Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 148: The Red Hair Wants Face Again

"Weiwei..." Cobra roared heart-piercingly. Wei Wei was so scared that she didn't dare to raise her head, "You,,, you rebellious son. What crime did I do? Why did you give birth to an unfilial daughter like you. I'm so mad. I'll beat you to death."

Cobra wanted to beat the prodigal son of a bitch. It turned out that his feet had been broken. Wei Wei, who hides to the side, cannot be hit at all. Cobra would have fallen by now if Icarem hadn't held him up.

Wei Wei is so pitiful that she is far away. I was also very wronged. Who am I doing this for? Isn't it for you and the whole country? If you don't agree to the request of that villain. The whole country is doomed. Do you still need the king and princess? In the end, you will be taught a lesson by your father. . . I. . . It's too hard for me.

No matter how wronged Princess Vivi felt she had been, Cobra sighed helplessly. Now that things have happened. Then he will not be allowed to refute. Facing a big man like Yan Luo. Alabasta doesn't even have the qualifications to refuse. You must know that the Pendragon family even destroyed the Enies Lobby of the World government. Without blinking. If you don't take 19, the whole country will be wiped out for you.

half a day later. Because of Unohana Retsu's help. Cobra's broken foot was reattached. As long as you rest for a while, you can walk normally. This made Princess Vivi a lot happier.

Cobra also knew that the water would never be recovered. Gritting his teeth, he decided to completely join the Pendragon family. Yan Luo naturally readily accepted. And let Morgans arrange reporters. Let Alabasta rage against Marine and World government. Put all the evidence of Shichibukai Locke Dar's attempt to steal the country and use dancing powder.

Your World government is simply a hungry wolf that eats people. Alabasta pays taxes every year. You also paid the heavenly gold, how did you repay us in the end? It’s fine if you don’t give some benefits. Also get a Shichibukai to plot against my country. Cobra spoke directly at the end. Alabasta directly withdraws from the World government, whoever you want to join will join. I don't want to play with this vicious government anymore.

This one completely detonated the world. It turns out that the World government is so disgusting. So what is the use of these countries paying taxes and paying heavenly gold? Isn’t it good for us to use so much money to train our own masters? Since the World government does not give protection, people will conspire to occupy the member countries of the World government.

So who can guarantee that the next country will not be yourself? For a while, countless countries questioned the World government. Some countries also have the intention of withdrawing from the membership of the World Government. You don't even give Laozi protection, why should you pay? Will you raise a white-eyed wolf and then kill us?

Five Elders and Sengoku don't eat well or sleep well these days. Sengoku, in particular, is not only facing the pressure of fishing boats in the news. Also pulled out by the Five Elders to top the tank. Annoyed Sengoku wanted to quit again.

"Bastard, what the hell did that marine trash in Locke Dar do? Why doesn't he just die?" Sengoku slapped the desk in the conference room.

Garp looked at Sengoku as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person. "Old man, are you out of your mind. Locke Dahl is indeed dead."

"What the hell...Garp, if you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb." Sengoku was depressed. Isn't the old man just making an analogy? This old guy actually demolished me. What about the promised good brother for the rest of his life? Is this old guy trying to piss me off to inherit my inheritance?

"Okay, stop arguing. There will be more troubles in the future. According to the news from the intelligence department, the Pendragon family has occupied the first half of the Grand Line and the four countries. Next, we Marines are busy. You have the strength to quarrel , Let’s think about how to limit that monster West Blue.” Crane Vice Admiral persuaded feebly

"That little monster..." Garp Sengoku and both were silent. Last time their lineup could not be underestimated. But in the face of Yan Luo's invincible strength. Still lost. The World government and Marine suffered heavy losses. Experts are being assembled now. Prepare for the next battle.

The next match must be a battle that decides the outcome. The Pendragon family wins and the World government is in danger. If the World government wins, it will be the end of the Pan Della Wong family. The World government will definitely destroy the Pendragon family first at all costs.

"Just wait. Wait for the notification from the Five Elders. Marine alone is not enough." Sengoku felt powerless. When did the dignified Marine actually get beaten by an underground emperor who was powerless to fight back. I am afraid that after he abdicates, he will be rated as the worst marine marshal in the 800 years since the establishment of the World Government Marine.

Crane Vice Admiral is no good either. In the face of absolute strength, the effect of tricks is minimal. If the Pendragon family is the same as the Rocks pirates, maybe they can still drive a wedge. But the Pendragon family is united beyond imagination. There is no way to start. Therefore, it can only be defeated with absolute strength. Now let's see how much the World government can come up with.

Alabasta, the original 850 desert kingdom, has now turned into a proper virgin forest. There are tall trees everywhere. The desert has almost disappeared. This is naturally due to the credit of Yan Luo. Wood Style is simply an artifact when used to control the desert.

The palace complex above the Rapeseed Port. In the bedroom, Princess Vivi got up from Yan Luo with a tired face. "Boss, wake up soon. We will have breakfast soon. It will be time for Sister Rem to urge you later."

Yan Luo reluctantly opened his eyes. "Really, Laozi is the head of the Pendragon family. He is the boss. Why does he have to wake up so early every day? Damn it, he is the boss after all.

"Kacha" at this time the door opened, and Rem walked in with the toiletries. With a blank face, he said: "boss, you should get up. Robin just sent the news that the Red Hair Pirates are approaching the first half of the Grand Line. The target is probably the boss. What we should do next still needs your order."

"Okay, I see." Yan Luo sighed inwardly. Why is the redhead here? According to the character of the redhead, I guess I have to come again to let myself give him face. I just don’t know if it was Five Elders’ commission. In the original book, the red hair seems to have an ulterior py transaction with Five Elders. .

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