
In the “windless belt”, far from the hustle and bustle of the world, the daughter island “Amazon Lily”.

“Ai… !!”

A roar of grief and indignation resounded throughout the island.

Luffy the straw hat, covered in bandages, finally wakes up.

“Hey, Brother Luffy, be quiet, your current situation is still very dangerous!”

Don’t mess around, Fire Fist Ace… Already dead!”

In order to escort Luffy to the island of daughters safely, the “Red Firth” of the red-haired pirates is allowed to dock on the shores outside the island of daughters.

“Ace… Woo hoo… Where are you…… Aaaaa

Luffy, who had not yet come out of the great grief, cried with sadness and indignation in his eyes.

“There’s nothing you can do with him, Beckman, what if you don’t leave him alone?”

The redhead asked helplessly.

“It’s simple… Once the wound ruptures, causing the injury to recur, he will surely die!”

Ben Beckman took a cigarette and said faintly.

“It’s really a headache, after all, we can’t stay here all the time, once the navy finds out our whereabouts, things will become very troublesome… Especially the Candle Dragon guy!”

As soon as he thought of Zhang Yang, the redhead’s eyes showed a violent look that was difficult to control.

If it weren’t for this man,

I’m afraid that their red-haired pirate group will not be as embarrassed as they are now.

A strong killing intent burst out of his body.

It’s just that when his gaze swept over Luffy, who was blindly destroying and venting his emotions in the forest,

The momentum on the body suddenly changed,

An unbearable look appeared on his face.

This child.

But it was under his guidance that he went to sea

He really couldn’t bear to see Luffy like this.

“Imper Hell, Navy Headquarters, thinking that Luffy, this kid, can still come here alive after such a terrifying journey, I have to say, this is simply providence!

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Raki Lu took a sharp bite of the rouge and said vaguely.

The members of the red-haired pirate group all nodded subconsciously when they heard this.

Although as a member of the Four Emperors.

But most of them believe they can’t survive in that situation.

They don’t know whether to admit it or not.

Luck sometimes,

It is synonymous with strength.

“Shanks, are we going to take that kid to the New World next?”

Ben Beckman asked thoughtfully.

“Whether you want to go with us or not, let him decide for himself!”

The redhead immediately got up and walked towards Misson where Luffy was.

“Whew… Call…… Where is this?”

“I’m really dreaming…”

As soon as Luffy, who was covered in blood, stopped moving, the scene of Ace dying in front of him appeared in his mind again, and he suddenly let out a miserable wail.

“Aaaaa Disappear soon, disappear for me… Ace is not dead, he promised me, he will not die… Disappear for me!!”

He began to attack blindly again.

Giant trees, rocks, beasts.

As long as it is something that appears in front of him,

Whatever it is,

All destroyed.

“Luffy, the war is over, Esta…”

The red-haired figure was already standing behind Luffy at some point, looking at the ruined scene around him, and said a little unbearably.

“Shanks, don’t talk about it, don’t say anything…!”

Luffy fell to his knees weakly, tears once again falling desperately.

“I almost wrung my thighs off, and if it was a dream, I should have woken up a long time ago… Ace…… Dead?!!

“Yes, he died in the war on top!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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