Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 132 Kizaru, You Are Gone

"When" Ulquiorra's knife was blocked by Winster Vice Admiral. It's Marine Vice Admiral after all. It's normal not to be instantly killed by one move. "Ulquiorra Cifer, do you Pendragons want to go to war with Marine? Damn."

"Ant, are you teaching me?" Ulquiorra stared at Winster indifferently.

"Damn it, this is Marine's territory. Get out of here." Winster was furious. Turn back to launch a counterattack. A tachi was as fast as lightning, attacking Ulquiorra continuously.

In contrast, Ulquiorra is as easy as walking. The footsteps swayed and the body swayed randomly. Or wave a Zanpakutō in your hand. Received all the attacks of Winster Vice Admiral with ease.

"It's amazing, this is the "Nine Seven Three" black devil in Legendary. Damn it, Winster Vice Admiral, come on. Kill him." The Marine soldiers on the level shouted and cheered.

Little did he know that Winster had tried his best. At the end of the day he's just Vice Admiral. But also the base Vice Admiral. Far less powerful than Naval Headquarters' elite Vice Admiral. The gap against Ulquiorra is too big. "Damn it, is this guy a monster? I didn't even touch my clothes for more than a hundred dollars."

"Too weak. No combat value," Ulquiorra said nonchalantly. "The boss stipulates that this place must be taken before noon. So you can go to die. Cut"

The next moment Ulquiorra fought back. Huge Reiatsu broke out. Slashed obliquely. The terrifying sword light flashed past. "Dang. Pfft" The Taidao in Winster's hand snapped. The sword light started from Winster's shoulder and went all the way to his waist, bleeding a huge wound. Blood sprayed out.

"Ah..." Winster's screaming reaction was a beat slower than the injury, and he didn't scream until a second later.

"Winster Vice Admiral." Marine soldiers exclaimed

"Quick, protect General Winster."

"Shoot..." The Marine soldiers responded quickly. Just shoot Ulquiorra.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang." The bullet hit Ulquiorra's body, but was completely blocked by the steel skin skill. It didn't work at all, it all fell to the ground.

"Monster. Monster."

"How is that possible. Bullets can't even penetrate his skin. What should I do?"

Ulquiorra raised a finger. Facing the soldiers who fired, they said "Cero. Burst" one after another. Cero is like Black's laser. For Marine soldiers - point kill.

"Boom" "It's not just Marine soldiers. Ulquiorra also got his hands on the cannons on the level. One cannon was directly destroyed. The Pendragon charge immediately took advantage of the opportunity to go full speed. The menacing little brother of the Pendragon family has finally made it to the level.

"Miscellaneous fish Marines, your grandpa is here. Come and die." A big man in black yelled arrogantly after he boarded the checkpoint.

"Kill." For Marine justice. Marine soldiers are not cowards either. Start fighting back. The two sides engaged in fierce close combat. But immediately Marine collapsed. Because among the younger brothers of the Pendragon family. There are at least five hundred masters of the Grandmaster Marine Six Styles. Some of them are taking exercise pills. Sponsored in part by Devil Fruit provided by pig teammates Celestial Dragons. These people are the backbone of the Pendragon family. Each of them must be at the level of a Marine officer.

Where is Common Marine's opponent. Marine faced the Pendragon family and was slaughtered like a chicken. Ulquiorra made no more moves. Mere ants are not worth his shot. "Damn it. Why hasn't the support from Naval Headquarters arrived yet? I'll fight with you." Winster covered the wound with one hand. With one hand holding a half-cut sword, he frantically attacked Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra had a poker face with no expression on it. "Spinning" appeared directly behind Winster the next moment. "Pfft" a hand passed through Winster's back heart and through his front heart. There was still a beating heart tightly in his hand.

Winston stopped walking. He looked down at the heart that belonged to him. The strength in my body quickly disappeared. "I'm not reconciled..." With the last unwillingness...

Winston took the lunch box. The body was thrown to the ground by Ulquiorra.

"No, Master Winster Vice Admiral." The Marines howled in grief

"Kill. Kill all these miscellaneous fish Marine. Meet the boss." The younger brothers of the Pendragon family saw that the enemy general had already received the lunch box. Cheers one by one. Killing Marines is even harder. Less than ten minutes. There is no more Marine standing on the whole level.

"Clean up the battlefield, and don't let the boss see these rubbish." Ulquiorra ordered lightly.

"Yes. Master Ulquiorra, you can rest here and leave it to us. The younger brothers of the Pan Della family all showed smiles like licking a dog. Forgive Ulquiorra for being so powerful. They will only be more in awe. This is the iron of this world Then, the strong is king.

after one day. It has been cleaned up very clean. Not a trace of Bloodline in sight. At this time, a golden light approached from the horizon. Stop on the roof of the tallest building in the level. The light faded. A wretched Kizaru appeared.

"Allah. It seems that we are late. This level has been occupied by the Pendragon family. What should we do? Do you want to come back more?" Kizaru looked embarrassed.

"You look very embarrassed. But I advise you to leave 1.4 immediately. The boss will not be happy to see you." Ulquiorra did not know when he appeared in midair. Stand directly behind Kizaru not far away.

"Ah, it turned out to be a black demon. It was so scary to suddenly appear behind the old man." Kizaru looked terrified. Observation Haki keeps searching. It turns out that Yan Luo is not here. Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief. "This old man is in a difficult situation. After all, this is Marine's territory. Mr. Dark Demon, can you please leave the checkpoint? Give this old man a face."

Ulquiorra looked up suddenly. Show an ugly smile. Or a scary smile. "Ha ha ha ha ha... Kizaru. The boss once mentioned your appearance. Kizaru, you are floating."

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