Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 254 The Narcissistic And Arrogant Martial Arts King

Just when the mysterious side of the island nation was full of worries. Yan Luo and his party have arrived at the foot of Mount Lu. There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here. It is different from Mount Lu in Yan Luo's previous life. In the previous life, Mount Lu was a scenic spot. It has been transformed beyond recognition. Business is everywhere. There are also various stalls and small shops.

But the Lushan Mountain here is completely natural and beautiful. Because Luo Hao hates modern technology. There are almost no modern buildings here. It is also forbidden for anyone to travel here. So the whole Lushan Mountain is pure natural.

"What a beautiful Lushan Mountain. It's so beautiful." Unohana Retsu couldn't help sighing. All the daughters of Erica Liliana nodded. There are very few such scenic spots in the world. All the girls are in a much better mood.

"Lord Yan Luo, I already know you are here. Please go up for a while." Lu Huaying's ears twitched. It turned out that it was Luo Hao who informed Lu Huaying through voice transmission.

Yan Luo also found a special wave. eyes lit up. Thousands of miles of sound transmission. In the previous life, Yan Luo also liked the martial arts novels by Jin Dagu, Longliang Hanyu and Huang Yi very much. I am also very curious about the ability of thousands of miles of sound transmission. Yan Luo made up his mind to ask Luo Hao for advice later.

Came to the place where Luo Hao lived. The standard ancient architecture here. Luo Hao is dressed in a white Hanfu. Wearing red flowers. There is a faint smile on the beautiful face. Luo Hao saluted slightly and said, "Luo Cuilian, Luo Hao, Holy Religion of the Five Prisons. Welcome Brother Yan Luo to come and visit us."

Yan Luo cupped his fists in return: "Mafia Yan Luo. Pendragon. Take the liberty to visit. Master Luo is polite."

next second. Luo Hao's expression changed. "Pendragon? Are you a descendant of a barbarian? I thought your name was Yan Luo and you looked the same as a person from the Celestial Dynasty. Unexpectedly, you are a descendant of a barbarian. Hmph. You are not allowed to use the name Yan Luo from now on."

This time Unohana Retsu and others were upset. What is the offspring of the barbarians? A blood whip has appeared in Rem's hand, "presumptuous. How dare you speak to the boss like that? You are looking for death~

"Rem, stop." Yan Luo stopped Rem who was about to strike.

As for Luo Hao, he didn't back down at all from the murderous eyes of the women. Originally thought that Yan Luo was from the Celestial Dynasty, so he would invite him to be a guest. Unexpectedly, Yan Luo would say his last name as soon as he opened his mouth. No matter how you look at it, it is the surname of the barbarians in the Eagle Kingdom. This made Luo Hao unhappy. Because the name Yan Luo is the title of the righteous god of the underworld in the Celestial Dynasty. How could a mere barbarian be worthy of this name. So Luo Hao asked Yan Luo to change his name without hesitation. From Luo Hao's point of view, barbarians are not worthy of this name at all. Just like her obsession with the ape god. The ape god actually went to play with mere Japanese slaves. Luo Hao was very upset at the beginning and wanted to kill the ape god.

Because she thinks that she is a god in heaven. Even the God of Disobedience should not play with barbarians. So Luo Hao directly condemned the ape god to death. This is Luo Hao. Narcissistic and arrogant.

"What? Do you want to do it?" Luo Hao was full of confidence. As the strongest godslayer in this world. Luo Hao is not afraid of anyone.

Yan Luo shook his head. Looked at Unohana Retsu and others, "You guys leave for a while. I will talk to Master Luo alone."

The girls nodded and left. Naturally, Lu Huaying also left under Luo Hao's signal. Only then did Yan Luo speak: "Lord Luo seems to have misunderstood something. I have always been a person from the Celestial Dynasty. Whether in the past or in this life. Does Master Luo want to hear my story?"

"Past and present?" Luo Hao looked at Yan Luo with more and more curiosity. She decided to give Yan Luo a chance to explain. If she is not satisfied, this guy must change his name today.

"Actually, I... blah blah blah..." Yan Luo explained his reincarnation. Also, the experience of conquering the whole world in Pirate World is also beautified and said. In short, it means one thing. As a person from the Celestial Dynasty, even if you are reincarnated in the Otherworld, you can't lose the face of the Celestial Dynasty. And so conquered the world.

Luo Hao's eyes became soft again. Since the previous life and present life have identified themselves as people from the Celestial Dynasty. And the "story" told by Yan Luo did not embarrass the people of the Celestial Dynasty. In her opinion, this is what the people of the Celestial Dynasty should do. "Very good. I allow you to use this name. I also admit that you are a compatriot from the Celestial Dynasty. Thank me."

Yan Luo rolled his eyes inwardly. This girl is too narcissistic. Laozi can't use this name without your permission? Who gave you the confidence? But Yan Luo didn't bother with Luo Hao. No matter how narcissistic and proud you are now. After eating Laozi and wiping it off, I promise to make you submissive. Just like the original Hancock.

I saw Yan Luo's eyeballs rolling. "Lord Luo, what do you think if I conquer this world? What if the whole world is under the rule of the Celestial Dynasty?"

"The Celestial Dynasty rules this world?" Luo Hao's eyes lit up. "That's a good idea."

Immediately, Luo Hao hesitated again, but it was only us two godslayers. It seems too difficult. Now the strength of the Celestial Dynasty is not enough to be an enemy of the whole world.

"What if I can summon my subordinates to help?" Yan Luo threw out the bait again.

"You mean to call from the world you conquered to conquer the barbarians?" Luo Hao's eyes widened. Then his face changed again. The face-changing speed is absolutely top-notch. Luo Hao pointed at Yan Luo and said in surprise, "The demon king of the Otherworld. Could it be that you are the demon king that Alice predicted? That's the case. I said why I couldn't find the demon king. It turned out that I was wrong at the beginning. It is not a demon at all." To invade the world. It's you...wait. This plan can be ah close."

"No. How do you guarantee that the whole world will be under the rule of the Celestial Dynasty?" Luo Hao stared at Yan Luo. Such an important matter cannot allow her to be careless. "And can your men deal with the Godslayer?"

Yan Luo smiled confidently: "The top powerhouse in that world is definitely no worse than the God Slayer (Wang Zhao Hao). You have also seen the beautiful woman in kimono who came with me. When I was in the island country, Unohana Retsu killed alone Athena. I am the chief of such masters, and there are many more. As for how to ensure that the world is under the rule of the Celestial Dynasty, it is very simple. As long as I become the king, you can become the queen."

"What? You want to marry me?" Luo Hao stared at Yan Luo closely and looked up and down: "The appearance is quite heroic. It is barely worthy of me. But if the strength is not enough, it will not work. If you want to be my husband, you must overcome Me. Are you okay?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?" Yan Luo complained inwardly. What is barely worthy of you. It's the same as Hancock. But this is better. It's more fun to conquer.

Luo Hao is not the kind of person who procrastinates. He said directly: "Very good. If you want to marry me, then come. After you win, I will allow you to be my husband."

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