Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 140: Sister Hua Expresses Itchy Hands

"Is this fake?" Marine, who was lucky enough to survive, stared blankly at the sky. Just escaped the Planetary Devastation. Now comes another Tengai Shinsei. Common Marine felt very hopeless. Boss, don’t you need money for your big moves? Aren’t you tired after one move after another? Can you give me a way to survive?

"This time it was a huge sphere that fell from the sky. Garp, Aokiji, Kizaru, and a few Shichibukai. Block it with all your strength. The Marine soldiers continue to retreat." Sengoku had already thrown away his Marine cloak. The tie on the collar tugged, "Old guy, don't keep it, or our lives and deaths today will be unpredictable."

Garp also ripped off his coat and tie. He twisted his neck and laughed loudly: "The last time we joined forces was when we arrested Golden Lion more than ten years ago. Let me see if you are really old. Sengoku."

"Go." Sengoku Garp stepped on the Moonwalk to rush towards the falling giant sphere. Aokiji and Kizaru and Shichibukai also all started. A 500-meter sphere is not a big problem at all for Sengoku et al.

In One Piece World, breaking islands is commonplace. The huge sphere was smashed into pieces after a dozen or so breaths and fell to the ground. Sengoku and the two stared at Yan Luo. "Boy Yan Luo, stop playing such petty tricks. Come and fight."

Yan Luo had a smirk on his face, "Don't you think it's getting dark?"

"It's dark? What does that mean." Sengoku looked up. Immediately his eyes narrowed. With a mouthful of national curses, "Extraordinary, is it going to rain?"

Garp's face was gloomy, "It's going to rain. Meteor shower, it's a pity that wishing is useless."

"Damn it, it's fake. How can you play this?" Kizaru's cheeks twitched.

"It's too much, a meteorite of this magnitude. It's deadly." Aokiji's face was gloomy.

Yan Luo's Planetary Devastation just now used only one-tenth of his ability. If Fang Yuan shot with all his strength, he would be attracted by Planetary Devastation for hundreds of miles. It will implicate the younger brothers of the family. But Tengai Shinsei, who shot later, was not polite. Fifty or sixty meteorites, large and small, were pulled down in one breath. These meteorites fell towards the Marine camp in a long flame. No wonder they were not shocked by the results.

If three or two of them join forces, they won't pose much threat. But dozens of meteorites are dangerous. And there is the Pendragon family watching from the sidelines. Marine is in danger

"Klockedar, if you still survive, remember that you can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk nonsense." Yan Luo reminded Kelockedar "kindly".

Marine and Shichibukai all stared at Ke Locke with resentment. If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. Now stimulate that monster. Locke Dahl looked livid. Yan Luo is bringing hatred to him. Besides, Laozi is just talking. Blame me?

"Fight. Go."

"Boom boom boom... Marine Shichibukai and world government masters launched an attack brazenly in the face of dozens of meteorites. The group of people had a tacit understanding. "Cheng is to guard an area. Only one meteorite will fall here in this area. Keeping it is not a problem.

But Common Marine is miserable. When the meteorite fell, they were not strong enough, so they could only howl and scream. A few were lucky enough to escape unharmed. Most of them were smashed into meat sauce by meteorites. No more than five hundred Marines survived.

Tens of thousands of Marines are appalling. Sengoku's heart was bleeding. In the situation just now, he can only give priority to protecting some Marines above the school level. Common Marine really can't care so much. This also resulted in less than 500 remaining Marines. 40,000 to 50,000 Marines came. There are only four or five hundred left. Big loss.

"Allah. The meteor shower is very beautiful. I also have (bjcc) itchy hands." Unohana Retsu came to Yan Luo. A dangerous bloodlust flashed in his eyes.

Yan Luo raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Lie, since your hands are itchy, don't hold back. Please perform to your heart's content."

"Then I won't be polite." Unohana Retsu nodded with a smile. Raise your hand "The edge of Senju, the noble hand that can't touch the darkness, the sky shooter that can't be reflected, the road that shines down, fan the wind of the fire, gather together without being confused, follow my instructions, and light up the eight bodies Nine heavenly scriptures, big wheels, gray turrets, draw their bows to the distance, and dissipate brightly away Hadō's Ninety-one Senju 照天断炮!"

"Boom" is finished with Unohana Retsu's chanting. Countless optical fibers bombarded the Marines who had just survived the catastrophe. This move is somewhat similar to Kizaru's Bachi Qiong Gouyu, which is a large-scale group attack. But the power is much stronger than Kizaru's eight-foot Qiong Gouyu. Unohana Retsu is still in Bankai state after all. Go all out.

"Damn, here we go again." Sengoku gritted his teeth, this is not over.

" Sengoku. Get back. Otherwise you won't be able to go." Crane Vice Admiral sighed. In the current situation, they have no chance of winning. If you don't leave, I'm afraid all of them will be left behind.

Sengoku is no procrastinator, either. make a prompt decision. Only by living can there be hope. If they all die here, the Pendragon family will be even more unscrupulous. "Back off. Aokiji, please."

"I see Mr. Sengoku." Aokiji hastily started to create frozen roads. Sengoku and others resist Unohana Retsu's attack. While retreating quickly.

"Do you want to chase?" Unohana Retsu looked at Yan Luo.

I saw Yan Luo heaving a sigh of relief. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, "I'm too tired to chase anymore. Let's take a day off first." Yan Luo launched big moves one after another. The physical strength consumed is not just one or two points. In addition, many of the subordinate cadres were injured. King Dumao needs to replenish his demons again. Keep chasing and Marine might be desperate. At that time, the loss will be even greater. It's better to wait until the physical strength of myself and Dumao Wang recovers first.

"Alright, it's a pity we didn't kill Sengoku and Marine in one fell swoop." Unohana Retsu had a regretful look on his face. The move just now Hadō left some people behind though. But none of the real top players remained. In the future, we will waste our energy on dealing with them. A little bit unwilling.

Yan Luo hugged Unohana Retsu and kissed, "Lie, don't get entangled. Sengoku Garp and the two Admirals can't be killed in a day or two. Unless Artoria and I are in full bloom. Otherwise, it won't take three to five days We can't kill them. When the time comes, the World Government's support will arrive. It's not certain who will die. This will be fine. The capture of the Grand Line will begin tomorrow."

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