“I can’t say what the consequences will be, but one thing I am convinced of is that the Navy will do everything in its power to prevent that from happening!”

Sengoku said with a determined expression.

Just the son of the revolutionary army ‘dragon’, you can’t catch it, you tell me how you want to stop it?!”

The bald five-year-old star said sarcastically with a disdainful look.

“In that case, with the sworn protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, plus the obstruction of the four emperors’ redheads, and Blackbeard’s sudden rebellion, it is normal to be escaped by that little ghost!

I think here, the five of you also have a certain responsibility, after all, you agree to Blackbeard joining His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, but you personally nodded and agreed!”

Warring States retorted without fear contrary to the usual attitude of “only promises”.


The bald five-year-old star’s face was instantly hideous.

He didn’t expect a marshal of the admiral,

Dare to contradict him.

“Okay, now is not the time to argue about this…”

The five old stars of the flat hat suddenly spoke.

Immediately turned to the Warring States and said in a deep voice:

“Monchi D. Dragon is far more threatening than these Whitebeards, Sengoku, the Navy must increase its capture of Straw Hat Luffy, if you can use him to lure the dragon out and kill it, it will be a big victory far beyond the top war!”

“That kind of thing… Leave it to the next marshal of the navy!”

Sengoku said lightly.

“Hmph, wait a minute, before you officially retire, I want to know how you dealt with that bastard of Karp, the face of the navy and the world government, but he lost it all alone!”

The five old stars with the sword asked in a deep voice.

When the Warring States heard this, their expressions suddenly became vigilant.

It’s time to come or come!

Karp’s problem can be said to be the one that causes the most headache for the Warring States.

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As a “naval hero”,

The son is the “first brother of the revolutionary army”.

Two grandchildren,

One inherits the bloodline of “One Piece” Roger.

The other inherited the bloodline of the “most vicious criminal”.

This family relationship is simply a mess of porridge.

And in the process of guarding the execution table this time,

As long as it is not a blind person,

It can all be seen that he “released the sea” on the straw hat Luffy kid.

So this also makes the world government that has been unable to find an excuse to attack Karp,

Ready to take the chance.

“Karp has already submitted his resignation to me, and I am ready to agree to his request and remove him as a lieutenant general!”

Sengoku said after a moment of hesitation.

“Hmph, that’s it?!”

The five old stars holding the sword sneered and spoke.

Apparently he was not satisfied with such a fluttery treatment.

“After all, Karp still bears the title of ‘naval hero’, as the man who personally sent One Piece Roger to the guillotine, although he hesitated because of the bond of family affection in the top war, this should not be an excuse to punish him excessively… In that case, I am afraid that there will be military instability within the navy!”

Sengoku reminded with a slight apprehension.

“What shit ‘naval hero’, Roger’s son, Fire Fist Ace was raised by his own hands, if he had considered the issue of ‘military heart’, he would not have done such a big contrarian thing!”

The five old stars with the sword shouted with an angry face:

“If this news is known to the world, do you think that by then… Is there still a need for the Navy to exist?”

Sengoku slammed the table and roared:

Do you want me to kill him?!”

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