Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 103: Momousagi Lost Again

Inside Naval Headquarters Sengoku's office, Gion watched Sengoku and Tsuru Vice Admiral really blush for his own affairs. My heart is full of bitterness. Isn't he just a little bit prettier? Is there something wrong with being pretty? Why is that little bastard in West Blue eyeing me? If my sister and Marshal Sengoku keep refusing. Friends may cause dissatisfaction among Five Elders. Celestial Dragons will also attack Marine.

At that time, is it true that my sister and the marshal will defect with me? This is a big blow to Sengoku and his sister. Is it possible to be late for the Marine for the rest of my life? Gion is very reconciled. But Gion doesn't want to see her sister suffer great humiliation when she grows old, and be hunted down by the world government.

So, Gion stood up and said, "Sister, Marshal. Since the West Blue guy wants me by name, let me go."

"No" Sengoku and Tsuru Vice Admiral refused in unison

"Sister, listen to me." Gion calmly analyzed: "Since West Blue appointed me to go there. And he refused to change his words. It doesn't make any sense for you to continue to fight. On the contrary, it will cause the Celestial Dragons and Five Elders to attack Dissatisfied. At that time, Marine's status will be awkward. And Celestial Dragons will not go to war with the Pendragon family just because of my mere Vice Admiral. If Marine is abandoned by the World government because of my affairs, then we will be Marine's eternal sin 19 people."

"This..." Crane Vice Admiral and Sengoku were speechless. Indeed, it is absolutely impossible for Celestial Dragons and Five Elders to go to war with the Pendragon family because of Momousagi, and they will even send Gion there without hesitation. What can the two of us do? Take Marine to rebel? If it is really done that way, how many people are willing to do it, not to mention Marine. Even if most people agree, they can't beat the World government. In the end they will all die. And Marine will also be dropped.

"Sister, Ain can be an undercover agent. I can do it too. And I'm not a common girl with no power. I want to see what that bastard can do to me?" Gion said confidently. "Trust me, sister, I won't suffer."

"Gion, do you want to think about it carefully?" Sengoku was a little moved

Crane Vice Admiral has a complicated face. This choice is too difficult. "Gion, do you have to go?"

"For the sake of the Marine, for the sake of justice, I will do whatever it takes."

"Okay. You have to be careful yourself. If that bastard dares to bully you, you run away immediately. Don't confront him head-on, you know?"

With Gion volunteering for West Blue. Negotiations between the two parties went well. In the end, the World government paid 25 Devil Fruits. And the Marine Vice Admiral from Gion. Exchange a thousand bottles of fairy water from the Pendragon family. Plus one of the hostages, Kizaru. Three days later, it was hand-to-hand and hand-to-hand delivery on the only levels seen on West Blue and Grand Line.

Three days later, West Blue entered the safety checkpoint of the great flight. A floating Sky Island landed on the sea. Opposite ten Marine warships, Marine Marshal, Crane Vice Admiral, Garp. One by one looked at the island in front of them with complicated eyes. Once upon a time, the Pendragon family could shake the head of the Marine's colonel.

It's only been a few years now. It has become a giant that even the world government fears. Life is so fickle. edge of the island. "Crack" Yan Luo clapped his hands together. A wooden bridge immediately spread in the direction of the Marine battleship. On the three-meter-wide wooden bridge, there are peach trees growing on both sides. From growth to flowering, it's just a dozen breaths. There are nine hundred and ninety-nine peach trees on the thousand-meter-long bridge. Peach blossoms all over the sky flutter on the bridge of more than 1,000 meters with the breeze.

The beauty is eye-catching. Robin no longer needs to wear a mask. Or even if Robin walks in front of CP agents. Those agents did not dare to arrest people blatantly. Because the Pendragon family has nothing to fear. However, she still wore a mask habitually, and rolled her eyes at Yan Luo, "Boss, are you here to exchange hostages or to welcome the bride?"

Yan Luo smirked and said, "Is Robin sauce jealous? Why don't you go back and I'll build you an exclusive peach garden? You just have to be good."

"Bah. Who would be jealous?" Robin turned his head away from Yan Luo. It’s just that I’m really looking forward to the Taoyuan that Yan Luo mentioned. ‘It would be nice to have a peach garden, but this bastard must be joking.

Opposite the Marine. Momousagi Gion looked at the peach blossoms along the way in surprise. I wondered in my heart, "Could it be that the little monster knew my code name Momousagi, so he made the peach blossom on purpose? Maybe ordinary little girls would be really moved, right?"

"Miss Gion, I'm here to pick you up." Yan Luo shouted loudly. Take your men. And the handcuffed Kizaru walking onto the bridge.

"Let's go too." Sengoku sighed. With Garp and Crane Vice Admiral. Like sending off a pro team. Escort the garden onto the wooden bridge.

The Marine soldiers on the warship were crying. The goddess is going to 'marry'. These single dogs all cried bitterly. The curse on Yan Luo is even more vicious.

However, these are of no use to Yan Luo. The two sides finally face each other. Gion also looked curiously at this villain who was "infatuated" with him. Yan Luo looks really handsome. Just a grin on his face. A pair of eyes stared at Gion unscrupulously. This made Gion directly give Yan Luo a bad review. disgusting man

"Dear Miss Gion. Your beauty makes the whole world eclipsed. Please accept my little gift. Stay in your hands, it will represent my heart." Yan Luo from a beautiful box , took out a red rope with the Pendragon family crest hanging on it. two steps forward,

Gion froze for a moment. A common red rope, nothing special. The only thing special is the family crest. Gold badge. Same as Yan Luo's woman. The family crest of the Pendragon family represents status. Cadres are bronze and silver respectively. The highest is gold, while Yan Luo wears a purple gold badge. On behalf of the patriarch.

"I'm Marine, not 097. I'm from the Pendragon family." Gion refused

"Woooo..." Yan Luo turned around and exaggeratedly wiped away his tears. "What a sad story? I got rejected. Crack"

Yan Luo snapped his fingers. The next second Ulquiorra unceremoniously stabbed Kizaru's foot. "Ah..." Kizaru cried out in pain.

"Stop." Sengoku and the others changed their faces wildly. "Yan Luo Pendragon, what do you want to do?"

"I was rejected. Very sad." Yan Luo had a 'sad' look on his face, "I need blood to soothe my sadness." Yan Luo raised his hand again. Shiryu of the Rain unsheathed his sword little by little.

"That's enough. Isn't it just a badge? I wear it." Gion's face was full of anger. Unexpectedly, Yan Luo would kill someone just because she refused once. Yes, it is killing people. If she doesn't bow her head, then this madman will definitely kill Kizaru. Without blinking an eye.

Yan Luo smiled instantly. Go forward and tie the red rope around Gion's wrist. He smiled and said, "Welcome to the Pendragon family. My Miss Gion."

Gion's moment on the red rope. Everything is wrong. I just feel that Yan Luo is the best and most handsome man in the world that she misses the most. Gion looked at Yan Luo, blushing, staring at Yan Luo with shy eyes, "I like you, Yan Luo."

In an instant, countless Marines were heartbroken. Tsuru, Vice Admiral Garp, and Sengoku were shocked. What's going on? Did we hear it wrong? Gion actually confessed to Yan Luo. .

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