Abel originally thought that he would have to wait at least a month before he could dispel some people's concerns and achieve results.

I didn't expect to catch a big fish so quickly!

"Tiangu Mountain flying through?"

When Abel came under the high platform, he immediately locked on the strangely shaped Kozuki Sukiyaki and the three famous knives lined up on the table.

Even at a distance, he felt a different 'life force' from the three knives.

Especially one of the samurai swords with a purple scabbard, the thick ominous aura condensed on it and never dissipated, almost turned into substance, it must be an out-and-out demon sword.

This is not bragging or exaggeration.

The reason is because of the [Demon of the Sword Contract] that he signed, which gave him such an extraordinary sensory ability.

"It's the old man, who are you?"

Kozuki Sukiyaki asked the question knowingly.

"President of the Dragon Hunting Guild, Abel. He is also the person you are looking for who can fulfill his promise."

"Then it depends on whether you know the goods first."

Kozuki Sukiyaki deliberately showed a very arrogant look, but in fact he was also muttering in his heart, fearing that the performance would fail.

But what he doesn't know is that Abel is not only very knowledgeable, but also has a God's perspective.

So I saw Abel smiled confidently, and picked up the [Second Generation Ghost Toru] that was covered in cold sweat by the man who was shocked by the sword before.

With a bang!

He directly pulled out the demon sword, causing Kozuki Sukiyaki to stare.

Because Kozuki Sukiyaki was very shocked, no one knew better than him how ominous and strange this [Second Generation Oni Toru] was, but the result was an eye-opener for him!

As Abel pulled out the [Second Generation Demon Toru], the ominous aura contained in it was about to explode immediately, and even people who were far away subconsciously felt a bit of coolness.

But at the next moment, these ominous and strange aura immediately seemed to meet a natural enemy.

No! It should be said that it was like returning to the hands of the real master, and immediately showed his obedient side, carefully gathering up all the ominous atmosphere.

This is simply incredible!

If he didn't know who the original owner of this demon sword was, he would have doubted the other party's identity.

Then at this time, I heard Abel speak: "What a monster sword, full of wildness. If I'm not wrong, this sword should be the legendary [Oni Toru], and it is also [Second Generation Oni Toru]. "

Kozuki Sukiyaki was silent for a while, then nodded, "You are right, this is the [Second Generation Oni Toru] of the Great Kuaisao Twenty-One Worker."

Is it really the twenty-one job of the big fast knife? !

The conversation between the two of them didn't mean to betray others, so many people heard it, and the atmosphere suddenly became high.

If they were worried about a liar coming to fool people before, then they are extremely excited now.

It has been proved that one knife is a big fast knife with twenty-one skills, so the remaining two should also have great hopes!

Great, a miracle is really about to happen now.

Under the expectant eyes of the people around him, Abel put down [Second Generation Onitoru], and then focused his attention on the remaining two knives.

The scabbards of the other two knives have flower-shaped carvings, and the scabbards are three-lobed.

One is white and the other is purple.

Abel picked up the purple one first, and when he pulled out the knife, he already knew the name and all the mysteries of the knife.

Feeling the cry of the knife in his hand, he smiled slightly.

A large amount of armed domineering energy was immediately drawn away by the knife along the body.

Then he turned towards the distance and waved lightly!

It actually leveled the cliff in the distance!

Shocked countless people!

This is actually another famous sword with the attribute of "demon sword", but it is different from the "Ghost Sword" series, it will not bring bad luck to the user, but only "nonsense".

Because it will absorb the user's armed domineering arbitrarily, and release it to forcefully achieve the effect of 'flowing cherry'.

If the user can't tame it, then it is very likely that it will be exhausted and domineering, and die of exhaustion!

And after so many years, only Kozuki Oden has successfully tamed this sword from the beginning to the end.

Its name is Yan Mo!

"It really is a good knife. I can feel that it is eager to be used and to fight."

Abel told the truth, with the increase of this knife, he could no longer imagine what a terrifying scene it would be when he released [Sura Aurora Slash] with all his strength.

"It is rumored that after Kozuki Oden's death, the two personal sabers he had during his lifetime also disappeared, and their whereabouts are unknown."

"I guess the one in my hand is one of them, [Yan Mo]!"

Even without looking at the other party's reaction, Abel knew he was right.

This is indeed the case, Kozuki Sukiyaki nodded with a complicated expression, "Good eyesight, have you ever seen Kozuki Oden using this knife?"

"I've never seen it, but my intuition tells me so."

Abel pretended lightly and tapped the side of his head with his fingers.

"This sword is called [Yan Mo], and it is said to be 'destroyed even hell', and it also belongs to the twenty-one skills of the big fast sword. As for the characteristics of the ability, you must have felt it before."

Kozuki Sukiyaki said honestly, obviously the scene just now made him realize that the visitor was not kind.


Another big sharp knife twenty-one workers!

Now there is only one hand away before they can take back their own country, and all the onlookers are cheering and excited.

And the next thing to see is the last one, whether the weapon with a white scabbard is a famous sword.

That's right, this is still a famous knife, and it's also a great knife with twenty-one skills!

When Abel picked it up, it was absolutely certain.

"Tian Yu Yu Zhan, Kozuki Oden's other saber. It is said to be a famous sword that can cut even the sky. Seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation!"

Abel snatched the lines that Kozuki Sukiyaki was going to say from the bottom of his heart.

In addition, [Enma] and [Tian Yu Yu Zhan] are the two famous swords that left Kaido with indelible wounds when Kozuki Oden and Kaido fought.

The preciousness of almost every knife is not below the water.

"It seems that you are indeed a man of knowledge. I want to use these three sharp knives for 21 jobs in exchange for the freedom and autonomy of Wano Country."

Kozuki Sukiyaki said in a deep voice, his tone was extremely serious, and his whole body tensed up, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

It's not that Abel didn't notice the abnormality of the other party, but he didn't care.

He himself is not very interested in Wano Country's hole card, which is dispensable.

Now that he has exchanged for three big knives and twenty-one jobs, he feels that he is more profitable.

After all, everyone's values ​​are different.

This is a win-win situation!

Then I saw Abel stretching out his right hand with a smile, "Then... happy cooperation, Wano country is free."


The whole place was excited! ! !

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