“Hey, stinky woman, stop, did I let you go?”

Seeing that Nicole Robin ignored herself and followed the man at the door of the bar directly, Sachston was angry and chased out.

“Hahaha, that guy from Sackis was ignored by a woman?”

“Hee-hee, it’s really useless!”

“If Rami knows, his deputy captain’s position will definitely be replaced!”

“Wow, that woman is really daring!”

There was another burst of laughter in the bar.

Yet the next second.


The walls of the bar collapsed,

A bloody blurred figure slammed in.


See this scene.

All the pirates couldn’t help but gasp at the same time.

“Hey, that… It seems to be Saqis…”

“It’s impossible, he just went out, besides, he is a man with a bounty of 38 million berry, how could he be killed so easily?!!”

“Judging from that outfit, it’s Saqis right…”

“Oh my God, did that woman do it just now?”

“It’s terrifying, what the hell are those two people from!”

“Hehe, there is a good show to watch now, hyena Bellamy will definitely not let them go!”

Just when everyone was talking about it,

Already a pirate has gone to convince Bellamy.

“Sir, the Blackbeard gang you asked me to pay attention to had already left Magic Valley Town more than half a month ago… Luckily, I found an original map of Gaya Island in an antique shop on the island!”

Compared to Blackbeard’s little-known garbage pirates, Nicole Robin is clearly more interested in the empty island she is about to go to.

With a look of great admiration flashing in her beautiful eyes, Nicole Robin took out an old paper map from her backpack, pointed her slender white fingers to the “skull”-like landscape on it, and said with a happy face:

“As the adults say, this island is really less than half 400 years ago!”

“Did you leave half a month ago?”

The footsteps paused slightly, and Zhang Yang muttered in his heart:

“It seems that I took Nami and had a great impact on the trip of the Straw Hats and the gang!”

According to the original,

The first encounter between Luffy and Blackbeard,

It is in this town of Magic Valley.

Then after Luffy defeats Bellamy,

Blackbeard is ready to offer his head to the world government,

So as to successfully join His Majesty the Seven Wuhai to make up for the throne.

Unexpectedly, Luffy and the others went directly to the empty island on the soaring ocean current.

Blackbeard and the others gave up.

But then they met Ace, who came to seek revenge,

Thus triggering the later “war on top”

Now Luffy meets Blackbeard,

It has changed with his “intervention”.

Zhang Yang doesn’t know,

Will the next “battle of fate” still happen.

“The one on the empty island should now be called ‘Apayado’, and the golden bell and the text of the history are on that land!”

Zhang Yang slowly raised his head and looked at the slightly hazy sky:

The air there may be a little thin, after all, it is 10,000 meters in the air!”

“Well, I…”

“Hey, are you two bastards killing my co-captain?”

An extremely arrogant voice sounded.

Immediately, a figure quickly bounced from a distance.

Hyena Bellamy.

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Superman is an ability to spring fruit.

Any part of the body can be compressed under high pressure,

Then a huge kinetic energy is released.

The bounty is 55 million berry.

“Brother Bellamy, don’t talk nonsense with them, just slaughter them!”

“Captain, please avenge Deputy Captain Saqis!”

“Dare to make a move on the members of our Bellamy Pirates, let them die ugly today!”

Loud mockery suddenly sounded all around.

Bellamy looked triumphant, walked to the two with his arms folded, and said extremely arrogantly:

“Kill my co-captain, do you want to walk away like this? Huh? You… You…… Are you…!!”

Next second.

In the astonished eyes of everyone,

Bellamy’s with a horrified face,

I was so frightened that I sat down on the ground.

“Candles… Lord Candle Dragon… Please give me a chance, I… In the future, I will definitely change my past mistakes and become a person again…”

Bellamy’s voice trembled as she knelt down begging for mercy.

As a supernumerary subordinate of the Don Quixote family,

He couldn’t forget the face of the man in front of him.

After the liberation of Dressrosa,

Bellamy then read in the newspaper about the death of Doflamingo, whom he had always regarded as a god.

Now seeing Zhang Yang Buddha-figure,

He was so frightened that he didn’t even dare to have the slightest intention of resisting.

The pirates who were unknown all around suddenly looked shocked.

“Brother Bellamy, stand up quickly, what are you doing?”

“Hey, can anyone tell me what’s going on?”

Bellamy, who has a bounty of 55 million, why did he kneel to that man?”

“Who the hell is that man?”

Just as everyone was talking, a trembling voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

“I just heard him say… Candle Dragon !!”


The street was instantly silent, and needles could be heard.

The pirates who were still noisy and talking about it just now,

At this moment, they all looked at Zhang Yang with a look of horror.

“Hey, bastard, no kidding, Candle… That guy is now a senior admiral of the navy headquarters, how could he suddenly appear in such an extralegal place as Magic Valley Town?”

“Just… It’s just, you must have misheard!”

Although Zui says so,

But many pirates in the crowd have quickly retreated.


Zhang Yang did not look at Bellamy and the pirates around him from beginning to end.

Reach out and gently grab Nicole Robin’s soft waist.

The right foot slammed on the ground.

The next second,

The figures of the two of them had disappeared from the sight of the pirates.


Bellamy, who originally thought that he had successfully escaped, stretched out his hand and was about to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly trembled violently.


The earth exploded in an instant.

Overwhelmed, Gaya Island collapsed in a violent shake.

In the blink of an eye, it sank underwater.

And those pirates on the island who did not have time to escape,

With the broken town of Magic Valley,

Sink the corpse to the bottom of the sea together. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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