Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 238 Will The New King Enslave The Whole World?

With the new prophecy of Princess Alice comes out. The whole mysterious side shook. The world will be invaded by aliens. What kind of world is the alien world? Hell? Demon world. Still a dangerous unknown world. The prophecy revealed that the demon king of Otherworld would lead his men to invade this world. And when dark portals are built.

This dark portal should be the passage to the Otherworld. How was this portal established? Who established it? Magicians began to pay attention to cults all over the world. Generally, those who do such crazy things are most likely cultists.

Only Erica and Paul trembled. I have a guess in my heart. Because Yan Luo said it when he introduced himself. He is from Otherworld. And being a godslayer also fits the title of Demon King of Otherworld.

Will Yan Luo lead his men to invade this world? Then the red copper black cross they have sworn allegiance to Yan Luo will become the helper of the invaders? What should we do?

As a result, the two fathers and daughters combined together. It seems that they have no choice. You said to expose that Yan Luo might be the otherworld demon king who is about to invade? Well, didn’t the red 25 copper black cross just solemnly declare that he has pledged his allegiance to the new king? He betrayed immediately. Even if others recognize that they are saving the world this time.

But what about the future? Who would dare to cooperate with traitors. No godslayer would be willing to accept an organization that had betrayed its master. Paul and Erica are not stupid. Once they betray Yan Luo, they will only slowly perish. And Erica was eaten up by Yan Luo. It's a big loss.

Now the two can only pray that Yan Luo is not the devil who invaded the world. Or Yan Luo's subordinates are absolutely powerful. This is the best result for the development of their Red Copper Black Cross.

"Erica, go and try it out. No matter whether Master Yan Luo is going to invade this world or not, we must be ready. Be careful not to anger Master Yan Luo." Paul also had a headache. Finally got close to the Super Gold Retirement. The result will be notified immediately. It is very likely that this Jin Datui is the demon king who wants to invade. However, he had vowed to declare his allegiance to this Jin Taitui before. The whole world knows about it. There is no choice now. What else can I do? Go all the way to the dark.

Erica nodded and sighed, "My man. You are really giving me a headache." Anyway, Erica does not intend to betray Yan Luo. Even if Yan Luo is really the predicted demon king. But who made Yan Luo her man now?

At night, after an in-depth exchange with Yan Luo on the structure of the human body, Erica Pazi, "Yan Luo's chest" Master Yan Luo. Today, Princess Alice, the former speaker of the Council of Sages, made a new prophecy

Princess Alice's prophecies never miss. But today her prophecy terrified the whole world. "

Yan Luo smoked a cigar afterwards. He exhaled the smoke ring and said calmly: "New prophecy? What did you say?"

Erica opened the mouth and said: "When the dark portal is established. The invaders from Otherworld will ravage the whole world. The demon king from Otherworld will conquer the whole world. This is what Princess Alice predicted. Master Yan Luo, whether you want to conquer or not In this world, I support you.

Yan Luo was stunned for a moment, the dark portal was established? It should be said to be the portal. As for conquering the world? Yan Luo didn't have that idea at all. At most, he just wanted to summon his woman and subordinates. Hack some gods. After all, the power of resurrection can be quite interesting. I don't know if it works in other worlds. If it works. Yan Luo will definitely let all the women he shrinks kill the gods with resurrection power.

But the prophecy of Princess Alice is indeed powerful. It seems to be more powerful than Shyarly in One Piece World. Why not tie him up as a slave? Yan Luo thought to himself. The crossing gate is now ninety-two percent charged. The heroine increased by ten percent because of eating Erica. As long as there is another heroine or kill a god, it can be activated.

The best thing to do here is Mariya Yuri. At the beginning of the original novel, in order to protect the island country from becoming a battlefield for the gods, the witch was captured by Liliana, the Marquis of Vauban, and decided to sacrifice herself. Just a little threat can be wiped clean. At that time, three helpers can be summoned.

Yan Luo made up his mind. So he said: "If I really want to invade this world, do you still decide to support me? Even if I am against the whole world?"

Erica looked determined: "Of course. You are the choice of my life."

Yan Luo saw that Erica's expression did not waver at all. Smiling and kissing Erica: "Okay. Make arrangements. Tomorrow we will go to the island country."

"Yeah. I see." Erica picked up the phone on the cabinet and asked Paul to nail the plane ticket.

The next day, Yan Luo flew to the island country with Erica. At the same time, the island country was formally compiled as a member and was notified by the Red Copper Black Cross. The new king will come to the island country, so they must receive it well. For a while, the entire island nation became tense.

Godslayer is not a good thing. Even in some respects, the Godslayer is more worrying than the God of Disobedience. Such superhuman monsters tend to have bad tempers. And if the destructive power is too strong, it will destroy the city at every turn. And this new king is known as the king of taboo. Can instantly kill two gods and the king of swords. The strength can be imagined.

"The arrival of the taboo king can no longer be changed. What we need to do now is to entertain him well. Don't provoke this one. This person is more dangerous than the Marquis of Vauban and the martial arts king in Lushan. Be extremely careful I don’t know who is willing to take over the task of entertaining the King of Taboo?” Shaye Gongxin, who was dressed as a boy, spoke 740 times

The Qingqiuyuan family, the Jiufazuka family, the Liancheng family and government representatives turned their heads away. I don't want to take on this hot task. At this time, Saya Gongxin spoke again: "Although this task is difficult, it cannot be avoided. Otherwise, if that person gets angry, the entire country will suffer heavy losses. According to information, that person seems to have a soft spot for beautiful women. Do you have any good candidates?" Suggestion?"

At this time, the government representative's eyes lit up: "As far as I know, the princess from the Qingqiu family is a rare beauty."

The representative of the Qingqiu family stared: "Baga, what are you talking about? Are you looking for death? How can our princess of the Qingqiu family be a mere receptionist?"

"Could it be that your Qingqiu family is superior to others? Are you not going to make a contribution to the country?"

"Damn it, you are provoking my Qingqiu family. Believe it or not, I will kill you?"

"I think you are disregarding the interests of the country. I suggest making fun of the treatment of the Qingqiu family."

"Enough." Seeing that the two were about to quarrel. Saya Gongxin yelled to stop them.

At this time, the representatives of Jiufazhong and Liancheng's family said almost at the same time, "We think of someone."

"Who?" Saya Gongxin asked immediately

The two family representatives stared at Saya Gongxin. "Actually, the women's clothes on your ship, Commander, are also first-class beauties.


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