Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 177: Is There Any Reason To Prevent A Marine From Catching Pirates?

"Kacha" opened the door and a group of pirates walked in. Leading the way is none other than Buggy the red-nosed clown. And his bunch of dogs. After Buggy was defeated by Luffy. One is brooding. Planning to ambush Luffy in the town of Rogge. revenge. At the same time, there is Alvida, who shares the same goals with Buggy.

Now Alvida has eaten the slippery fruit. From a three hundred and eighty-eight fat woman to a devil-shaped beauty. But Yan Luo knew that this guy had 'plastic surgery' so he wasn't interested. He turned his head and continued to eat the steak gracefully.

Buggy looked at the people in the bar, and found that they all looked fierce. Either it is extremely gloomy and cold, neither is easy to provoke. The original thought of driving everyone out also endured. After occupying several tables with his subordinates, he began to plan how to get revenge on Luffy.

Yan Luo almost didn't laugh. That idiot Buggy in the original book took advantage of Luffy going to get high on Roger's execution stand. Use the seastone to subdue Luffy in one fell swoop. As a result, at the last moment of "six seven three", the execution platform was shattered by a bolt of lightning from Dorag. Yan Luo now understood why it was such a coincidence. It turned out that this group of naive people were talking about conspiracy around Dorag.

Do you think that no one will know what you are saying? Drago’s Observation Haki, even if a fly flies within ten miles of Fang Yuan, you can probably hear it clearly. Those idiots deserve it.

Soon the town of Rogge was in chaos. Because Luffy has already appeared in Rogge Town. Reported to Smoker by Marine. Luffy may not have been famous originally. But because of Yan Luo's words, I believe you will become One Piece. '

Can be recognized by the world's number one villainous party, and is recognized as an existence that has the hope of becoming the One Piece. Luffy's reputation was instantly enhanced countless times. Not even Garp and Sengoku can suppress Luffy's bounty. Marine directly offered a reward of 50 million Baileys to Luffy. Fifteen million Baileys for Zoro.

Fifty million Bailey is already a pirate overlord level for East Blue, and there are two super troublesome guys on the Straw Hat Pirates. The former secretary-general of the Pendragon family offered a reward of 320 million to Bailey's son of the devil, Nico Robin. Head of the Finance Department of the Sixth District of the Pendragon family. Little money fan Nami. A reward of 80 million Berry is offered.

That's right, Nami's name has changed from Little Thieves to the current little money fan. It can be seen that his love for money has become famous all over the world. Such troublesome characters come to the town of Rogge. Of course Smoker wouldn't let them go easily. So a game of cat and mouse was officially staged in the town of Rogge.

Yan Luo sat cross-legged on a roof in boredom. Watching Luffy running around. There is also Zoro, the road idiot king who can't find a way out no matter how many turns. There are also Nami and Robin who are walking around leisurely and walking around the Marine. As for Usopp, that luck is not too good. Has been hiding on the Merry. Marine, who was in charge of guarding the pirate ship, didn't notice any of them. Even Yan Luo had to admire this shit luck.

The town of Rogge is in chaos. But what does it matter to Yan Luo? Even if Rogge town is destroyed, Yan Luo won't care. Maybe Yan Luo will do a good job with ten strokes.

Inside the alley in Rogge town. Luffy was finally stopped. Smoker stopped in front of Luffy aggressively. Holds ten hands inlaid with seastone. "Straw hat Luffy. You can't run away. Be good and grab it."

"Get out of the way. Punch me." Luffy was the man who was going to be the One Piece. How could it be possible to catch him without a fight. So he punched Smoker in the face. I want to use "Friendship Breaking the Face" to wake up Smoker, the daydreaming Marine.

As a result, the punch directly pierced Smoker's face. Even Luffy passed through Smoker. "Ah tired? What's going on?" Luffy looked puzzled.

"You can't run away." The next second. A fist slammed into Luffy's face hard. Just knock Luffy out of the way. Crashed a house.

"Luffy..." aboard the Merry by the Sea. Usopp Sanji and others cried out in worry.

"Alright. Looks like the journey is coming to an end here?" Robin smiled gloatingly.

"That's the best, who are the people on this boat? Idiots, road idiots. Liars and a pervert. It would be nice to break up as soon as possible." Nami couldn't help complaining.

"Huh. There's a dangerous guy coming." Robin looked towards the port. A cloaked figure appeared. Grabbed Smoker who was about to smash Luffy with ten hands.

"Who are you? Why are you helping this pirate?" Smoker found that he couldn't move his arm at all. Caught by the Cloaked Man. So he asked angrily.

"Thanks, Uncle." Luffy took the opportunity to break away from Smoker's control. Quickly rushed towards the Mei Li. The arm extends tens of meters. All of a sudden, they caught the Meili and fled the port in ten strokes.

"Is there any reason to stop a man from running to the sea?" Dorag said the classic pretend quote. Cooperating with the use of the ability, there was a thunder in the air. Thunder and lightning.

With lightning for a moment to illuminate. Smoker finally spotted the slipper-printed face under the cloak. Smoker's face changed, "I didn't expect a big shot like you to make a move for a new pirate."

"Papa." There was a burst of applause at this moment. Yan Luo didn't know when he was already standing between the two. He raised his hand and grabbed Drago's arm.

"Is there any reason to prevent a Marine from catching pirates? You're right, Dorag..." Yan Luo no longer had the wooden mask on his face. Show your true self.

Drago's face is cramping, is it necessary? Drago is sure that [Yan Luo has any reason to stop ten Marines from catching pirates in this episode is a counterattack against his pretend just now.

Smoker was sweating even more. Even began to doubt life. "West Blue villain, Yan Luo. Pendragon. Why are you here?"

At this moment, Smoker doubted life very much. Could it be that he didn’t see the almanac when he went out today? He thought that catching a little pirate would be easy. In the end, God, you are kidding me. The world's most wanted criminal and the second most wanted criminal appeared one after another. Is this the rhythm of essentials bento?

Yan Luo smiled. Patted Smoker on the shoulder, "You are a dedicated Marine, go ahead. Catching pirates is your vocation. Don't hesitate."

"You won't kill me?" Smoker looked shocked. Could it be that this villain has changed his sex and stopped killing people?

Yan Luo was stunned for a moment: "I'm in a good mood today. I won't kill people. Of course, if you strongly demand, I can also meet your request." Yan Luo flicked the Grass Pheasant Sword out while talking.

"Ahem. No. I'll go first and take my leave." Although Smoker is conscientious, it doesn't mean he's stupid. The first, second, and top two most wanted monsters are here. If he does it, the grass on his grave will be as tall as a person next year. So he turned around and left.

Then Drago asked, "Why did you let him go after Luffy? Which side are you on?"

"Concern is chaotic. You will lose your cool for the sake of your son. Hehe. In fact, 5.6 is nothing. It’s just sending a whetstone there. Wasn’t Roger also hunted down by your father all over the world? Don’t worry. In Luffy Before I really grow up, I have arranged tens of thousands of people to stare at me. I can't die." Yan Luo said confidently

Now it was Drago's turn to be shocked. To make Luffy the One Piece. Yan Luo actually invested so much. Top navigator. The only son of the devil who can translate the text of history in exile. They even mobilized tens of thousands of people to ensure the safety of Luffy before he grows up.

At this moment, Drago's whole heart was raised. It is said that the West Blue evil party is unparalleled in calculations. It is not profitable to get up early. Insidious and vicious. So invested so much. What if Luffy doesn't live up to expectations? Drago's scalp tingles just thinking about it. I'm afraid it will not only be Luffy, but even his Geming army and Windmill Village. And Garp. They will all be the targets of this lunatic. Dorag prayed silently in his heart. "Son, you have to work harder. Dad doesn't want to be hunted down by this lunatic every day."

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