Are you going to stay with me here all the time, regardless of the mission?!”

Inside the resplendent castle, Kaido held a huge wine bowl and smiled at Black Maria, one of the “Six Volleys” snuggled beside him.

“Oh, what does it matter, Lord Kaido, the task of searching Yamato is enough for a few of them to go, and the concubine should want to stay here today to drink with the adult!!”

Black Maria said coquettishly like a little woman.

His eyes were full of fascination with Kaido.

Well, today is the annual day to have fun with everyone!

Kaido laughed heartily, then raised the wine bowl and said to the black charcoal snake not far away, who was also hugging left and right:

“Oh, big snake, you must have fun today!!”

You’re right, General Kaido!!I can’t stop being happy at the thought that the ‘Light Moon’ undead who have haunted me like ghosts for 20 years will soon disappear!!”

The cowardly black charcoal snake said with a lewd evil smile.

Long before coming to the island of ghosts,

He then ordered his great serpent Gotei to destroy all the bridges leading to the port in Wano Country.

So even if he knew that Jinweimen and the others were trying to rebel,

There is no hurry now.

When this festival banquet is over,

He will then borrow troops from Kaido,

Then completely wiped out Jinweimen and others in one fell swoop.


For nearly 20 years, he has been worried that the silent “resurrection prophecy” will not come true.

“This one next to you must be a subordinate who has been undercover in the Guangyue clan for more than 20 years, right?!”

“It’s really remarkable, I actually put my life on the line, I didn’t know before, I probably killed him by accident!!”

Kaido looked at Kanjuro standing next to the black charcoal snake with admiration, and a faint flash of evil color flashed in the depths of his eyes, and said with a big laugh:

“It’s just that a person who is trusted by that guy from Ota said that he had never heard of anything… In this way, the clues to ‘Ralph Drew’ are not known to the warriors of the Mitsuki clan!!”

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The warriors of the Guangyue clan are not looking for the black charcoal serpent for revenge,

For Kaido, doesn’t count.

All he really cares about is the end of the world, “Ralph Drew”, where the “Great Secret Treasure” is stored.

Originally, he was looking for this news from the Mitsuki samurai.

But now it seems,

They don’t know.

However, what made him most angry was that

The only person who could possibly know about the light moon,

Mitsuki Momonosuke, son of Mitsuki Ota, also died.

“Cut, it’s really not growing at all, it’s still like back then, it’s not like the son of that guy from Ota at all!!”

Kaido glanced at Momonosuke’s corpse on the ground and said with a look of disdain.

“Hehe, yes, he’s just a stinky little devil, and those stupid samurai still want to use his name to overthrow my rule, it’s really delusional!!”

The black charcoal snake said with a sad smile.

It can be said that

The reason why he is so happy today,

More than half of it was because Momonosuke, who inherited the name of Mitsuki Ota, died.

Otherwise, even if he is by Kaido’s side,

He still has that feeling of having trouble sleeping.

“Oh, it’s pitiful, such a young child died!”

Black Maria said with a look of unbearability.

“Hehe, even if he dies, Lao Tzu can’t make him so happy, Kanjuro, go and set up an execution table on the stage!”

“I want everyone to see that the remnants who inherited the name of the ‘Guangyue Clan’ have died!

The black charcoal snake said with a smile.

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