Navy Headquarters Marin Fando.

In the office of the Warring States, all the top naval officers gathered.

But the atmosphere is obviously a little heavy and oppressive.


Zhang Yang pushed the door and entered.

He was forcibly called back by a call from the Sengoku.

See people together,

After the Warring States coughed, he said in a deep voice:

“Blackbeard escorted Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, to the Holy Land of Mary Joa yesterday…

After the discussion between Supreme Commander ‘Kong’ and the five old stars, it was decided to publicly execute him at the headquarters of the Navy half a month later!”

The voice fell.

In addition to the ostentatious,

The faces of everyone present changed at the same time,

They all turned to look at Karp.

Fire Fist Ace is the matter of Lieutenant General Karp Yisun,

It is no secret among the top of the Navy headquarters.

The son is the number one in the revolutionary army.

Both grandchildren are pirates.

But he is a naval hero himself.

The crowd had to obey Karp’s tutor.

However, after hearing the news,

Karp lowered his head with a complicated expression.

“Is this day finally coming?”

There was a little reminiscence and sadness under his eyes, in fact, from the day Ace went to sea, Karp had already expected such a result.

It’s just that he didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

Sengoku stared at Karp nervously, directly confirming that he would not lose control before continuing:

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“With Whitebeard’s attitude to his family, he will definitely not give up this time, so we must prepare for a full-scale war in advance…

I will inform the world a week before the execution, this time is a crucial battle for our naval headquarters, and I don’t want anyone to make mistakes or mistakes in the meantime!”

At the end of the day,

The Warring States also deliberately glanced at Zhang Yang a few times.

“Fighting in Marin Fando? This is very bad for us, we can’t let go of our hands and feet!”

Chi Inu said with an unhappy look.

“The place of execution is particularly emphasized by the five old stars, there is no room for negotiation, we can only transfer the families and civilians in the town in advance, and try to maximize the losses!”

Sengoku said helplessly.

In fact, even if you don’t need to say it,

These people in the office had long thought about why the five old stars would make such a decision.

In the past two years, because of the existence of the navy,

It is indeed a state of unprecedented strength.

It is not incomprehensible that the world government, as the ruler, wants to take the opportunity to weaken it.

So everyone present had no objections.

After all, it is this idea of “loyalty” that they have accepted since childhood.

“Warring States, order to recruit the group of guys from His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, after all, the opponent is the whitebeard who is known as the most destructive power!

Grand Staff Officer Crane said after a moment of contemplation.

“The New World side must also guard against it, and if we start a head-on conflict with Whitebeard, watch out for that group of garbage taking advantage of it!”

Zhang Yang also said in a deep voice at this time.

The Warring States nodded in agreement, the last thing that the new world lacked was bold careerists, and at such a critical moment involving honor, their naval headquarters could not tolerate the slightest sloppiness.

“Then who do you think is the most appropriate to send to temporarily garrison the New World?”

“Let Lieutenant General Gion take Smog and Hina, plus those under my command, you should be able to ensure that you are not disturbed during the execution!” said Zhang Yang with a frown.

“So… Well, at the moment, it seems that there is really no other better candidate, so let them go to the New World!”

Sengoku immediately nodded in agreement.

Considering that the upcoming battle may be the most dangerous in nearly two decades, the Sengoku is bound to keep the strongest combat power of the naval headquarters in Marin Fando.

So this proposal of Zhang Yang for him,

Undoubtedly the best option at the moment. _

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