Ten days later.

Punk Hassad Island.

After a loud bang.

The whole island is finally silent again.

After ten days of fierce dueling, the curtain finally came to an end.

And the winner,

At this moment, he was already dragging his exhausted body to his feet from the ground.

“Ahem, ahem…”

The red dog gently wiped the blood from the zi horn, and his figure swayed several times, but finally stood steady.

At the huge wound on the right cheek and neck, the skin was rolled outward, and the blood still flowed outward.

It looked like a ghost, and it was extremely terrifying.

The bruises of the pheasants who fell in the pit on the opposite side and could not get up were even more tragic.

The right half of his body was severely burned, and he also lost half of his left leg.

“Kuzan, I see your determination, but… The ultimate winner is me!”

The red dog looked at the green pheasant with burning eyes, and his face was not as fierce and fierce as before, but full of expectations and praise.

The battle between the two of them,

It’s never a battle of sentiment.

It is a war of ideas and beliefs.

To this end,

Both of them did their best.

So the outcome of this battle must be so tragic.

And in the confrontation between the demon fruit and the physical art on both sides,

Red dogs are undoubtedly superior.

But the red dog did not kill the defeated pheasant in the end.

Instead, choose to leave silently alone.

The geomorphic climate of Punk Hassad Island was drastically altered by the battle between the two.

Since then, it has become half hot and unbearable and full of flames,

The other half is covered in freezing ice.


Marlene Fando.

Inside the Sengoku office.

“Do you think Kuzan will leave because of this?”

Sengoku asked with a worried look.

The pheasant had almost everything he had in this battle.

Honor, faith, honor, and a leg.

Sengoku was very worried that the other side would not be able to come out of the shadow of defeat.

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And thus the mind is distracted,

Leave the queue of the Navy.

“If it had been before, maybe he would have left Marin Fando for the New World, but now, there is no place for him!”

Zhang Yang said very confidently.

In the original work,

After losing the battle against the Red Dog, the pheasant chooses to resign and leave the navy to join Blackbeard in the New World.

Let’s not say whether this is an intentional move.

Blackbeard alone has been killed by Zhang Yang in the top war,

The pheasant has nowhere to go now.

With his identity, it is naturally impossible to succumb to the banner of other small pirate groups other than the Four Emperors.

And the loss of Blackbeard, the ambitious “rising star”,

The other three Four Emperors would not accept his surrender at all.

God knows if he was complicit with the Navy in some conspiracy.

Therefore, Zhang Yang concluded that the current pheasant would not leave as in the original.

And the duel between the pheasant and the red dog,

Even if you lose,

But just as glorious.

Two people risk their lives for the maintenance of ideas,

For a military man,

Nothing could be more glorious than such a move.

“Hopefully it’s as you say, or else… The losses of the Navy are too great!”

A look of regret appeared on Warring States’ face, but then he locked his gaze on Zhang Yang’s body and said with a solemn expression:

“What do you think about Sakaski taking over as marshal of the navy?”

“I have no opinion on who is this marshal of the navy, and I cannot shake my heart to uphold justice!”

Zhang Yang said noncommittally.

The world government is so eager to hand over the navy to Sakaski in order to regain its grip on the navy and continue to serve as a tool in their hands!” said Sengoku.

“Yo, after Mr. Sengoku stepped down as marshal, his speech began to become dangerous!”

Zhang Yang teased with a bad smile.

“Bastard, don’t load me garlic there, do you really think I don’t know about the little things you and that old thing Zefa are secretly doing?”

Sengoku said with an arrogant look.

“Hey, Mr. Sengoku, I am law-abiding and fair with the old man, you can’t talk nonsense, otherwise I will sue you for slander!”

Zhang Yang said with an exaggerated expression.

“Less with me here stinky and poor, after the red dog comes to power, the world government is bound to strengthen the monitoring and control of you, I advise you to be honest, otherwise, even if the red dog comes forward to protect you, I am afraid it will have little effect!”

Sengoku reminded with a solemn expression.

“Don’t worry, I have my own measure!”

Zhang Yang nodded, then turned his gaze to the huge plaque behind the Warring States and said:

“Hehe, Mr. Sengoku, you won’t need it now anyway, so why don’t you give it to me,…… What you can’t do, let me try it!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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