The warship returns to the kingdom of Djerma.

The smiling Kaji and the complex-looking Lei Jiu were waiting there early.

Zhang Yang directly refused Gaji’s eager invitation to the banquet.

After Lei Jiu boarded the ship,

So he went back to sail.

However, Kaji did not feel angry at all.

Instead, an eager light rose in his eyes.

In his opinion,

Zhang Yang chose to accept Lei Jiu,

The best sign of the two sides to resolve their previous suspicions.

As long as they hold this big rough hug,

The Kingdom of Djerma will one day regain its position as the overlord of the North Sea.


On the way back to Marin Fando.

Lei Jiu was always looking at Zhang Yang in the distance.

This man who has no mercy for his enemies and is as cold as Hell Shura,

But he is extremely approachable to his subordinates.

Handsome appearance, strong strength, restrained personality, and a strong charm that people can’t hope for a long time.

So to speak,

Lei Jiu had never seen a better young man than this man.

You’s red purity gradually arced a sense of xing. smile,

Although she was forced to board the ship on the orders of her father Gaji.

But compared to staying in the emotionless kingdom of Djerma,

To be able to follow such a man,

Seems like a better option.

Father Kaji finally did a “good thing” for her as a daughter

Lei Jiu looked forward to the next days.


Due to the involvement of the navy with Zhang Yang.

The Vince Mock family directly severed contact with the Vince Mock family.


Originally, she also planned to take the opportunity of this alliance,

Directly annexed the kingdom of Djerma.

And then with the “clone soldier” technology in their hands,

For “BIG· MOM Pirates” and Wanguo provide a large number of high-quality troops,

Even to save the passive situation they are in now.

However, this perfect plan was ruined by the bastard.

BIG· MOM called directly,

It’s just that the timid Gaji didn’t dare to take it at all.

“Abominable, Candle Dragon imp… And that fool, you dare to join forces to tease me, I must crush your corpses with my own hands!”

An angry BIG· MO screamed.

The huge burn marks on the right half of his face became more and more hideous.

The terrifying sound wave mixed with the powerful overlord color overlord color burst out.

The ground around them began to crack inches.

In addition to the three generals and several other powerful children,

On the faces of other Charlotte family members,

They all showed different levels of pain and fear.

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Some of the weak,

He fell directly to the ground and fainted.

“Mom, if we leave the New World now, I am afraid that all nations will be occupied by those with ulterior motives, and at the same time, we are likely to be attacked by the Navy headquarters!”

Katakuri dissuaded with a worried look.

His words were directly echoed by everyone.

BIG· MOM had to give up on the idea he had just had.

The lesson of the last time was profound enough for her.

She didn’t want to see the nations she had built with her own hands burned down like this.

So you can only endure!

It’s just that I thought of suffering several big losses in Zhang Yang’s hands one after another,


“Damn, Candle Dragon, you damn bastard, the old lady swears to crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces!”

The terrifying strange sound reappeared.

The huge palace shook with it.


Half a month later.

Marlene Fando.

When Zhang Yang slowly put down the phone worm in his hand, Zui’s horn was already greatly curved.

At the moment he is happy.

Because the call for help came from Dressrosa.

As for why Violet, the daughter of King Riku 3, waited until now to send out a request for help to the navy,

This is not important at all in Zhang Yang’s view.

All he needed was a call for help from the Dressrosa royal family.

So he had a reason to do something reasonable to Doflamingo.

“Ain, immediately notify the whole assembly, let’s go to Dressrosa to fight that bastard of Doflamingo!”

Ain’s beautiful eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

But she knew that her family general had been preparing to attack Doflamingo a long time ago.

It’s just that I’ve been struggling with each other’s identity,

There is no reasonable excuse.

Without daring to delay in the slightest, Ain turned and left directly.

However, at the same time that Ain walked out of the office,

Nicole Robin, wearing a pure white ghost face on her face, walked in from outside.

“Lord Lieutenant General, good news, our people have finally found Zowu!”

Robin’s voice tinged with excitement.

The appearance of the Lord described to her by her subordinates on the phone turned out to be exactly the same as what Zhang Yang had said to her before.

In this way, Robin once again affirms the ostentatious “omniscience”

She enjoys her new identity.

Although I have to wear a ghost face every day,

But she doesn’t have to worry about being hunted down by the world government or some other pirate.

She can now sleep peacefully every night,

And then wake up beautifully.

With the support of the brazen,

Interpreting the text of history has not become as difficult as it once was.

Sometimes she thinks,

If you can meet Zhang Yang a few years earlier,

I’m afraid she won’t have to suffer such exhausting circumstances.

“Tell your men to follow the elephant lord, let’s go to Dressrosa first, and after solving the Doflamingo guy, we will go to Zow!”

Zhang Yang said with blazing eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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