The story of the red dog and the pheasant soon spread like a hurricane throughout the Marin Fando.

Unlike the worried high-level.

The Navy soldiers relished this.

There are even markets that are opened specifically to bet on wins and losses.

Everyone knows that the red dog and the pheasant do not do this because of a personal grudge.

The contradiction between the two is just a battle of ideas.

It’s just a different idea.

Even if neither can persuade the other to submit,

So in this way,

It couldn’t be better to decide right or wrong with your fists.


Holy Land Mary Joya.

“Bastard, do those two fools think that this is a family affair, they say that if the outside world knows, the face of the world government will be lost by them!”

The bald five-year-old star roared angrily.

“Instead of caring about public opinion, I am more worried that the Navy’s advanced combat power will be lost because of this!”

The blond five old star said with some worry.

Now that the navy is about to break free from our control, weaken it appropriately, and it will be more convenient for us to regain our grip on the navy!”

The five old stars holding the sword said with bright eyes.

“What if the red dog loses, won’t our plan be affected by this?”

The five old stars of the flat hat said in a deep voice.

“Probably not, I’m still very confident in that Sakaski guy… It’s just that this time the incident is really surprising, I didn’t expect that the green pheasant, who has always been lazy, actually reacted so fiercely, and openly opposed the rise of the red dog at that kind of meeting, it seems that we have always underestimated his ambition before!”

The long-straight-haired Five Old Star shook his head.

“Yes, the Navy has really turned the world upside down in the past few years… Now we can only pin our hopes on the red dog guy for the time being

The five old stars of the flat hat sighed.


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Three days later.

New world.

Punk Hassad Island.

The island, which had been abandoned for many years, had long since become dilapidated after a gas explosion and later battles between Zhang Yang, Fujitora and Don Quixote family officials.

And at this moment on a relatively flat plain,

Admiral Qinghen and the current Admiral Akainu stood looking at each other.

Although the two have not yet made a move at this time.

But the ground beneath their feet has long since turned into hot magma and extremely cold ice fields.

The huge island is divided by two people,

It was abruptly divided into two halves.

“Kuzan, I can give you one last chance now to publicly apologize to me, and I will not be blamed in the past, you can still be your lazy general!”

Chi Inu put his hands in front of Xiog., and said with a defiant and extremely strong expression.

“Sakaski, I will never change my opinion, I am more suitable for that position than for you to command the navy!”

The green pheasant forked his hands and said without fear.

“Less arrogance there, can the ‘lazy justice’ you pursue really take the Navy further into the future?”

The red dog scoffed.

“‘Justice’ will have different opinions on people with different positions, so justice also needs different voices and questions, rather than blindly obliterating and suppressing!”

“Sakaski, killing is not the only solution to the problem, sometimes the right ‘laziness’ can replace more than peace!”

The green pheasant said with a serious face.

“Oh, I agree with that, it’s true that killing isn’t the only solution to the problem… But in this era of pirates, chaos and disorder, only killing can make those fearless pirates fearful, and can make those careerists who try to go to sea to find Roger’s treasure fearful!”

“Kuzan, as a senior admiral, if you don’t have the conviction to kill yourself, then I advise you, it’s better to leave!”

The red dog jerked his arms and roared loudly:

“It’s useless to talk more, come on, let me see your determination!!”

Big Spitfire!!

Tyranny zui!!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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