Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 712: Attacking Wano Country


Accompanied by a loud bang, and a large number of metal weapons fell from the sky.


Kidd, who still failed to succeed, looked very pale now.

On the other hand, Yamato, who landed heavily, is still full of fighting spirit.

If the weapons hadn't been taken away by Kidd from the beginning, they might have lost at this moment.

After all, in comparison, Kidd and the others at this stage are still too immature, and they will not look like they will be ten years later, and they still need time to grow.

And this must mention the importance of the environment.

Fighting against masters every day VS abuse every day, you don't need to think about who will improve faster.

Abel looked at it for a while, guessing that the fight would not be finished for a while, so he led the people away.

There are still many things to do, and he doesn't have so much time to waste here.

Anyway, the other party can't run away.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Abel and the others, who returned with a full load, discovered that Kidd and the others were still fighting with Yamato.

And everyone looked embarrassed with bruised nose and swollen face.

Relying on his excellent ability to withstand blows, Yamato gave Kidd a hard lesson.

Abel gave Enilo a look directly.

Immediately, Ai Nilu was blasted by a thunder light, submerging Yamato's figure.

"Hey, aren't you being too harsh?"

Even Abel was taken aback by this guy.

Anilu was stunned, "Didn't you ask me to kill her?"

"Forget it. Go over and see if that guy is dead."

Abel was speechless, as expected, he believed that Enilo could understand the meaning expressed in his eyes, he might as well believe that sows could climb trees.

"President, he is still alive."

Now even Enilu showed a look of surprise.

"Sent to treatment, and then locked up."


Then Abel set his sights on the three of Kidd, "I am very disappointed with your performance today. After returning, I will find a way to practice more."

The three of them were dejected and were hit again.

But encountering setbacks now is better than losing your life in the future.

So there is nothing to say, and I will definitely practice to death after I go back.

In addition, Abel was still in the dungeon of Ghost Island, and found Du Fred, who had lost his voice for a long time.

When he learned that Abel was here to rescue him, Du Fred was directly moved and cried.

Then he asked Abel with tears in his eyes if he could get him a roast chicken first, because he was so hungry.

Abel looked at the other party and found that this little fat man was indeed too thin, and he must have suffered a lot in this dungeon.

After a while, the roast chicken arrived.

Du Fred wolfed down and started to gnaw, then gnawed and gnawed and cried again, and this time he wailed loudly.

Abel was completely speechless.

When he left Ghost Island, Abel handed the guy back to the usury king who was traveling with him all the way. The father and son immediately staged a crying scene, which was really touching.


"President Abel, we father and son really can't repay this kindness. If you don't dislike it, I am willing to form an alliance with you and obey my orders from now on."

The son also saw it, and Du Feld immediately wiped away his tears and said very excitedly.

In this regard, Abel couldn't help but give this guy a high look.

He was really ruthless when placing bets, not even leaving a way out for himself.

But there are some things, Abel thinks it is better to explain in advance, so as to save trouble later.

"Old Du, to tell you the truth, my purpose of creating this Dragon Hunting Guild is not just to dominate the sea. In the future, the navy and even the world government will be my enemies. So have you really thought about it?"

"It's too late to regret it now, but if you really form an alliance, you will never have this opportunity again."

"How, do you still want to board my boat?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, Abel believed that the other party had already understood what he wanted to express.

But Du Feld didn't hesitate. In other words, he was already labeled as the Dragon Hunting Guild, and if the world government really wanted to liquidate it in the future, it would definitely not be able to run away from him.

So what else is there to choose from!

"I am willing to use all my wealth to make this big gamble!"

"Please take care of me in the future, President!"

Abel patted this guy on the shoulder with satisfaction. This fat man has really good eyesight and he does things cleanly.

No wonder he was able to become the king of usury, control so much money without being slaughtered like piglets.

In the next step, Abel will subversively offer rewards to officials of the navy and the world government.

And this requires a lot of money as a credit guarantee!

Otherwise, if you offer a reward and someone brings the head to collect the money, if you can't get it, it will immediately become a joke on the sea.

Prestige will be completely wiped out.

So the next time Abel needs a lot of money.

It is very unsafe to rely on Tezolo's blood transfusion alone.

The surrender of the usurer king can be said to be just right, so that he can sit back and relax.

Isn't it just money!

Wait until I beat you to death!

After the father and son were settled, Abel boarded the Wano country without stopping.

There is also the 'inheritance' left by Kaido waiting for him to receive it.

In addition, the ashes of the sword hero Longma are still in his hands, and it is time for his soul to return to his hometown.

In exchange, he will definitely take Qiushui away and will not stay in Wano Country.

In addition, because [Onimaru] was lost in the sea when he fought Kaido for the first time, he now only has the famous sword Qiushui to use.

He also wondered if he could take away the rest of Wano's famous swords as his reward for liberating Wano from Kaido.

After all, Wano Country is dispensable to him, and it doesn't have to be occupied.

Of course, it's too early to tell.

At this time, Wano Country is still under the control of Heitan Orochi, and it is not so easy to take down Wano Country.

At the same time, when Abel led people to attack the kingdom of Shanghe.

Due to the seclusion of the country, Heitan Orochi still doesn't know the news that Kaido and his Beast Pirates have been defeated.

Hearing suddenly that someone dared to attack, he immediately became extremely angry.

Immediately summoned a large number of men, ready to give the enemy a head-on blow.

At this time, a huge lightning beam suddenly fell from the sky, which startled everyone.

In Enilo's merciless attack, the gate of Wano country was easily blasted open, and all the soldiers who dared to stand in front of them were instantly killed and fell to the ground.

No one can stop their progress.

In this way, all the way under the flat push.

Abel soon met the so-called Kurotan Orochi, the current general of Wano Country.

It can only be said that meeting is not as good as being famous.

According to legend, the cruel Heitan Orochi is actually a bald man with a big head and a square face.

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