Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 159: The Evil Party: Where Does The Monster Come Out To Harm People?

Ace's hysterical voice surprised even Yan Luo. Yan Luo, who was enjoying black tea in the garden and dancing with the maids, suddenly smiled. "Hahaha, this kid finally couldn't bear it anymore. Listen to the crying voice, the impatient begging voice. I guess he was almost driven crazy by Enel. It's interesting."

The girls rolled their eyes. Interesting ass. Enel is crazy. No one can stand Enel's madness. Imagine thousands of people surrounding you, holding a thick "Bible" specially for flattering, and destroying your ears 24 hours a day.

It is estimated that no normal person can bear it. Those who can bear it have become the same psychopaths as Enel. In the whole world, Enel is probably the only one who can practice flattering skills to such a 'superior' state.

"Yan Luo, since that child has conceded defeat, then call him back quickly, so as not to let people say that our Pendragon family abused the only child of One Piece." Unohana Retsu smiled lightly.

"That's right, get that kid back quickly. One Enel in the Pendragon family is annoying enough. If there is another one, the entire Pendragon family will definitely become a concentration of madmen." Acedes also spoke.

"Yes, yes, bring that child back quickly." The girls nodded repeatedly. Not how much they care about Ace. Rather, I was too worried that another cadre like Enel would appear in the Pendragon family. That kind of neurosis must not increase any more. This is the consensus reached by all the daughters and the entire Pendragon family.

Yan Luo smiled knowingly when he saw the reaction of the girls. Basically, none of the cadres in the family will get along well with Enel. Of course he knows this. Even Yan Luo regretted it very much. Enel shouldn't have been transformed so completely in the first place. But now there is no other way. Distinguished Heavenly Gods will not be available for at least a few years. We can only send Enel out to work as much as possible, out of sight and out of sight.

A port on an island in West Blue. Thousands wore Black suits with "Long Live the Boss" uniform on the back. Unity kneels piously at the port. Led by Enel, worshiping a phone bug. He read flattery. But the phone bug was snatched away by Ace who was as miserable as a beggar.

Enel was furious on the spot "Bastard Ace. He interrupted me when I was praising my Lord. I will kill you. Bastard, if you don't recite the Bible for seven days and seven nights to praise my Lord, don't think that I can let it go." Pass you."."

Ace trembled all over. Frightened. Ask him to recite this shitty flattery for seven days and seven nights. This is more torture than death. Or just kill yourself. Ace, who has nothing to love in life, actually has the idea of ​​suicide. Maybe he will become the laughing stock of the whole pirate world. The news will write "The first big pirate in history who was killed by a flattering article"

"Enel is enough." At this time, Yan Luo's voice sounded from the phone bug.

"Boss. Your loyal servant listens to the oracle of the boss." Enel the licking dog and thousands of fanatics all lay down on the ground.

"Send Ace back immediately. Don't bully him." Yan Luo hung up immediately after saying a word.

Enel continued to prostrate himself on the ground for half an hour. Then he got up and said coldly to Ace, "You are lucky, boy. How dare you interrupt my praise of the boss?"

Be careful that this uncle interrupts your dogleg. "

Ace felt relaxed after hearing this. 'Damn crazy. I'm finally leaving these lunatics. The young master swears that he never wants to see this dead licking dog again.

A few days later, Enel escorts Ace back to the Pendragon family's lair. As soon as he arrived at the port, Ace soared into the sky like crazy. Run far from this demonic ship. The maids who came to pick him up were dumbfounded. I remember leaving [Ace looked like a spirited guy anyway. How did you turn into a restaurant with disheveled hair and smelly body as soon as you came to middle school?

But when I looked at Enel's group on the boat, I was relieved again. Aren't there fewer psychos who've been driven insane off Enel's ship all these years? For the psychos. Yan Luo also purposely built several psychiatric hospitals. Enel's strength in the Pendragon family may not even be considered in the top five. But the cadre most feared by the Pendragon family is definitely Enel.

The maids also don't want to have too much contact with Enel. Just nodded flatly to Enel's group. Ace followed the maids to the beach.

Yan Luo, who was watching the match between King Dumao and Unohana Retsu, looked back at Ace. Immediately spit out a sip of juice ".||Damn it. Where in the daylight dare to come out to harm people?

All the girls turned their heads when they heard Yan Luo's exclamation. I was really taken aback when I saw Ace. Sallow and thin. Sunken eyes. Dazed. It stinks. Hair is messy like weeds. If it was night, the girls would definitely think they had seen a ghost.

"It stinks. You haven't showered for a few days?" Nami suddenly asked about the sour smell and ran away with a look of disgust. He looked at Ace with disgust on his face.

"Hey, isn't this Ace? Why haven't you lost so much (Zhao Qianzhao) in a few days? Could it be that Enel didn't give you food?" Yan Luo asked with an 'angry' face.

Robin rolled his eyes, boss, this is not a question of whether to eat or not, okay? Being tormented by that madman Enel for three months and not killing himself is pretty amazing. I just don't know if this kid has turned into a lunatic?

Ace did not answer for a long time. A smirk appeared on Yan Luo's face, "It seems that this child is reluctant to leave Enel and the others. Rem, go and ask Enel to come back, Ace will pick him up."

"No. Brother. You are my own brother. Please don't let me go back. I will obey you." After Ace realized. Hastily begged to Yan Luo in a panic. Hell can't bear Enel. Who would be reluctant to part with that lunatic. Ace swore in his heart that he would not go back to Enel's place even if he was killed.

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