Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 693 Boxing with my shadow

As the dragon Kaido was shot down from the air by the dragon Abel, the hearts of everyone in the Beasts Pirates also sank.

For them, a little disadvantage doesn't matter, but if they can't even win the boss Kaido, then what the hell are they insisting on?

But the good news is that Kaido, who fell from the sky, did not fall into the sea, but smashed into a certain ship.

At the last moment, Kaido also changed from the beast form back to the human form in time, so he didn't crash the entire ship, but smashed into the bottom of the ship.

Before the boat broke through the middle, it jumped out and landed on another nearby boat.

Seeing Kaido is not a serious problem, many people are relieved, and morale has also improved.

As for the people on the side of the Dragon Hunting Guild, let alone their morale has been soaring!

Especially after witnessing the scene where the president of his own family blasted Kaido, he stopped treating the monsters of the Beasts Pirates as human beings, and began to output ruthlessly.

To be honest, the Hundred Beasts Pirates at this stage are far from being as powerful as they were ten years later.

The most fundamental reason is that 'the name does not match the reality'!

There are actually only a few real animal-type devil fruit users.

And a large number of "artificial animal devil fruit ability users" have not had time to produce due to time constraints.

In addition, this time the Don Quixote family has been taken over by Abel, and even Caesar has been under his command. It is even more impossible for the artificial devil fruit smile that will be produced in the future to be supplied to Kaido's Beast Pirates.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to reproduce the "animal army" that terrified future generations.

This increase and decrease is indeed the best time to deal with the Hundred Beasts Pirates!

Abel then fell from the sky, and also changed from the ice dragon king form back to the human form.

When Abel's feet touched the sea surface, a large amount of cold air gushed out, freezing the sea surface under his feet, and then stood firmly on it.

Then Abel glanced at Kaido and smiled slightly.

Ice Age!

Abel directly used Aokiji's big move, and simply froze most of the nearby sea area, shaping a new 'land' battlefield!

Now that sea battles, air battles, and board battles have already been fought, how can there be no land battles.

As soon as the battlefield expanded, the two sides immediately fought more fiercely.

Many people simply jumped off the boat and started a new round of fighting on the ice.

A large amount of blood quickly stained the ice surface red.

And this is just Abel's provocation to Kaido.

Kaido was not angry and pretentious, how could he bear such provocations from young people, he jumped from the boat to Abel's front without saying a word, and he also had a ferocious mace in his hand.

The body has directly entered the human-beast form that is most suitable for fighting from the human form!

Obviously, he has completely regarded Abel as an opponent of the same level, knowing that in the ordinary human form, it is just a waste of energy.

Abel also knew that the real battle had just begun.

So he quickly entered the dragon god form, with an extra ice dragon king armor, a pair of ice wings, and a dragon tail.

The next step is to quickly activate various innate abilities and superimpose states!

The aura of the two was rising steadily, and the collision caused the surrounding air to violently turbulent, making terrible noises.

Especially when both sides can't help but release the domineering aura to fight.

At that moment, the world almost changed color!

The originally clear sky was immediately shrouded in dark clouds, and then strong winds blew up, thunder and lightning.

Many people were frightened by this scene and felt very horrified!

Is this the battle between the top powerhouses above the sea?

Just the collision of the rising momentum can trigger the vision of heaven and earth.

"It seems that I really underestimated you at that time."

"It's really incomprehensible to be willing to stand in the shadow of that Doflamingo just with such strength and aptitude."

On the central battlefield where no one dared to approach, Kaido was the first to speak calmly.

Abel smiled casually, "Maybe I have to thank you for this matter. It was you who extinguished the 'light', so in order to continue walking, the 'shadow' had to stand up and become the 'light' in the eyes of others."

Kaido laughed loudly: "Light? No matter what kind of light it is, I will extinguish it with my own hands!"

Abel smiled: "Really? Then try boxing with my shadow first."

Before the words fell, the shadow on the ground under his feet stood up like this, showing a 'wise' smile towards Kaido.

Then there was a silent scream, forcibly absorbing Kaido's inner projection.

At this time, Kaido didn't know what happened just now.

"Isn't that Moria's ability?"

As the guy who left a deep impression on Kaido at the beginning, Kaido was only stunned for a moment, then recalled that day many years ago, and the guy named Moria who played with shadows.

But what is going on?

At the beginning, Kaido took it for granted that the other party, like him, should be a certain devil fruit of the zoomorphic beast species, such as the frost dragon or something.

Seeing the ability of Moria's shadow fruit appear suddenly now, of course it made him very surprised, and at the same time he was very confused.

As we all know, a person cannot eat two devil fruits and has two devil fruit abilities.

Then there was only one answer left, and he was wrong.

Maybe it's a special ability that has nothing to do with devil fruit.

Kaido, who couldn't figure it out, decided not to think about it anymore, and ran over, swung his mace and pointed it at the "shadow man" blocking the way with a heavy hammer.

Thunder gossip!

Regardless of whether the opponent's "shadow man" is a product of the shadow fruit, Kaido's purpose of this blow is not to destroy it, but to knock it into the air.

This may also be caused by the experience when fighting Moriah.

However, when he rounded the mace and hit him heavily, an accident happened.

The expected scene of the 'Shadowman' being smashed into the air did not appear, not only did it not appear, but it was still standing there perfectly.

At the same time, Kaido himself was attacked instantly.

And it's still the same attack power as the thunder gossip he used just now.

Hitting yourself is not good.

Kaido's indomitable pace stopped directly in place.

Then I saw [Shadow Law Requiem] raised the black 'Shadow Bug Arrow' in his hand, as if to stab.

Although in this state, [Shadow Requiem] is unable to make any attacks, but under Abel's control, it can make such false movements to deceive people.

Seeing this, Kaido, who still didn't understand what was going on, subconsciously hit him with another blow.

But [Shadow Art Requiem] was still 'unscathed', and it was Kaido himself who was hit hard on the head.

With all his strength, Kaido actually knocked himself out of a dizzy state.

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