Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 692 Eastern Dragon VS Western Dragon!

"Then let me see how you have grown over the years."

"I hope your chin has been remodeled, otherwise you will be shocked later, don't blame me."

After the two taunted each other for a while, they were both aroused by each other.

Then there was a fierce fight like a comet hitting the earth!

The wind blows!

Electromagnetic smash!

boom! ! !

The next moment, the two of them flew upside down.

The four Reiju siblings immediately looked at each other, Sailor Moon, transform!

Ah bah, it is to activate the battle suit.

It's just that Caesar is not trustworthy, otherwise this guy should really be brought here.

Look at what the illegal research team MADS has come up with.

. . . . . .

The remaining animal-type devil fruit users soon had their own opponents.

For this battle, Abel did not hesitate to take out two fairy beans, and shared them with Rao G in advance.

Rao G and others who healed their injuries are definitely a force not to be underestimated.

King against king, general against general, soldier against soldier!

Jinbe glanced around, but found that he was alone, and no one came to him to be his opponent.

What made him even more unexpected was that the power established by Abel could actually be comparable to the Beasts Pirates.

At least from the current point of view, there is no disadvantage at all.

On the contrary, the naval battle at the beginning took advantage, which greatly weakened the number of Beasts Pirates.

Now he is not sure who will win in the end.

Because it is not these people on the sea who can decide the final direction of this war, but those two guys in the sky!

Jinbe thought for a while, and jumped directly from the deck into the sea.

He didn't mean to paddle on the battlefield, but he really wanted to 'paddle' right now.

I saw Jinbe standing on the surface of the sea, and the sea water kept gathering towards his hands.

Murloc Jiu-Jitsu·Sea Current·One-handed Overshoulder Throw!

The next moment, a huge stream of water was launched directly by him, it looked as if part of the sea water had been thrown over his shoulder by him.

The huge impact brought by the turbulent water directly and instantly destroyed the three ships of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

In this sea, the combat power that Jinbe can display is definitely 200%!

Now that no one can stop him, it is the enemy's death god.

A big deep-sea octopus and a Jinbei, just by the two of them, it is impossible to know how many ships and personnel of the Hundred Beasts Pirates have been strangled.

And as thirty minutes soon arrived, the deep-sea giant octopus disappeared.

Jinbei had no intention of resting, and the torrents accurately targeted and killed the ships of the Beasts Pirates.

Some people can't stand it anymore, and if they can't stand it, there is nothing they can do about it.

Those who dare to jump into the sea to fight with Jinbei are the bravest of warriors!

Well, the dead are also very brave.

The forces watching the war in the distant sea area never imagined that from the beginning of the battle to this moment, the dragon hunting guild led by Abel will firmly occupy the scale of victory! ! !

Of course, the bias will return to the bias, but it's not yet time to really decide the winner.

It can only be said that so far, the winning rate of Abel's side has reached 60% or even almost 70%.

. . . . . .

In the sky, two giant beasts are fighting frantically.

Even Kaido didn't expect Abel to have such a bottom card in his hand!

It can only be said that Jack's death was not wronged at all!

After the fight started, Kaido also became completely serious, treating him as an opponent and enemy who could challenge him.

"Bad wind!"

Kaido in the form of a dragon suddenly spit out a large number of wind blades from his mouth. This slash like a weasel can completely tear most of the enemies into pieces.

Time that not even steel can last a breath will be destroyed.

It is a move that is not weaker than the previous Heat Breath.

And Abel, who has completely transformed into the Ice Dragon King, is in an extremely powerful state. Facing Kaido's attack, he does not dodge or avoid, and starts to flap his wings quickly!

"Frost Tornado!"

The temperature difference formed due to the rapid cooling, coupled with the violent flapping of its wings, actually created a frost tornado mixed with countless ice blades in an instant, and bombarded towards Kaido.

Countless wind blades and ice blades collided and shattered.

But in the end, the increasingly intense frost tornado completely swallowed Kaido's 'bad wind', drowning Kaido's figure at once.

But in the next second, Abel's frost tornado was immediately shredded.

I saw that Kaido, who was hit, made his thick and long dragon body rotate in a circle like a top, creating several huge tornadoes, which in turn counteracted Abel's attack and counterattacked.

Kaido immediately let out a fierce dragon roar, releasing thunder to restrain Abel, and then made the dragon body rotate in a circular motion like a top like just now and release the bad wind.

The power is doubled!

Even the surrounding clouds were immediately torn apart, and it looked as if a huge hole had been pierced in the sky from a distance.

Tornado bad wind!

Abel's entire dragon body also began to emit extreme coldness, freezing all the surrounding air.

A super ice meteorite so huge that it seemed to cover the sky appeared in front of Abel, and then he hit him violently with his body.

Frost Nova!

This extremely huge super ice meteorite smashed towards Kaido with endless cold air and potential energy.

Kaido's tornado bad wind hit the ice meteorite first, cutting and disintegrating on it.

But because this ice meteorite is really too big, it is more than ten times the size of Abel's previous trick, so it looks like Kaido's attack has no effect at all.

"Hot interest!"

Kaido's tornado bad wind failed to stop the impact of the ice meteorite, so he had to release heat again.

Under Kaido's full attack, the hot flame beam successfully penetrated the ice meteorite.

But there was still the same problem, it was too big, and it would take several attacks like this to break it down.

Let's not talk about the question of whether Kaido needs to take a breather after releasing so many big moves one after another.

It was too late in time.

Kaido stared at him, but the unbeliever turned around and rushed out.

The domineering color wraps around the entire faucet, shining black arcs.

Qinglong gossip!


Unconvinced Kaido actually chose to hit the ice meteorite with his head? !

Even Abel was stunned by this scene.

This guy is really reckless!

But Kaido obviously has the confidence to be so reckless.

The super-large ice meteorite, which had been attacked by 'tornado bad wind' and 'heat breath' successively, was actually shattered and scattered by him.

But the price is that Kaido himself was a little dizzy when he bumped his head.

Seizing this opportunity, Abel waved his wings and rushed over Kaido.

The powerful right paw was also covered with tyrants, and with incomparably violent force, it slapped Kaido's face in a 'stiff' state fiercely.


Kaido fell like a meteor.

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