion come out.

He couldn't help but shout at the mountain:"Hey! Old man, you are not going to be a coward, are you?" He could feel the old man's breath, and it didn't weaken at all! He was just a little out of breath.

Could it be that he was really too old and couldn't fight with a young man like him for a while!

At this moment, suddenly a momentum much stronger than Kota's domineering aura rose from the giant mountain in front.


Feeling this momentum, Kong Tai frowned.

"How could the old guy still be able to burst out with the domineering aura?"

Suddenly, the giant mountain cracked in the middle, and a huge crescent-shaped golden slash rushed out from it, slashing fiercely towards Kota.

Kota quickly slashed out the same slash.


The two slashes entangled with each other, quickly rushed into the air, and disappeared.

The golden lion's golden hair danced wildly, and slowly rose into the sky from the crack of the giant mountain.

With his appearance, a more powerful domineering aura swept across the world in an instant.

Everyone on the only giant island above them, except Indigo, all had white eyes and were stunned.

Kota, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt even stronger

"Is this the top of the world? It's really scary!"

He resisted the domineering aura of the golden lion and burst out with his domineering aura.


It was as if the sound of space breaking came from the collision of the two domineering auras.

Purple lightning flashed all around.

Under the mental pressure, Kota looked up at the golden lion floating in the air, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

It seemed that this old guy was really going to fight him to the death, and he actually pulled the rudder.

No wonder he could burst out with domineering aura, it seemed to be a last gasp!

The golden lion floated in the air, smoking leisurely.

After pulling off the rudder, his spirit suddenly became much better.

He casually tore off a piece of clothes from his body and bandaged the wound on his head randomly to prevent him from bleeding to death so quickly.

His current state is no longer as violent and arrogant as before, but has become very gentle.

At least from the breath, it has become gentle.

"Is he stupid?"

Korata stared at the golden lion, a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

The gentle golden lion has never appeared before!

The golden lion stared at Kota below, as if he was staring at a piece of peerless jade, and the admiration in his eyes became even stronger.

This guy only admires the strong.

When he was suppressed by Kota, he already knew that his life should come to an end today.

Since he has reached the end, what is there to hesitate about? Of course, he has to fight with all his strength.

Even though he knew that his life would begin to count down after the rudder was pulled off.

But we can't let this silver-haired kid look down on us, can we?

Who is he?

He is the golden lion!

He stared at Kota and showed his signature laugh, but this time the laugh didn't have as much hostility as before.

"Hahahaha! Little brat, I recognize you. I, Shiki the Golden Lion, am willing to call you a strong man."

Kota stared at the Golden Lion, confused for a moment,"Is this old guy completely crazy for pulling off the rudder?"

He put his right hand on the hilt, as if ready to draw the sword at any time, staring at the Golden Lion and shouting

"Old man, are you crazy or what? If you don't come, I will come."

""Hahahaha! Come on! Little ghost, let me show you what the top combat power of the sea is."

He held the knife in both hands, and slashed at Kota with his right hand.


A crescent-shaped, golden giant slash flew towards Kota at high speed.

Kota pushed his feet hard on the ground, and with a"whoosh" sound, he quickly faced the golden slash and drew his sword to slash away.

""Shave - Draw the Sword!"


His blade and the golden slash collided fiercely.

Then he was pushed backwards by the slash, and it didn't stop until it was several dozen meters away.

He exerted force with his arms, stared at the slash and changed its direction, flying upwards.

Kota looked up at the golden lion in surprise.

"Very strong."

It's totally different from before.

The previous slash of the Golden Lion was strong, but his was not weak either!

He felt that if he had not directly blocked it with his sword, but with a flying slash, his slash would have been shattered in an instant.

The power of the two is completely different.

Sensing Kota's surprise at its first appearance, the Golden Lion smiled heroically.


"Little brat, don't you want me to die? Come quickly."

After such a long time, he had already discovered that this little brat was fighting him with his beast-like body and unparalleled observation Haki.

However, these factors were of no use to a swordsman like him. In addition, this little brat had very little combat experience.

Although Kota was growing rapidly in the battle with him, he had just gone out to sea after all, and was not good enough to face him now. Kota stared at the golden lion, sheathed his sword, and quickly drew his sword.

""Iai·Draw the Sword!"

A huge silver-grey slash flew towards the golden lion.

Although he knew that the golden lion's slash was not comparable to the previous one, he still wanted to test the difference.

The golden lion laughed and shattered Kota's slash with a casual knife.

"The slash is too scattered and not solid enough."

He paused for a moment, then continued:"You should be more clever, instead of just using brute force. This kind of slash is too crude. When you meet a strong man, it will be like your domineering aura, which will break at the touch. You should effectively control your breath, then compress the slash, and finally slash out a flying slash."

As he said this, he swung a knife at Kota.


A half-moon shaped golden slash flew from the hand of Golden Lion.

Kota quickly used the method that Golden Lion had just taught him to slash out an equally huge half-moon shaped silver-gray slash.

This time, his slash actually stalemated with Golden Lion's slash for a while before being cut off by Golden Lion's slash.

Looking at the Zanpa in his hand, Kota already knew the state of Golden Lion.

From the moment he pulled out the rudder, this guy knew that he was going to die.

Then, the old guy's brain circuit was unknown, and he had some whimsical ideas.

He wanted to keep his things in this world as much as possible.

It is also possible that he saw Kota's potential and identity as a pirate, and wanted to train another powerful pirate for the world before he died.

So the old guy taught Kota his strongest slash.

The power of this old guy's"Zanpa" in its heyday, It is enough to cut through hundreds of kilometers of sea surface.

How powerful it is.

In the past, Kota would definitely not be able to cut through such a long distance.

And these top swordsman's slashing moves cannot be learned in Isshin Dojo. Only by constantly fighting with top masters can one figure out his own slashing moves.

Just like the old guy said, his slashing moves are actually the brute force of his monster-like body. They are scattered and have no technical content.

Of course, he is very powerful when encountering small fry, but when he encounters a real master, his slashing moves are useless. His slashing moves can't even cut through the other person's armed color defense.

Now that he knew the old guy's plan, Kota didn't say anything.

He instantly appeared beside the old guy and drew his sword to slash.

The Golden Lion laughed:"Kid, your speed is very fast, but your reaction is too slow."

A flash of red light appeared in his eyes, and he cut Kota in half with his sword.

Then he turned the blade slightly, and with an extremely tricky blow, he cut Kota on the back of his sword.

Kota was instantly frozen.

The fight between the strong can actually end at this moment.

However, the Golden Lion did not take the opportunity to attack again, but stared at Kota and said loudly:"Kid, the farther the observation Haki is emitted, the better. You must learn to master it. When you have mastered all the observation Haki inch by inch, and can move the sword as your heart desires, then you can truly be called a strong man."

Kota stood not far away and stared at the Golden Lion.

He said fiercely:"Old man, you are addicted to being a teacher!"

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