“I heard rumors about you on this island for a long time, but I didn’t expect that the right hand of the dignified One Piece would really stay here!”

Glancing meaningfully at Luffy and the others not far away, the yellow ape said with a slight mockery:

“You suddenly jumped out to protect these little guys, it seems that you are ready to die and not give up the act of pirates, Mr. Reilly!”

If you are willing to void my wanted warrant, maybe I will really live in seclusion here leisurely and live in seclusion!”

Renly laughed nonchalantly.

“How can the sins that you pirates have committed be written off with a single sentence, not to mention that you are an important member of Roger’s pirate group!”

The yellow ape skimmed the way.

“Can you let this group of children go, General Yellow Ape!”

“Don’t be embarrassed for me, if you don’t capture them all, our naval headquarters won’t be able to raise their heads in front of Mary Joya’s group of Draco… So, Renly, you better stay out of my way!”

“Everyone, listen up, hurry up and escape from here, with our current level, we can’t beat them at all!”

Luffy made a decision immediately at the moment of Renly’s confrontation with the yellow ape.

“Uncle Reilly, thank you!”

“Well, good luck to you!”

Seeing Luffy and the others escape, Renly waved his hand with a look of relief.

For this boy who inherits the “will” and Shanks,

Reilly is still very optimistic.

And because of this,

He would only take great risks to stop the yellow ape for them.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay to run away like this, I’ll be angry!”

The yellow ape was immediately ready to block, but was directly stopped by Renly who was holding a sword.

“I won’t let you pass!”

“It’s really difficult, I came to this island in a relaxed and happy mood before, Renly, you are very in the way… Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

The yellow ape immediately condensed a long sword with photons,

In the next second, it collided with the long in Reilly’s hand.

The rumbling explosion sounded one after another.

The ground also came slightly as the two fought.

“That seems to be really ‘king’, it’s the first time I’ve seen the old man of the yellow ape being stopped, but if he is run away by the Straw Hats and the gang, he will definitely be scolded when he goes back.”

Zhan Momomaru looked at the battle between Raleigh and the two with a surprised expression,

Immediately commanded the pacifists beside him to continue to pursue Luffy and the others.

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It’s just that before the two groups can run far,

A tall figure smashed into the ground from afar.


Covered in blood, Kidd struggled to get up.

Two huge robotic arms formed by magnetically adsorbing metal and weapons have shattered to the ground.


With a sound of heavy footsteps,

A tall and strong figure slowly walked out from the smoke.

“Ahhh… Death is certain, this time it is really dead, it turned out to be the Candle Dragon General!”

“Damn, why would two generals be dispatched at the same time…”

Whether it’s Usopp, Sanji, or Choba.

At the moment when he saw Zhang Yang appear,

His face instantly turned extremely pale.

Why are you here, didn’t the headquarters already send me?”

The yellow ape pulled away and stopped,

He looked at Zhang Yang with a slightly displeased expression and said.

“If I hadn’t just arrived, who would have helped you clean up this mess, Senior Brother Huang Ape, is your work attitude worthy of your monthly salary?”


Zhang Yang casually threw three human heads at the feet of the yellow ape.

“This is…”

The yellow ape frowned slightly, but immediately recognized the identities of the three human heads.

They are the “magician” Basil Hawkins, who has a bounty of 204.9 million Bailey,

“Haiming” Skulachiman Apu, with a bounty of 198 million shells,

and a bounty of 16,200 Bailey “Killing Samurai” Kira.

All three were killed by Zhang Yang on the way here.

Among them, Apu is an undercover agent installed by Kaido to collect intelligence in supernovae.

Hawkins, on the other hand, was the pillar of Kaido’s future defection.

How could Zhang Yang let the two of them travel to the new world alive as in the original.

Ignoring the gloomy-looking yellow ape,

Zhang Yang’s gaze turned coldly to look at Reilly, who looked stunned on the other side:

“Renly, you really don’t listen to advice!” _

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