“Wow, Lord Vice Admiral, this is the first time I’ve seen this kind of country, and it can be joined into a kingdom with dozens of warships!”

Nami looked at the spectacular scene in front of her and said with a look of amazement.

“The Kingdom of Jerma does not have a fixed territory, so this kind of sea kingdom composed of ship decks should be regarded as a unique wonder!”

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, and after a moment of contemplation, he turned his head to look at the vine tiger on the side and said:

“Smile, I’ll go up by myself in a while, you stay on the ship, once you notice that Jerma has any bad behavior, you can directly attack!”

Since Gu Yina has recently gained some insight in kendo,

It seems that suddenly the threshold reaches the level of Jianhao.

So Peach Rabbit did not accompany this time,

Instead, he stayed in the training camp to take care of Gu Yina.

Ain handled the backlog of military affairs for Zhang Yang at the headquarters of the Navy.

Nicole Robin is still in charge of finding Zow.

So at this time, the masters on the warship are obviously somewhat inadequate.

In the face of forces like the Vince Mock family with “artificial soldiers” who are not afraid of death,

Zhang Yang had to prepare for the worst in advance.

“Lieutenant General, please rest assured, with the old man here, there will be no problem!”

Fuji Hu said extremely confidently.

Zhang Yang nodded,

Then he landed on the “territory” of the kingdom of Djerma

“Hahaha, I really didn’t expect that Vice Admiral Candle Dragon, who made the whole world look at it, is so young, what a young hero, and really deserves to be the brightest rising star of the Navy!”

Although Kaji had a fake smile on his face and pretended to be very appreciative.

But apart from Lei Jiu,

Other members of the Vince Mock family,

They were all wearing combat uniforms,

And there is always a vigilant look in his eyes.

What is in mind speaks for itself.

I am afraid that I have already guessed the intention of this trip.

“Let’s skip this part of the pleasantries and go straight to the point!”

Zui Jiao arched a disdainful sneer, looked directly at Kaji with a sharp gaze, and said lightly:

“Djerma’s secret collusion has been exposed, and as a member of the world government, this kind of move is absolutely not allowed!”

“Marshal of the Warring States wants you to understand that the headquarters of the Navy will definitely not sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing, if the Vince Mock family continues to insist on going their own way and does not stop the dangerous actions at present… The Kingdom of Djerma may be completely eradicated!”

Now that the purpose of this voyage is to “intimidate” the Vince Mock family,

Then Zhang Yang naturally will not leave any face for the other party.

He didn’t care what method Kaji used to regain the position of the first brother of the North Sea.

But if the other party wants to achieve the goal by uniting with the pirates,

He didn’t allow it at the first time.

A monarch of a country,

Unexpectedly reduced to relying on the power of pirates to return to the peak,

Such a move is really sad and ridiculous.

“Bastard, who do you think you are, dare to talk to our father like that!”

At the same time that Zhang Yang’s voice fell,

The three brothers Iji, Neji and Yuji suddenly stopped working.

The three of them have long looked at Zhang Yang unfavorably

Now it’s just a good time to borrow a hand.

“Spark Roundabout!”

“Winch thump!”

“Electric shock flying feet!”

The three figures of red, green, and blue instantly attacked Zhang Yang at a speed that was difficult for his eyes to reach.


A smug sneer appeared in Zui Jiao,

Although Gaji is also a little afraid of the ostentatious “prestige”,

But as a hegemon,

How can there be no temper without a little temper.

Tagaji also wants face.

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Now it’s just time for his three sons to rub their vigor.

However, the smile on his face has not yet had time to bloom,

He froze in the next second.


After a low muffled sound.

The scene of blood flying did not appear,

Zhang Yang still stood in place.


“This… How is this possible?”

Everyone in the Vince Mock family was immediately shocked.

The attack of the three of Iji,

They didn’t even cause any damage to Zhang Yang.

“Having this level of armed domineering at a young age… Are the rumors true?”

The face instantly became extremely solemn,

A look of fear gradually appeared under Gaji’s eyes.

“Vince Mock Gaji, is this your choice?”

A sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes, and Zhang Yang asked with a sneer.

“Abominable! Look down on people less!”

Before Kaji could answer,

The three Iji brothers, who were directly ignored by Zhang Yang, launched a second attack with a hideous expression.

“You three… Stop it, you’ll die!”

Just when the three rushed towards Zhang Yang again, Lei Jiufei, whose face changed drastically, stepped forward and wanted to stop the three younger brothers who were “dead”.

But Zhang Yang, who was standing in place, made a move.


The bold figure flashed away, as if it disappeared in an instant.

Next second.




Before the three Isi brothers could react, they had already flown out upside down and smashed heavily into the castle in the distance.

“What… You…”

A look of anger appeared on his face,

Kaji was about to say something.

But the next second,

His neck was already pinched by Zhang Yang, who suddenly appeared in front of him at an unknown time.

The burly figure like a lion was directly lifted in the air.

Even wearing a combat suit that can give him strength beyond the limits of human beings,

But Kaji still couldn’t shake the big hand that was pinched around his neck.

“Vince Mock Gaji, tell me, is this your choice?”

Zhang Yang said with cold eyes.

Looking into Gaji’s eyes,

It’s like looking at a dead dog.

“No… No…”

Gaji was afraid.

He was really afraid.

The man in front of him is like death at this moment,

And it has long completely coincided with the rumored figure.

Mad Dog Candle Dragon!

There is nothing in this world that he does not dare to do!

There is only one way to die if you offend this man!

Gaji struggled to beg for mercy.

But Zhang Yang didn’t seem to want to give him such a chance,

There is no intention of letting go.

“Live… Stop, we won’t contact you anymore, and ask Lieutenant General Candle Dragon to spare my father!”

Lei Jiu exclaimed with a complicated expression. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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