“Dark Xue Dao!”

Blackbeard gulped.

The left hand slapped heavily on the ground.

The endless darkness centered on him began to spread outward rapidly.

“Damn, it’s this trick again!”

Karp and the others, who were originally standing around, quickly retreated.

They don’t have the ability to show it.

Once pulled away by that darkness,

It will be dragged into the darkness little by little like the previous group.

You must know that the characteristics of the dark fruit’s ability are devouring and gravity.

“Blackbeard, the Dark Fruit is indeed an extremely powerful Devil Fruit, but it has not reached the point of being as invincible as you expected, you move… It’s no use to me!”

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, and his body slowly rose under the magnetic repulsion, suspended above the dark earth.

“Candle Dragon, don’t be arrogant there, even if I can’t take you, it doesn’t mean that I can’t take others, not everyone has the ability to float like you… I want you to taste the pain of watching your companion die!”

Blackbeard roared viciously.

It’s just that his eyes are full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Even if you can kill everyone in Marin Fando, what can you do,

The only person he wanted to kill the most was Zhang Yang.

Damn it!

If only the Dark Fruit could also be elementalized!

Blackbeard was now suddenly a little envious of the other natural Devil Fruit Abilities.

If there are any “shortcomings” to the powerful Dark Fruit,

I’m afraid that in addition to “will receive double the pain return”,

It just can’t be elementalized.

This can be said to be the biggest drawback of the dark fruit.

Imagine if Blackbeard could be elementalized.

Then his devouring range will extend directly from the plane to the three-dimensional category.

Even if Zhang Yang can fly,

He can also use elementalization like Smogg the “Smoker” to inflict air strikes on him.

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It’s just that all this is destined to be just a good wish.

The only powerful means he can rely on now is this trick “Dark Xue Dao”.

“Do you think I’ll give you that chance?”

Zhang Yang said with a look of disdain.

“It’s not up to you… Touch of Darkness!”

Blackbeard flapped his arms and swung upwards.


In the darkness of the ground, one after another narrow hands made of black mist suddenly popped out.

As soon as the black chu hand is formed, it quickly shes to the open,

And wrapped tightly around his naked feet, dragging frantically downward.


Feeling the huge force suddenly coming from under his feet, Zhang Yang glanced at Blackbeard with some surprise, and said with a little appreciation:

“It seems that you have put a lot of thought into the Dark Fruit… It’s just that this kind of bearing is not enough!”


The terrifying magnetic repulsion burst out instantly.

Zhang Yang directly broke the black chu hand, and quickly swept in front of Blackbeard before the new chu hand attacked.


The pitch-black giant fist wrapped around the domineering color of the armed color slammed down.

However, what surprised and surprised everyone.

Blackbeard was not directly shot out as they expected.

Instead, he unexpectedly blocked the attack.


A sharp cold light streaked from between Blackbeard’s right fists.

On his hands,

I don’t know when there was already an extra weapon with three blades of sharp claws.

Zhang Yang blocked the attack casually, his figure retreated slightly, and he looked at Blackbeard with interest and said:

Finally, I can’t pretend, do you want to show your housekeeping skills?”

“Thief hahaha, have you seen through this? Candle Dragon, you really know a lot of things!”

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