Duke Inuarashi looked solemnly at Zhang Yang on the other side.

Although the other party’s face was always covered with a harmless smile.

But he could clearly feel it,

A powerful coercive pressure shrouded the entire sky over Zou like a dark cloud.

“What is the purpose of Your Excellency’s coming to Zowu?”

Duke Inuarashi hesitated slightly, then slowly asked.

“I’m not here to ask for trouble, I just want to go to the whale forest and see the text of the history of the road sign’!”

Zhang Yang did not hide his true purpose.

Originally on the way to the island,

Nicole Robin had mentioned to him the proposal to “secretly sneak into the hinterland and then leave after printing the text of the signpost’s history”.

But he refused.

Whether it’s a fur family,

Or the Guangyue family with which it is broken,

In Zhang Yang’s view, they all have great use value.

There will be a reckoning of the grudge between him and Kaido.

And by that time,

The scheming world government will surely obstruct in every way.

Therefore, he must prepare in advance that other naval forces cannot support and participate in the war.

Then he needs to attract more forces to join his command.

The fur tribe and the vengeful Guangyue clan are two very good choices.

“What, you actually know about the ‘Red Stone’!”

Duke Inuarashi was immediately shocked.

To know that piece of the “signpost history text”,

But it has always been hidden in the most secret tree hole of the whale tree.

Except for a few insiders such as Inu Arashi and cat pit viper,

Even the other fur tribes who have been living in Zou are unaware of the existence of this “Red Stone”.

But how did the human in front of him know?

“I’m sorry, that ‘Red Stone’ is something that the fur tribe has guarded for generations, and I will definitely not let you go!”

At the same time as the words fell,

Duke Inuarashi had already drawn the long sword at his waist.

A crackling electric light instantly wrapped around the long sword.

The next second,

Its figure has already rushed towards Zhang Yang.

As a member of the sea who once followed Mitsuki Ota to the sea.

Duke Inuarashi had seen the madness and greed of pirates with his own eyes.

If the news of the “Red Stone” in Zou leaks out,

I’m afraid the fur people and the entire furry principality,

will face disaster.

So he had to deal with the intruder in front of him.


The deafening explosion resounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Inuran’s tall figure flew out at a speed far beyond when he came.

It smashed into the building on the side of the street

“This… This can’t be!”

Duke Inuran, who was covered in blood, struggled to get up.

The long sword in his hand had already broken by an inch.

The expression on his face was shocked beyond belief.

The human on the other side,

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Not only an absolute crush was made to him in strength,

At the same time, it ignores the electric attack that the fur tribe is proud of.

If it is not the other party to leave a hand,

I’m afraid that now he has long become a cold corpse.

Such a powerful force,

I’m afraid even Ota-sama is not an opponent!

Who the hell is he?

“Inuarashi, I’m not your enemy… On the contrary, I can also help you Red Sheath Nine!”

Zui’s corner curved slightly, and Zhang Yang said with deep meaning.

“You… What the hell are you… Why do you know my identity?”

Duke Inu Arashi was suddenly shocked and roared in shock.

However, Zhang Yang shook his head lightly and said lightly:

“This is not a good place to say this, if you want to know who I am, come with me to the whale forest, I will take the initiative to tell you when I get there!”

After speaking,

Zhang Yang ignored Inu Arashi, who was in sluggishness.

Take Nicole Robin and continue walking in the direction of the whale forest.


Duke Inuarashi’s face showed an annoyed look, but he was helpless.

His strength and Ben could not stop the ostentatious.

I had to hang my head and follow behind.


“Don’t blame me for not reminding you, the Whale Forest is a sacred place for our fur tribe, and any foreign clan who dares to approach will be bitten by the cat viper guy!”

When he was about to step into the whale forest, Inu Arashi suddenly opened his mouth with a worried expression.

Of course, he was not worried about Zhang Yang’s safety.

It’s reminding Zhang Yang in disguise,

There are people who guard here who don’t have a good temper,

Don’t kill him by mistake…


A feline roar came from deep within the forest.

“Gollum… Wow!!”

“Anyone who dares to invade Lao Tzu’s territory, don’t even think about running… They all have to die!”

At the top of the whale tree in the distance,

Several figures swept down quickly.

It is the night king cat viper and the “chivalry group” he is in charge of

Oh! Oh!

Pedro, the leader of the Chivalry Troupe, took the lead,

After drawing a graceful arc in mid-air,

With a pitch-black long sword with an armed color domineering entwined in his hand,

Slash down towards Zhang Yang.

Several other members of the Warrior Group also followed suit.

In the face of sudden attacks,

Zhang Yang zui. angle slightly arced,

Immediately a punch was thrown.


The water in the air was instantly compressed and stirred, and the visible shock wave spread rapidly from the right fist that Zhang Yang swung.

The figures of several members of the oncoming group instantly froze,

Then it flew upside down with difficulty in self-control.

Smashed heavily into the forest.

Are you looking down on the power of the fur tribe?”

A cat pit viper with a huge body and a hideous face and full of fangs fell from the sky. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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