Kota looked at the three guys with amusement.

He turned around and took out the remaining white devil fruit from the box in Indigo's hand.

Seeing Kota's action, Luo and the other two paused and stared at Kota curiously.

A trace of desire flashed in Ahua's eyes. Seeing Luo's changes, he was the most anxious person on the ship.

In the past, he and Luo were competing to see who was more incompetent. Now that Luo has taken off, he also wants to become stronger!

Otherwise, he will be ridiculed by Luo every day in the future.

Kota glanced between Ahua and Tao.

He could clearly feel Ahua's nervousness, while Tao had a nonchalant attitude.

He looked down at the white fruit in his hand, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

This fruit might be useless. It is not like the ant. He can clearly feel that it has great potential.

As for the"rabbit fruit", he really doesn't know what the strong point is.

As for the red-eyed rabbit, violent or something, this is purely his guess.

If they don't have special abilities after eating the fruit, then it's better not to eat it!

At least if you don't eat it, you won't be afraid of seawater. Eating this thing won't increase your strength much, and you'll have an absolutely fatal weakness.

This is a bit uneconomical!

Looking at Ah Hua's eager eyes, he made up his mind and decided to leave it to him.

He didn't give it to Ah Tao because Ah Tao was the strongest of the three. He was also the most patient and powerful one.

"Ah Hua, it's up to you to decide whether to eat this fruit or not."

Kota looked at Ah Hua and said seriously,"It's possible that this is a very useless fruit, or it's possible that it's a very powerful fruit as I guessed.""

"What's your decision?"

Looking at Kongta's serious eyes and feeling the provocative look from Luo, Ahua didn't hesitate too much.

He said firmly:"I want to eat it."

For ordinary people, the devil fruit is an unattainable treasure.

But for him, it is now within his reach.

There is nothing to hesitate about. Even if it is a very useless fruit, can it be more useless than he is now?


Staring at Ahua's determined eyes, Kota threw the rabbit fruit in his hand to him.

"Now that you have made a decision, eat it quickly!"

Everyone looked at Ahua expectantly.

Especially A Luo, he had personally experienced the unforgettable taste of the devil fruit.

He felt sick just thinking about it.

Looking at the white fruit in his hand, Ahua thought about A Luo's previous miserable state, and a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Then his eyes behind the lenses kicked, and a fierce aura emanated from his body.

He looked at the rabbit fruit as if he was looking at an enemy.

He opened his mouth fiercely and swallowed the rabbit fruit in his hand into his mouth in one bite.

Then he swallowed hard in his throat, and finally he was almost suffocated by the rabbit fruit and swallowed it into his stomach.

Everyone around was shocked by Ahua's coquettish operation.

A Luo looked at Ahua, his face full of regret, tears flowing in his heart.

Why didn't he know... He swallowed it in one gulp!

Now thinking about it, it was like he was eating shit. After a few bites, he felt nauseous.

Kota looked at this guy in shock.

Isn't this the same routine as Buggy accidentally eating a devil fruit?

It's amazing!

Only someone with Ah Hua's fat physique could eat such a big fruit in one bite.

The moment Ah Hua ate the fruit, he turned into a fat white rabbit.

He stood there with bloodshot eyes and a very strong aura of chaos emanating from his body. He seemed to be enduring something and his whole body was shaking.

Kota looked at Ah Hua and seemed to understand something, and quickly asked everyone to step back.

This guy seemed to be unable to control himself. Judging from the aura, it was indeed a violent aura of chaos.

It was more than ten times stronger than before.

It seems that he has done it again. He guessed it right this time. It was really the favor of the goddess of luck.

He could even pick this up.

Looking at the rabbit that Ah Hua turned into, he couldn't help but smile.

This rabbit is obviously an extremely powerful fruit. I don't know why it is regarded as a garbage fruit.

Could it be that the illustration is wrong? Rabbits are also divided into different species.

And Ah Luo's ants are obviously not ordinary ants.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but give a big thumbs up to Golden Lion in his heart.

What a good master!

Not only did he teach him a lot of domineering swordsmanship techniques, but he also gave him a doctor with superb medical skills.

In the end, even the navigator was solved.

Now even the"rabbit fruit" that he thought was the most useless is a powerful animal-type fruit.

Looking at him gradually controlling himself, the violent aura on his body Ahua disappeared.

Everyone gathered around and looked at Ahua with curiosity, waiting for his explanation.

Ahua looked at everyone's expectant eyes and proudly changed back to human form.

But his current form was a bit eye-catching.

A fat and strong man actually had two rabbit ears.

And on his originally fat butt, there was a fat and fluffy rabbit tail.

This would be fine if it was on a beautiful girl.

But it was a bit abnormal for a strong man to have these on him.

Feeling the strange looks of everyone looking at him, Ahua showed confusion on his face.

He lowered his head and looked at his body.

It wasn't until he saw the tail on his butt that he suddenly realized it.

Then his face quickly turned red, and he was so embarrassed that he ran into the kitchen as quickly as a rabbit.

"With a"bang", the door closed.

Seeing Ah Hua running away in a panic, everyone burst into laughter.

Among them, Ah Luo laughed the loudest.

He fell to his knees, slapping the deck with his four hands, laughing so hard that he was out of breath. Kota held back his laughter and looked at everyone.

""Okay, okay, stop laughing. It's just a rabbit's tail. What's so funny about it?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but bent over and covered his stomach and laughed.


Ah Hua, who was behind the cabin door, listened to the laughter outside, his face turned red as if blood was about to drip out.

He took a deep breath.

He turned his head to look at the kitchen, and suddenly saw the refrigerator. Then an idea flashed in his mind, and he thought of something.

He quickly put away the awkwardness in his heart, and quickly rushed to the refrigerator. He opened the refrigerator and began to rummage through it.

After a while, he took out a bag of carrots from the refrigerator.

He stared at the carrots in his hand for a while, then turned to the stove, put on his chef's hat, tied an apron, and quickly started cooking.

The people outside heard the movement in the kitchen and thought that this guy was turning his shame and anger into appetite!

They stopped laughing and were about to go up and knock on the door.

The kitchen door suddenly opened from the inside.

Ah Hua was holding a plate, and his face no longer had any shame or awkwardness.

He walked up to Kota generously, raised the plate excitedly, and handed it to Kota

""Sora. Come and try my new cooking ingredients."

Everyone looked at Ah Hua in bewilderment.

Was this guy so ashamed and angry that he really thought he was a rabbit! It turned out to be a carrot dish.

Sora looked at Ah Hua's excited expression and the smile on his face disappeared.

He could clearly feel Ah Hua's excitement at the moment, which was an excitement like discovering a huge treasure.

He looked down at the carrots on the plate in front of him, solemnly took one and looked at it carefully.

Hmm! It was no different from an ordinary carrot.

He didn't think much about it, and brought it to his mouth, and took a bite.


With just one bite, he showed an extremely shocked expression on his face. This was the second time he had such an expression today.

He looked at the carrot in his hand, raised his head and looked at Ah Hua with shining eyes, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Is this the power of a devil fruit?"


Ah Hua nodded repeatedly.

Seeing the excited expressions of Kota and Ah Hua, the others noticed something.

They all reached out to take a carrot from the plate in Ah Hua's hand and started eating.


"No way!"

Tao and Luo looked at Hua with red faces.

With this thing, they will become strong in the future.

Indigo was even more shocked.

He didn't know how many ups and downs he had experienced today.

He looked at the carrot in his hand and mourned for the golden lion again.

Even Kuina showed a rare shocked expression after eating the carrot.

This carrot is not a carrot, but their potion and food to become strong.

Because this thing can actually restore physical strength quickly.

With this, they can train to their heart's content in the space field of Kongtai.

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