Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 715 Flying through Tiangou Mountain

I don't know what Robin deciphered from these three historical texts. When he came back, he looked tired.

For the above content, Abel was not interested and didn't want to know, so he didn't even ask.

But this time Robin took the initiative to tell him, "The ancient weapon 'Pluto' is actually buried somewhere in Wano Country."

"Well, what then?"


Abel smiled, "What time is it, don't you still think I'm lying to you? I'm not interested in the information recorded in the history text at all, and I don't want to know where 'Pluto' is."

"To be honest, do you really think that so-called 'Pluto' can be stronger than my nightmare battleship?"

"Besides, to me, ten 'Plutos' are not as good as one Robin, so next time you don't need to tell me about this kind of thing."

Under Abel's incomparably strong self-confidence, Robin also smiled with relief.

God knows how conflicted she was when she chose whether to tell Abel about the location of 'Pluto'.

But this time she did not misunderstand the person, especially the last sentence, while she was extremely moved, her heartbeat also accelerated, which was a feeling she had never felt in these years.

"I see. After a long day, I'm going to take a shower first."




Abel just made a joke casually, but Robin's sentence was good, so he couldn't fix it directly.

Seeing his dumbfounded appearance, Robin also burst out laughing.

After Robin left, Abel was still wondering if she was serious about her answer just now, and if he passed now, would he be beaten as a hooligan?

"So it's still a joke."

Abel thought and thought, and felt that he was thinking too much. After all, Robin was not such a frivolous woman.

At this time, Abel had no idea what he had missed.

In the bathroom, Robin was also feeling shy about her bold answer before, Xia Fei's cheeks.

. . . . . . .

Tiangushan Feiche. No, it should be said that Kozuki Sukiyaki sat in the room, not eating or drinking, and had been meditating for three days and three nights.

As the former general of Wano country, Kozuki Oden's father, Kozuki Sukiyaki has been hiding his name and disguising himself under the pseudonym Tenguyama Hitoru for these years, and lives in seclusion in Niagasa Village in the Kuri area of ​​Wano country.

In addition, he is also a descendant of the legendary knife maker Goucher, and he has a collection of a big fast knife made by Goucher, the 21-handed demon sword [Second Generation Guiche]!

At the same time, he is also the forger of [Three Daiki Toru] and [Tian Yu Yu Zhan]!

But if you think that he has collected a big sharp knife twenty-one, then you are very wrong.

Because the two famous swords worn by his son Guangyue Yutian during his lifetime, [Yan Mo] and [Tian Yu Yu Zhan], both of the 21st work of the Great Kuai Dao, are also in his hands.

Originally, according to Kozuki Oden's last wish, these two famous swords should be handed over to his descendants Kozuki Hiyori and Kozuki Momonosuke respectively.

It's just temporarily here with him.

As for the twenty-one swords that the people of Wano country miss so much, he has collected three of them by himself!

It's appalling!

And this is not counting his own saber, a famous sword with the shape of a cattail fan.

The lowest level of its preciousness is also the twenty-one crafts of the Great Quick Knife, and it is even very likely to be one of the legendary Twelve Crafts of the Supreme Kuaisao!

Because in the original book, Luffy wanted to take away his knife in order to hide his identity, but he flatly refused. Even if Luffy took [Second Generation Ghost Toru] later, it was just 'too late' to stop it.

But is it really too late to stop it?

At least at that time, Kozuki Sukiyaki would rather Luffy take [Second Generation Oni Toru] than lend his own saber.

It can be seen that its preciousness is definitely higher than that of [Second Generation Ghost Toru].

Of course, the possibility that this guy has a mental cleanliness is not ruled out.

Ever since Kozuki Sukiyaki learned of the situation outside, he has been trapped in silence.

After all, as the former general of Wano country, how could he not want to change the status quo of Wano country.

It's just that the other party is really credible?

He didn't know each other at all.

What if he took out these three big sharp knives and twenty-one knives, but the other party turned his face and refused to recognize him?

Wouldn't it be that the meat bun beats the dog, and there is no return.

Most importantly, is he really qualified to deal fairly with the other party now?

Kozuki Sukiyaki's heart was extremely tormented, and his complexion was also cloudy.

Undecided, he decided to go out for a walk, maybe he could get the answer.

This is also the first time he has stepped out of the house in three days.

Kozuki Sukiyaki wears a mask and clothes imitating the shape of a tengu, and transforms into Tenguyama Hitoru.

Outside, many people have returned to their homes as mining plants, weapons factories, etc. have been shut down.

Even the prisoners in Tudon Prison were re-tried, and those who were innocent, or those who were imprisoned for resisting Heitan Orochi, were all released.

To be able to reunite with family and friends.

Leaving aside anything else, just this change after the Dragon Hunting Guild took over Wano Country has made countless people in Wano Country feel grateful.

Coupled with the fact that Abel sent back the ashes of Ryoma, and the successive beheading of Kaido and Heitan Orochi, everyone's resistance to the Dragon Hunting Guild was minimized.

Some people even think that maybe there is nothing wrong with accepting the other party's rule like this.

Anyway, it will be a hundred times stronger than before.

Of course, if you can regain 'freedom' and regain the country's autonomy, it will definitely be the best result.

But, where can they get the precious big sharp knife twenty-one work?

Many people are rummaging through boxes and cabinets after returning home, hoping to find a miracle.

After all, this is Wano Country. I don’t know how many famous knives have been made. Wano Country once had countless excellent swordsmiths!

Maybe someone's home, or some abandoned place, hides one of these famous knives.

As long as you collect three, you can exchange for the whole country.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up.

What everyone did made Kozuki Sukiyaki, who walked and watched all the way, feel extremely complicated and surprised.

On the side of the road, a few little ghosts suddenly caught his attention.

"Sanlang, are you really going?"

"Yes! I found this in a hidden compartment on the wall of my house. It looks extraordinary at first glance. Maybe it's the twenty-one work of the big sharp knife that those people want!"

"But you just went like this, aren't you worried that the other party will snatch it away? Maybe you will lose your life."

"It doesn't matter! As long as I can liberate this country and no longer live under the rule of outsiders, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, I will try!"

"Sanlang, you're right. I suddenly remembered that I also hid a knife in my house. Maybe it's not a famous knife, but who knows! Wait for me, I'll go get it, I'll go with you!"

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