Capital of flowers.

General’s Mansion.

“What! actually let them escape?!”

The black charcoal serpent embracing the left and right roared angrily:

“You guys are really getting more and more wasteful, you can’t even catch two people, do you still want to gain my trust in the future?”

“The subordinates deserve death, but the news from Lord Ember said that the suspicious man who appeared in the execution ground before is likely to be the leader of the revolutionary army, ‘Dragon’!”

Fu Lushou hurriedly reported.

“Revolutionary Army, why did those guys appear in my country of Wano?”

The black charcoal snake asked with a puzzled look.

And then it was as if I remembered something,

Directly pushed away the two beauties in his arms and exclaimed:

“Damn, did the Red Sheath Nine Heroes guys already get in touch with them, are they here to overthrow my regime, how many of them are there?!”

“Uh… General, please don’t panic, that situation should not happen, Lord Ember said that they did not find the ships of the revolutionary army at the entrance of the country of Wano, there should be only ‘dragons’ or a few revolutionary troops infiltrating the country of Wano, there is nothing to be afraid of!”

Fulu Shou said.

“Great, how is the situation outside now?”

The black charcoal snake was slightly relieved.

“Please rest assured, the capital city is now on high alert, and samurai and ninjas from patrols have been sent to patrol the city until all the intruders are caught… I will definitely not let Lord Snake fall into danger again!”

Fulu Shou flattered.

“Well done, when the flame festival is over, I will ask Lord Kaido to send troops to search it together, the country of Wano is my territory, and I will never allow anyone to fight its idea!”

The black charcoal snake said with a fierce face.


Nine miles.

Ruins of Ota Castle.

“Mr. Candle Dragon, you… Actually!”

Guangyue Ri and the pretty face withdrew a few steps from Zhang Yang’s arms, and a pair of beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and surprise.

Just in the fierce wind of blindness,

She only felt that a pair of strong and powerful big hands directly lifted her.

The howling wind kept ringing in her ears,

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When you open your eyes again,

He had already reached the ruins of Ota Castle in Jiuli.

She was amazed at how fast it was.

“This noisy little girl has finally quieted down!”

Zhang Yang did not answer Hiyori Mitsuki’s question, but smiled and handed Xiao Nanzi, who was in deep sleep, to her huai.

“What a miserable child…”

Guangyue Rihe held Xiao Nanzi, his eyes swept over the ruins in front of him one by one, and his beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with reminiscence.

Twenty years ago.

She lived happily here with her parents and brother.

Although she was very young at that time,

But such a warm and beautiful scene will never be forgotten.

“Mr. Candle Dragon, we will definitely succeed this time, right, gambling the lives of so many samurai, betting on the future of the miserable civilians of the Wano Country, we will definitely succeed, right…”

There was a thick cry in the trembling voice.

This girl who has always pretended to be very strong,

In no-man’s land,

Finally revealed the fragile and timid side of his heart.

On weekdays, she is a high-ranking princess.

She is the only spiritual pillar for the restoration of the country.

She cannot show any vulnerability or helplessness in front of her subordinates.

She can only carry everything silently.

With everyone to meet that uncertain future.

Such a huge mental pressure almost brought her to the brink of collapse.

Until Zhang Yang, a strange and powerful man, appeared.

Finally gave her a chance to cry and lean.

Even if the two are masked for the first time,

But this man, who has always been called a “legend” by the world,

But before you know it,

became her only spiritual dependency.

“Your Highness, rest assured, this time… It will definitely work!!”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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