As the giant dragon-headed sailboat gradually approached, everyone on the dock stopped what they were doing and looked over.

"This boat is too big!"

"Yes! I haven't seen such a big ship for a long time."

"Hey, there seems to be a face on the bow."

"Yes, such a big face is very strange! Is it a kite?"

"It's too far to see what it is."


The sea breeze in the early morning could not blow away the whispers of the people on the dock. They looked at the approaching ship with curiosity. The dragon-headed sailboat was too big and had too deep a draft to enter the harbor, so it could only stop outside the harbor.

At this time, a small boat could be seen slowly lowered from the big ship, and the big face that was previously at the bow of the boat gently jumped off the big ship.


The whole boat could be seen to be violently up and down, as if it was about to capsize, but fortunately, the boat finally stubbornly stabilized.

Behind him, several people wearing the same black robe came down the ladder one after another.

When they got closer, everyone could see clearly that the thing was really a person. Her whole face was as big as the bow of the boat. Except for her face, the rest of her body was covered in a black robe. She was estimated to be more than four meters tall.

From the face exposed, you can see long and thick eyelashes and an exaggerated big mouth. Her eyes and lips were painted with light blue eyeshadow and purple lip gloss respectively.

The kids who were moving fish in the cabin with Solonkubi heard the noise outside, put down their work, and rushed out to watch the fun.

Ah Hua lay on the guardrail, pointed at the boat rowing towards them in surprise and said,"Did you see the guy with the oversized face?"

"Yeah! This is the first time I’ve seen someone like that," Ah Tao responded with her eyes wide open.

Ah Luo then added,"Look, that boat is also super big"

"Uh-huh……"The other friends nodded.


Zoro came out of the cabin carrying a tuna bigger than himself on his shoulders, followed by Kubi with a fish basket in each hand.

He first looked around and didn't see Kota and the others, so he shouted to Ahua and the others,"Have you seen Kota and Kuina?"

"At the stern."

At this time, Ah Hua turned his head and pointed at the sea excitedly and said loudly to Zoro:"Zoro, look at the big-faced monster."

Zoro followed the direction of his finger, glanced, and lost interest.


"What are you doing?" Zoro turned and stared at Kota and the others who were coming from behind.

"Haven't you always wanted to know my strength? I'll show you today."

Zoro looked at Kota's excited expression and was full of doubts. He had never felt Kota so excited in the past year.

"As for me, I haven't fought much since I broke through. When I went to see my master, he always didn't try his best."

Korata turned around and said excitedly to Iku next to him,"Today I can finally try my best to see how strong I am. Uncle Iku, please protect them later." He looked at Ah Hua and the others.

"Hey! Sorata, stop looking down on us. We don't need protection!"

"Yes, we are very strong too!"

The little ghosts were dancing and shouting, and Luo even jumped out and showed off his muscles.

"Shut up! You little brats, the one on the other side is not something you can handle."

At this time, Yiku suddenly shouted with a change of expression.

When he saw that face, he felt like he had seen it somewhere before. He couldn't see it clearly before because it was too far away. Now that he was closer and saw it clearly, he finally remembered it.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Iku's face suddenly change, Kota asked knowingly

"I remembered"


"I remember who that big face was."

"Who is it?"

Everyone looked at Yiku curiously, waiting for his answer.

Yiku took a long puff of his cigarette, then said seriously:"If I think it's correct, that person should be the legendary person in recent years."

"Legendary people"

"Well! It is said that he has excellent medical skills and has saved people who doctors thought were hopeless and countries on the verge of death, leaving behind the"legend of salvation". The strongest demon king in history, Ambrio Ivankov"

"What? You're a doctor."

Just then Ah Hua pushed his glasses and said excitedly,"Speaking of which, Shemale King, what exactly is a shemale?" He was obviously more interested in shemales.

"Hmm... shemale... how to say it? It should be a half-human, half-demon!"

A Luo nodded, touched his chin with his right hand, and showed an understanding expression.



Yi Ku raised his pipe and hit them one by one,"Don't interrupt, little guys." A

Luo and A Hua quickly stood up and bowed and said,"Smith Marseille."

Yi Ku paused for a few seconds, squinted his eyes and continued,"Don't just treat him as an ordinary doctor. He is a man who has been offered a reward of 85.3 million berries by the navy."

"85.3 million?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and everyone stood still. They didn't take the ladyboy, the doctor, etc. seriously. But 85.3 million, they still knew what such a reward meant, because the highest reward in the East China Sea was only about 20 million berries.

Kota knew from the beginning that it was the ladyboy king, Ambrio Ivankov.

He was so excited because he knew who it was. The other party would not attack civilians, and his strength was strong enough, so he could attack without scruples, and he could even turn it into a misunderstanding afterwards.

Hmm...! The plan worked.

A gust of sea breeze blew, and the still picture suddenly came alive, and then a noise sounded.

"Are you kidding me, Kota, are you going to fight a monster like this?"

"Yes, even if you are Kota, there is no way you can defeat a monster of 85.3 million!"


"Okay, stop arguing, it's not a fight to the death, I'm just going to spar with him."

Looking at the noisy kids, he explained in a relaxed tone.

Then he looked at Kuina and said,"Kuina, lend me the Wado Ichimonji."

Kuina tightened her left hand holding the knife, and looked at Kota with a little worry.

He saw Kuina's worry, stretched out his right hand and covered her head, and a gentle voice sounded,"Kuina, no one can hurt me as long as I don't want to."

Yes! No one can hurt Kota, Kuina slowly relaxed, took off the knife from her waist, and handed it to Kota

"Kota, try your best! I also want to know the gap between us"


His voice was firm and powerful. Kota took the knife, raised it in front of him with his left hand, held the handle with his right hand, and slowly pulled it out a section. The blade and the scabbard rubbed against each other

, making a crisp sound.


Wado Ichimonji is one of the twenty-one swords. The handle and scabbard are white, simple and plain, and it is a hidden sword. According to Tenguyama Hichetsu, this sword was made by Shimotsuki Kozaburo together with Enma.

"Good sword."

Kota gently sheathed the sword.


Then he took off the ordinary sword that was originally hanging on his left waist, threw it to Kuina, and explained,"This sword can't withstand my full-strength swing."

Then he hung the Wado Ichimonji on his waist, looked up at Kuina and Zoro, turned around and jumped out of the boat with his left hand holding the sword.

Zoro quickly dropped the fish, ran to the side of the boat with Kuina, lay on the guardrail, and looked at Kota running on the sea.

Behind Ivankov, a young man wearing a rabbit ear hat who was paddling the boat hard, suddenly looked at the front in surprise.

"Hey, look, there's a man running towards us on the sea."


A big slap was given to his head. Another young man behind him cursed: Yifu, what are you dreaming about in broad daylight? Who the hell can run on the sea? If anyone can run on the sea, I will eat the oar on the spot.

After a few seconds, he suddenly found that the surroundings had become quiet.

He quickly stopped what he was doing, followed the gaze of the crowd, and looked forward. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his eyeballs bulged out.


There really was a person running on the sea.

Yifu turned his head and looked at him with a proud laugh,"See! You know what you just said!"

Then he handed the oar to him.

The young man behind him quickly put away his expression, turned his neck around in confusion, looked at Nan Nan and said to himself,"What, what did I just say?"

"Well... nothing to say." He became more and more determined as he spoke, nodding his head seriously and looking at Yifu.

Yifu's hands holding the oars were shaking, and he looked at him in surprise and sighed,"You are so shameless."

"Thank you for the compliment"

"Shut up"

""Yes, Lord Ivan."

While the two were bickering, Ivankov had already noticed Kota and she frowned slightly.

"Are you okay, Ms. Ivan?"

"It's okay, Lightning, I just saw an interesting boy."

I saw a woman behind Ivankov, also wearing a black robe, wearing orange-blue glasses on her forehead, with a hairstyle similar to the"club blossom" on a playing card, half of her hair was orange on the left and half was white on the right, and there was a lightning scar on her forehead from her right eye.

She looked forward calmly and gently, with her right hand straight and palm facing down, and her left hand gracefully shook the red wine glass in her hand and said

"It's amazing that he can actually run on water."

She raised her glass and took a sip."Ms. Ivan, it seems that this boy is coming for us."

"What should we do... What should we do? They are coming for us!"

Ivankov suddenly bent his legs and trembled all over, and shouted with his mouth wide open.

"Sir Ivan, are you okay?" Seeing Ivankov like this, Yifu shouted worriedly.

"Talent, talent, talent……"

Ivankov's shaky body suddenly turned 180 degrees, and he raised his hands high,"I'm not afraid."

Yifu and the others on the boat laughed and applauded crazily.

"It turns out I'm not afraid!"

"I got fooled again!"

"Ha ha……"

Lightning stood aside, watching them with a smile on her face.

She was not nervous at all about the upcoming Sorata, after all, this was the East Sea, the weakest sea.

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