Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 118 Colonel Marine Kneeling And Calling 'Grandpa'

Originally, the murlocs thought they were doomed. Under the hands of this monster in front of him. They are desperate. Unexpectedly, someone stood up to stop this monster. And it's human. For a moment, the murlocs were stunned. Think about the cruelty when they killed humans before. It was rare for the murlocs to show a trace of guilt.

Yan Luo's expression fell. Keep an eye on Tashigi. And Tashigi also stared at Yan Luo closely, without any fear. A full five seconds passed. Yan Luo raised his hand.

"Are you going to die? It's a pity that you died without becoming a Marine." Tashigi closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment to come.

The next moment, he felt that his entire hair was messed up. Opening her eyes, she saw Yan Luo rubbing her head with a smirk. "It feels good."

"Ah." Tashigi blushed and quickly took a few steps back. Staring at Yan Luo "boss" angrily, his hair is all messed up. No touching his head.

Yan Luo looked at those murlocs. Find their eyes full of longing. That is the desire for life. Yan Luo looked at Tashigi again. Indifferently said: "Tashigi[Are you sure you want to keep this group of garbage? You know that there are a lot of human beings who died at their hands. And they are also Nami-chan's mother-killing enemy. Do you still want to protect 19 them?"

Tashigi froze for a moment, then looked at Nami and Nuo Qigao who were full of resentment, and then looked at the group of pitiful murlocs behind them. Tangled for a while. Tashigi still nodded, "Although they are bad people, they should be punished by law. They should not be killed casually."

"Oh" Yan Luo frowned, Observation Haki's induction. There are hundreds of people coming here. I secretly smiled in my heart. He sent a clone to inform Marine. I said it deliberately, there is a super rich businessman in Cocosia Village, from which businessman Arlong and the others have extorted a large amount of wealth. Success arouses the greed of Colonel Mouse.

Follow Colonel Mouse's Greed. Tashigi's concept of life will be subverted later. So Yan Luo pretended to be generous and said, "Okay, this is the last time, I hope you won't regret it.

After Yan Luo finished speaking. Turn around and give Acedus a wink at them. He said, "I'm just hungry. Let's go eat early."

All the women understood. They all nodded. Pretending to follow Yan Luo. Looked like he was about to leave. Yan Luo came to Nami and Nuo Qigao. Smiling, "Take it easy, little Nami. They will get what they deserve. I promise. Take it easy now."

"Yeah." Nami nodded. "Boss, you won't blame me for bringing these murlocs here?"

"How can I blame you? You must know that you are now a member of my Pendragon family. If you are wronged, tell me. Who dares to bully my Pendragon family members. Laozi will blow his dog's head off." Yan Luo assured.

On the other side Tashigi was busy trying to stop the bleeding from Arlong. The wooden thorns have been pulled out. The process is bloody though. But Arlong is also tough, he gritted his teeth and endured it. "Hmph. Don't think your hypocritical Laozi will appreciate you. Human beings are mean and shameless."

Tashigi ignored him. Concentrating on stopping the bleeding, I thought, anyway, these pirates will be sent to the Marine soon to accept justice. No need to argue with them, although Tashigi saved them. But in Tashigi's mind these are still pirates. The villain who killed Nami's adoptive mother. All should be punished by Marine justice.

"Tap Tat Tat..." At this moment. A group of Marines appeared in front of Tashigi. Colonel Marine, who was led by the leader, was Colonel Mouse.

Colonel Mouse heard that a rich man had come to Cococia Village, how could he let go of such a good opportunity. Just get enough Baileys. At that time, if you clear up and down, you will be able to get promoted and make a fortune immediately. So when I see Yan Luo and his group, my eyes are greedy.

These people are gorgeously dressed, and there are so many maids. Definitely super rich. Just grab them. Force them to hand over all their money. When the time comes hehe. . . . Colonel Mouse seems to have seen the moment when he was promoted to general.

"Mr. Marine, you came just in time. These pirates have been subdued. Please take them away and lock them up." Tashigi excitedly came to Colonel Mouse to report.

Colonel Mouse looked at Tashigi. She's nothing more than a yellow-haired girl. Look at the miserable murlocs again. He pretended to say: "It turned out to be the Dragon Pirates. This officer has long wanted to arrest them. Come on. And those villains over there who colluded with the pirates. Arrest them all."

"Yes, Colonel." The ten marines immediately rushed forward fiercely. But what shocked Tashigi was. Most of those Marines ran to surround Yan Luo and his group. The remaining ones directly tied up the murlocs.

"Colonel, the boss and the others didn't collude with the pirates. Did you make a mistake?" Tashigi said hastily.

Colonel Mouse stared. Loudly said: "So you are with them? You gang of thieves. How dare you lie to me. Arrest her too."

Colonel Mouse waved his hand, and several people came up and arrested Tashigi as well. Tashigi's face was full of anger "Why catch me? I didn't collude with pirates.

At this time Arlong laughed "Hahaha. You didn't collude with the pirates. But Colonel Mouse is our good friend. Are you right, Colonel Mouse?"

Colonel Mouse rolled his eyes. Thinking to himself, Arlong has collected a lot of treasures over the years. Just now there is no resistance. simply. Colonel Mouse sneered, "Pirate Arlong, you have committed many crimes, and today I will arrest you."

"Colonel Mouse, you want to cheat? Damn humans really can't believe it." Arlong gave Colonel Mouse a cold look. If it is the usual 070. Perhaps Arlong would be angry and fight Colonel Mouse.

But today there is no need to waste effort. Colonel Mouse has provoked the monster. Dead. You don't have to compare yourself to the dead. Reacting gloatingly looking at Tashigi "Poor little human girl. Can't you see it? Colonel Mouse is planning to kill everyone. So that I can eat all my treasures over the years. And there's a group over there, Colonel Mouse No one will be spared. This is Marine."

"Impossible. Impossible. Doesn't Marine represent justice? Colonel Mouse. This is all a misunderstanding." Tashigi still had a little luck in his heart.

Colonel Mouse showed his true colors. Now that it's all broken. Simply do not pretend. Just kill everyone here. No one will know anyway. "Chick chirp chirp... How much is justice worth? You're all going to die anyway. It doesn't matter if I tell you. As long as I get one billion Baileys, I can clear up the relationship between the upper and lower levels. It will be easy to become Rear Admiral. You guys You can die."

The Marine soldiers raised their guns. Aim at the murlocs and Yan Luo. At this moment. The maids parted the sides. Yan Luo came out with a sneer, "I just heard that someone was going to kill me. Who is it?"

Colonel Mouse froze in arrogance. Then I broke out in a cold sweat. His legs softened and he knelt down: "Grandpa Yan Luo, please forgive me.

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