Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 308 The five-view omnipotent observer (34 guarantees, please subscribe!)

Chapter 308 The five-view omnipotent "observer" (34 guaranteed, please subscribe!)

Abel doesn't have the road-crazy attribute, so he returned to the imperial capital easily.

Then it was walking in the night, waiting for the other party to come to the door.

At the same time, the knowledge-colored domineering is fully activated, just to capture that touch of malice.

After walking into an alley, he suddenly raised his head to look at the bright moonlight, "It seems that my luck is not bad tonight."

"Oh, really? I think I'm lucky too. With this face, I must be very popular with women, but soon your head will belong to me, happy and happy."

A man with an 'eye' on his forehead came out of the darkness and cut Abel's back.

He has been observing the other party for a long time, and he can be sure that the other party does not even have a weapon on him, just like a poor little sheep.

That's why he took the initiative to come out.

And the Teigu he stole is called the five-sighted omnipotent "observer", that is, the eye on the forehead.

It has five abilities: insight, farsightedness, clairvoyance, future vision, and hallucination.

But the so-called seeing the future is just to determine what the next move is through the analysis of the target's body reaction.

Not really seeing the future.

To activate the illusion is to make the target see himself as the 'loved one'.

It is also a very powerful Teigu.

But tonight, this beheaded Zanke chose the wrong target!

little sheep?

No, that's clearly a man-eating tiger!

"Are you the one who beheaded Zank?"

Abel looked at each other calmly.

This dead end is the burial place he personally chose for the other party.

"You know me? Could it be that you are a bait to lure me out?"

Beheading Zanke suddenly started laughing loudly, "Don't be funny, I have checked the surrounding environment in advance with myopia and perspective, and there is no ambush at all."

"So you are dead today!"

Although Beheading Zanke seemed a little crazy, he was actually very cautious, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

"Boy, kneel down and beg for mercy now, I can still give you a good time."

"Don't waste time, get rid of you quickly, maybe you can catch up with supper when you go back."

While speaking, Abel took the initiative to walk over.


Beheading Zanke's sleeve immediately popped out two short knives, one crossed, and cut towards Abel's neck.

"Heh, there is another perfect collection, so happy~"

"Huh? What you have in your hand is"

The distorted smile that beheaded Zanke suddenly froze on his face, because he found that the other party's head hadn't landed.

And there are two more broken blades in his hand.

He looked down in disbelief, and sure enough, his Hidden Knife had been completely broken, leaving only one root.

But he didn't even see when the opponent moved his hand.

Is the Teigu broken? !

The frightened Beheaded Zanke immediately activated Teigu's power, trying to use illusions to win.

After all, when facing the person he loves the most, how many people can kill him.

But when he urged Tegu's power, he suddenly froze in place.

Because he found out that the other party had disappeared? !

What about people?


No, he's right behind me.

when? !

Beheading Zanke turned his head with difficulty.

tick tock

A drop of blood suddenly dripped from the broken blade in Abel's hand, who was facing away from him.

As the drop of blood fell, a bloodstain appeared on Zanke's neck.

Then with a pop, the blood began to surge!


"Why can't I see through your actions?"

Beheading Zanke, who vomited blood crazily, exhausted all his strength and reluctantly uttered his last words.

"Can you see the movement of light clearly?"

Abel said something very pretentious, which made the other party die unwillingly.

Of course Abel's speed is not as fast as the speed of light, and he doesn't need to be so fast, as long as it is too fast for the other party to react, it is enough.

Teigu's power is limited, and so is the person who uses it.

Remove the 'eye' from the other person's forehead, and Abel is ready to go back.

The reason why his current patience has not been exhausted is because Esdeth is fighting alien races on the border of the empire and has not yet returned to the imperial capital.

Even if it is to pray for the reward of the optional content of the order, he has to wait.

When Abel came back, all members of 'Night Raid' did not rest.

After all, they were partners in name anyway.

"I just said that the imperial capital is so big, how could it be so easy to meet the beheaded Zanke, and fell asleep."

Ma Yin, who was dressed in pink pajamas, hugged the pillow, yawned and prepared to go back.

Seeing that there was not even a speck of dust on his body, the rest of them naturally thought that the target hadn't shown up.

But in the next second, everyone was stunned.

"Mission completed, this is that guy's Teigu. I'm too lazy to move the body, if you are interested, go get it yourself, the location is here"

A strange 'eye' was thrown directly into Najie Xitan's hands.

"Decapitate Zanke. Dead?!"

How long has it been?

This guy is really scary

"Can you talk about the specific ability effect of this Teigu? It seems that it is not in the records of the historical documents in my hands."

Najie Xitan is also very helpless, because there are a total of 48 pieces of Teigu, and only more than 30 pieces are known now, and the rest are all lost.

And it just so happens that this five-sighted omnipotent "observer" is not recorded in the historical documents in the hands of Najehitan.

"Of course no problem, provided that there is a sumptuous supper to help me regain my memory."

Najiexitan was speechless, and could only look at Chitong for help.

Chitong put on the apron very simply, and walked towards the kitchen.

Ever since Abel used that shocking method to prove to him his courage and qualification to use Murasame during the day, she had already recognized him.

If just cooking a meal, there will be one more Tegushi among them, and she can keep doing it.

Seeing this, Abel didn't really wait for Chitong to finish cooking.

Although Beheading Zanke did not fully use all the abilities of this piece of Teigu in front of him, Abel still has it in his memory.

So he directly talked about all kinds of vision, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and hallucinations.

"Insight into people's hearts and create illusions. It's really a terrifying piece of Teigu."

Brand couldn't help sighing.

"Abel, this Teigu is your trophy, and you have the right to dispose of it." Najie Xitan's expression was very open and aboveboard, even though she needed it very much in her heart, she did not express it eagerly.

Because she didn't want to leave a bad impression on Abel.

The more she understands the strength displayed by the other party, the more she wants to use the other party as her trump card.

Abel waved his hand, "I'm not interested in this kind of thing, you can give it to Tazmi or someone else, whatever you want."

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