However, Anilu’s furious roar suddenly stopped.

Because Zhang Yang’s domineering arm wrapped around the pitch-black armed color has already worn the “Thor coat”,

Directly pinched on the neck of his body.

The “Thunder God Cloak” that exuded terrifying energy instantly dissipated.

A frightened Anilu immediately appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“This… How is this possible…”

“I… I’m a god, no one can capture my essence in my Thor form!”

Anilu is like a mad demon,

Desperately struggling to get up.

But he couldn’t move the big hand that squeezed his neck for half a point.

“Oh, I just forgot to tell you, your so-called mental principle is called ‘seeing and hearing domineering’ in the world below, as long as it is exercised to a certain extent, even ordinary people can master it!”

Zui Jiao gradually arced a bloodthirsty sneer, and his open palm began to gradually tighten.

“Uh-huh… Other…… Don’t kill me, I can give you all my treasures, and I can also help you occupy the Infinite Continent, as long as you don’t kill me…”

Anilu’s face showed a look of pain, and his eyes were full of horror.

He who has always proclaimed himself God,

Really scared.

The man in front of him was like death.

So in order to survive,

He had to let go of his arrogant self-esteem,

A mournful plea like a subordinate.


Zhang Yang didn’t plan to let Anilu go at all.

Oh, you’re talking about the Ark Proverbs… I’ll pick it up myself!”

“As for the Infinite Continent you mentioned, I’m not interested in settling on the moon right now!”

At the same time as the voice fell.

Zhang Yang pinched his neck at Anilu’s terrified gaze.


With a crisp sound of bone breaking,

Anilu’s head hung limply to the side.

The eyes are full of fear and disbelief.

It seems that he can’t believe it,

There would be people in this world who refused his surrender.

What he didn’t know, however, was that

Whether it is out of spying on the thunder fruit,

Or the Ark Proverbs,

Or the plan to bring the people of the empty island under his command,

Zhang Yang couldn’t let him continue to live.

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Accept such a disobedient careerist as a junior,

How could it be safer to give the Thunder Fruit to Xiao Nami.


In Nicole Robin’s backpack full of fruit, a pineapple gradually transforms into a sky blue devil fruit.

“Cheng… It worked…”

“Mr. Candle Dragon killed… God!”

“The day Sandia returns to Shandora… It’s finally here!”

“Great warrior Kargala, did you see it, we finally succeeded…”

“Is the war that lasted for 400 years finally over?”

At the moment of seeing Anilu die,

All the Sandia warriors burst into tears on the spot.

They had been looking forward to this day for too long.

“Thank you… Mr. Candle Dragon, you are the benefactor of our Sandia clan!”

Webb wiped his tears and said with an extremely solemn expression.

“It’s okay…”

Zhang Yang smiled and waved his hand, but then his eyes turned sharply in the other direction.

At the end of everyone’s sight.

An old man dressed in European-style armor, armed with a spear and riding a “Pegasus” galloped.

When he saw the body of Anilu who was casually thrown on the ground by Zhang Yang,

Suddenly shocked and speechless.

“You… You actually killed Anilu?”

“Gan Fore, what are you doing here, why don’t you continue to be your shrunken turtle?

Endless anger suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Webb roared viciously.

The other Sandia warriors are the same.

They all raised their weapons and aimed them at the flying old man.

“I just heard Connise say that you are coming to challenge Anilu, so I wanted to come and help, but I didn’t expect…”

Gan Fore’s words were not finished, and he directly turned his gaze to Zhang Yang.

“You must be that Mr. Candle Dragon… Thank you so much for helping the people of Empty Island solve the big trouble of Anilu so that they can return to this land!”

However, before Zhang Yang could speak,

Weber and other Sandia warriors shot out in anger.

“Gan Fore, you scumbag, Hugh wants to fight Apayado again, this is our Sandian!”

However, Gan Fore, who was riding on the “Pegasus”, easily dodged everyone’s attack, and said with a complicated expression:

“Warriors of Shandia, give up this endless war…’The land of the Island of God has long become an indispensable part of the empty island, and no one can divide it!’

“We should all thank it for its blessings to us, not selfishly take possession of it!”

“Fart, Apayado is obviously your empty island people hundreds of years ago, snatched from our clan first, and now you bandits put on an innocent face, it’s really disgusting!”

Webb scolded loudly.

“That’s been 400 years … We should let go of the hatred we had before…”

Gan Fawl shook his head and sighed. _

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