“Luffy, hurry up and go back to hiding with your concubine, the naval warship led by Candle Dragon is already on its way to Daughter’s Island, if you continue to stay here, I’m afraid it will not be safe!”

The female emperor said hurriedly.

“What, that guy from the Candle Dragon actually rushed here?”

The red-haired brow suddenly furrowed deeply, and he turned his head to look at Ben Beckman and said:

“Beckman, did you say our whereabouts were exposed?”

“They probably didn’t come at us, if I’m not mistaken… Their target this time should be the female emperor!”

Ben Beckman shook his head after a moment of contemplation:


This statement came out.

Everyone, including the female emperor, was shocked.

“Bastard, King Ben is His Majesty Qiwu Hai, how can that guy come for King Ben, they must be looking for Luffy-kun!”

Even in the face of the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, the female emperor still maintained an extremely arrogant posture, but when she turned to Luffy, she immediately changed her appearance.

“Luffy, you better hurry up and go back with me, even if the navy comes, they can’t go to the Amazon without the permission of the concubine!”

“Shanks, what’s going on?”

Luffy didn’t nod right away, but turned to look at the redhead and asked.

“If my guess is correct, I’m afraid that the female emperor’s behavior of not distinguishing between enemies and me in the top war angered that madman, so now he is coming to take revenge!”

Ben Beckman said with a solemn expression.

As the only existence in the imperial deputy who is comparable in strength to the four emperors, Ben Beckman, who has always been extremely calm-minded, can see the essence of the matter more than anyone, and find out the true intentions of the enemy.

And Zhang Yang can be said to be the only man he can’t understand so far.

This teenager is more like a madman.

There is no trace of all his actions.

It’s totally who messed with me,

I will destroy whomever it is.

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The means are simply more cruel than pirates.

But he was surprisingly good to civilians.

Sometimes Ben Beckman even produces a

This man is actually an undercover agent of the revolutionary army.

His real intention is to overthrow the regime of the Draco,

The bizarre idea of recreating another new order.

“Snake Ji, what this man said makes sense, we must prepare in advance, or let them take Luffy away!”

Mother-in-law said with a worried look.

“Stop, when King Ben speaks, how can you allow a smelly old woman like you to insert zui!”

The female emperor reprimanded with a look of disgust.

“Luffy, we can’t stay here anymore, it’s not the time to officially start a conflict with the navy, tell me your choice for the proposal I just made!”

The redhead ignored the two noisy female emperors, but looked at Luffy with burning eyes and asked.

“Thank you, Shanks, but I’m not going to leave my crew behind and go to the New World alone… I must go to the New World with them!”

Luffy hesitated slightly for a moment before refusing.

“Is it? What a stubborn guy!”

Instead of showing a look of displeasure on the redhead’s face, it was full of appreciation and gratification.

This is the boy he knows.

“Okay, I respect your decision, but I must return to the New World with the crew, otherwise there will be a big mess there, so there is no way to stay and train you…”

The redhead paused slightly, then turned his head and waved to a strong man with long hair tied up and a scar on his left forehead, wearing a black jacket and black trousers not far away:

“Pique, please stay here for the next period of time to train Luffy!”

“Hey, no problem, Captain!” responded Pique immediately.

“Okay, Luffy, let’s part with that, I’ll be waiting for you in New World!”

After telling Luffy not to stay on his daughter’s island, the red-haired pirates’ big ship quickly sailed out of the sea.

“Uncle Peek, let’s go too, I can’t wait to get stronger!”

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