The so-called “toy house”,

It is the sugar of the Don Quixote family cadre,

Toys turned into with the ability of childlike fruits,

A place where you must return every evening.

It is strictly forbidden for any human to enter!

It secretly imprisoned all the slaves and laborers that the Doflamingo family converted during this decade.

Although it hangs the name of [home],

But there wasn’t even half a bed for people to rest and sleep.

It’s just a passage to the underworld…

Every night, the toys have to work all night in the underground trading port.

Day after day, year after year.

And so on.

Princess Violet explained the situation of the toy house to Zhang Yang and Fuji Hu as she walked.

The guards who appeared from time to time around did not wait to strike,

All of them were mercilessly killed by Fuji Tiger.

As you can see,

This “blind man” with a sense of justice is really angry.

However, knowing the bravado of this “history”, there was not much anger on his face.

He does not pity the people of this country.

At the same time, he did not feel how innocent the suffering of the Riku royal family was.

10 years ago,

Doflamingo appeared in front of King Riku,

Threatened him with a huge sum of 10 billion Bailey in one day,

Otherwise, he will lead troops to capture Dressrosa.

At that time,

King Riku can fully inform the people,

And then rescue the world government or the navy.

But he didn’t.

He chose to believe Doflamingo, who was a pirate.

Pulling down this cowardly king actually pleaded with the people of Dressrosa,

Pay him all the cash around you,

So that he could scrape together enough to hand over the “ransom” to Doflamingo

Zhang Yang couldn’t figure it out,

Why is this stupid and incompetent act publicized as a concern for the safety of the people?

But he knew,

King Riku’s actions were exactly what Doflamingo had hoped for.

Next, Doflamingo “broke his word” without suspense.

Then he harnessed the ability of the thread fruit,

Control King Riku to kill.

Countless soldiers and civilians died under the sword of their former most beloved king.

That night, the whole of Dressrosa burst into flames.

Afterwards, the people began to feel disdain and resentment towards King Liku’s faintness.

Then Doflamingo appeared.

The people of Dressrosa are like King Riku,

He even chose to believe the words of this thief.

They supported Doflamingo’s overthrow of the regime and made him king.

And after the Liku royal family stepped down,

They were strongly despised and spurned.

It’s just that the good days of these stupid people did not last for a few days.


The vast majority of them were turned into dolls that could not speak and “absolutely obey orders” by sugar’s abilities.

After being amusing like a clown during the day,

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In the evening, I will also become a coolie,

Day and night, he moved goods in the underground trading port.

If Zhang Yang said that the tribulations that happened to the people of Dressrosa and King Riku were all caused by them, it might be a little cruel.

But that’s what it is.

So he didn’t have much sympathy for these people.

But as a navy,

He must restore justice and freedom to this country.



Inside the underground trading port.

Countless toy dolls are hard at work carrying huge cargo compartments.

Most of them had tired looks flashing in their eyes.

Some are stumbling, their bodies shaky, and it seems that they may die at any time.

It’s just that the members of the Don Quixote family, who are in charge of guarding, do not have the slightest look of pity on their faces.

These toy people are not people at all in their eyes.

It’s just some “obedient” labor tool.

Inside the cadre tower.

“Brother Torrepol, the toy house is under attack, the intruder is… Ahhh…”

There was a scream from the phone worm, and he was immediately hung up.

“Hehe, sugar, don’t worry, if the intruders have the ability to come here, you can turn them all into new dolls!”

“No one will pay attention to your existence, hahaha!”

Torrepol, who was in charge of protecting the sugar, said unconcernedly.

Although it is not common for intruders to appear,

But in these 10 years,

But it happened several times.

However, the result of each time is undoubtedly exceptional, the invaders are all turned into new toy dolls by sugar and join the labor team.

Everyone was deceived by her young appearance.

And his cooperation with granulated sugar can be said to be seamless.

So he’s not worried.

Yet the next second.


Including the sturdy cadre tower,

The entire underground trading port trembled.

The heavy iron door connected to the toy house,

Together with the guards in charge of guarding,

All of them were kicked out by someone.

The figures of Zhang Yang and the three immediately walked out of the darkness.

“What the hell happened?”

“Damn, how could the Navy be here?”

“Lord Torrepol, the intruders are two navies, and they seem to have kidnapped Miss Violet!”

“No, it should be that she betrayed the young master!”

“Abominable, vile navy!”

The guards of the Don Quixote family suddenly shouted in an atmosphere.

However, their reaction was diametrically opposite.

Toy dolls carrying goods,

Although they cannot control their bodies,

But he kept crying and praying in his heart.

“It’s the Navy … Please, get me out, I’m dying of exhaustion!”

“Abominous Doflamingo, our Navy guys have finally found out here!”

“God, if you can defeat the cadres of Don Quixote’s family, you will be my benefactor for life!”

“Come on, I don’t want to be a doll all my life!”

“Please let me change back to my original state, I will never be a pirate again in the future…”

“The Navy … Come on…… Please save us!! _

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