Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 653 The tip of the iceberg, shocking!

The witnesses and evidence are there, and then you only need to interrogate them to know the truth.

Princess Otohime was a little surprised and puzzled at first, and then sighed heavily.

It never occurred to her that the greatest danger came from her own side.

Had it not been for Abel's protection today, she might have been assassinated.

Counting, this is the second time she has been rescued.


Princess Otohime thanked her very sincerely, and then asked people to arrest Hody Jones, who was vomiting blood and was unconscious, and the gang of pirates.

What awaits them will be the ruthless trial of the Neptune Army!

Although Princess Otohime is kind, she won't let go of these bastards who want to destroy the friendly relationship between murlocs and humans!

As long as she thought that her life's hard work was almost destroyed by these people, she would be extremely afraid.

Although the signature box is destroyed now, she is still alive.

It's a big deal to start from scratch.

Those residents who signed will certainly not mind re-signing again.

Just when the soldiers around Princess Otohime were all going to arrest people, a sneaky figure was quickly approaching Princess Shirahoshi behind Princess Otohime!

"What a godsend! This assassination riot has attracted everyone's attention, and I just need to touch my beloved with this 'cursed' hand, and then no one will be able to stop us from being together."

"I'm coming, Shirahoshi!"

Vander Daken IX was about to tremble with excitement, and his sinful hands stretched out.

But at the moment when he was about to touch Princess Baixing, a powerful blue hand suddenly pinched his arm tightly from the side.


"Brother Abel really had great foresight. He not only guessed that someone would assassinate Princess Otohime, but also predicted that a thief would attack Princess Shirahoshi!"

Jinbe tore off the robe on his body, opened his eyes wide, and stared at the startled Vander Daken IX calmly.

"Go away!"

Seeing that his lifelong pursuit was right in front of him, Vander Daken IX was not willing to catch him without a fight, he directly showed a fierce look, and took out his weapon.

So what about Jinping, would he be afraid? !

It's just that he just took out his weapon, and Jinbe's angry fist has already arrived.

Murloc Karate · Five Thousand Wazheng Fist!


Vander Daken IX's jaw was directly shattered and fractured, and then he flew tens of meters away before crashing into a wall and stopping.

With such a serious injury, let alone resisting, he passed out on the spot.

"It really makes you laugh, Brother Abel. When Brother Tai was still there, how could there be so many young people!"

Jinbe came to Abel with some indignation and said.

He is really angry.

In particular, the person who assassinated Princess Otohime turned out to be the Sea King Army he once commanded!

This is simply unforgivable!

More importantly, if it wasn't for Abel's reminder, maybe these thieves would have really succeeded.

Fortunately, precautions were taken in advance, and the worst thing did not happen.

But unknowingly, the kindness has become more and more owed.

Jinbe sighed inwardly.

"There's no need to blame yourself. It's good for everyone to catch these black sheep early, otherwise the losses will only be greater in the future."

"You're right. After I go back, I will ask Neptune to rectify the Neptune Army. To prevent such a thing from happening again."

Abel nodded, then changed the subject and said, "What will you do with this guy?"

"Interrogation first, and then there is a high probability that they will be sentenced to death or spend a lifetime in prison."

"Then it's better than this, give this guy to me to deal with, and let him contribute some value before he dies."

Jinbe agreed to this request from Abel without even thinking about it.

Even if Neptune was here, there would be no second answer.

Anyway, they must be executed, whoever kills is not killed.

As for what value Abel can squeeze out, that's their business.

Jinbe wasn't in the least curious, and didn't care.

It's nothing more than some treasures and the like, what else can there be?

There are also devil fruits.

After Abel dragged Van der Daken IX to a place where there was no one, he killed him directly, and then harvested a brand new target fruit according to the process.

This is also a very interesting fruit.

It's just that the conditions for the ability to activate are a bit harsh.

But no matter how you say it, it's still a superhuman devil fruit, don't let it go for nothing.

The trip to Fishman Island this time can be said to be full of rewards.

Since experiencing this assassination incident, no matter what Princess Otohime said, Neptune has mobilized a large number of people to protect her.

It was even more so that Bai Xing was no longer allowed to go out to give speeches with Princess Otohime.

Although this was not very close to the people, and Princess Otohime felt that the effect of the speech was not as good as before, many residents expressed their understanding.

And after learning that the original signatures were burned by the bad guys, the crowd became even more angry, which aroused many people's rebellious psychology.

Don't want to see murlocs and humans establish a friendly and peaceful relationship?

Then we must make it happen!

And Princess Othime has paid too much for everyone.

So much so that the speed of collecting signatures this time is far faster than before.

Princess Otohime was moved so much that she shed tears of excitement several times in front of everyone.

Abel, who stayed outside the crowd, knew that the overall situation was settled when he saw this.

He changed history once again.

He also wanted to see if Princess Otohime survived this time, whether it would really allow the murlocs and humans to coexist peacefully.

For this, he is currently skeptical.

After all, as long as the Tianlong people still need murlocs and mermaid slaves, and the mermaids in the Chambord Islands auction leaflets can still sell for sky-high prices, the so-called peaceful coexistence is just a joke.

Abel was about to take people away.

After Jinping learned about it, he immediately put down all the busy things at hand and walked along with him.

Can't stop it.

There is no way, since it can't be stopped, then we have to reveal some more hole cards to Jinping, and let him know, don't even know who is his own.

So Shiping knew the existence of the Dragon Hunting Guild.

He also knew that apart from his fellow Qibukai's "Thunder God" Enilo, even the legendary Germa 66 was also a member of the Dragon Hunting Guild.

What's more, Abel is the only president of the Dragon Hunting Guild!

Not the offensive and defensive alliance with the same status as he imagined!

This is very important!

What does this mean?

It shows that Abel can firmly suppress other people, and can also convince all members.

Otherwise, why let him sit in this position? !

It was also at this time that Jinbei realized that Abel was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface.

And is this the full power of the Dragon Hunting Guild?

Obviously not!

No one would give their heart and soul to an 'outsider'.

Abel understands this truth, and so does Jinping.

In other words, what Abel told him now is just the tip of the iceberg of the Dragon Hunting Guild!

This is the scariest thing!

Jinbe was shocked!

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