Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 263 Alice Predicted The Truth

In the pirate world. Yan Luo capsized after all. A group of women directly surrounded Yan Luo. He stared fiercely at Yan Luo. It seems that Yan Luo fights with you without giving an explanation. Yan Luo immediately changed his face, Mo Yang stroked his hair with a foolish look. "Ahaha... Didn't I say that there will be no quota limit after the portal is stabilized? So of course everyone went there together.

"Hehe..." Nami's forehead seemed to raise a Black cross. "So you were just whoring for nothing just now. Let us act like a baby to you... bastard. Die."

"Don't slap me in the face.; Robin, do you want to be a widow? So hard?" Five minutes later. Yan Luo's body was full of fists, palms and footprints. But the girls were also guarding important parts with flushed faces. Obviously this is a battle that hurts both sides.

"Despicable, indecent. Shameless." A group of beauties gritted their teeth.

"Ahem. Well, I won't talk nonsense anymore. This time I come back to take all of you to travel to the New World. See exotic customs. Then take over that world by the way. Ram. Shake people. The Pendragon family has been too idle It's been a long time." Yan Luo's face showed an excited expression. Sure enough, the experience of fighting back then is the most nostalgic.

"Battle. I like it. The boss is handed over to me." When Ram heard that he was going to conquer the world, he jumped up excitedly. One Piece World has been suppressed by the Pendragon family. Now those who dare to jump are suppressed by the Pendragon family. And the strength is too weak. Not interested at all. So the interest in conquering the Otherworld[Ram is naturally very high.

When it comes to the Otherworld, the girls are naturally full of curiosity. As for being eaten tofu by Yan Luo. I'm used to it anyway. It is no longer entangled.

Godslayer world. Mount Lu. Luo Hao and the others have been waiting for an hour. Food and wine are already prepared. Waiting for Yan Luo to return now. Sudden. The portal starts to glow. A foot came out of the portal. followed by the body. The whole person came out of the portal.

It was Yan Luo who went to One Piece World to shake people. "Hahaha. I kept you waiting. Luo Hao. Your sisters are here." Yan Luo strode forward.

"Oh. Then the concubine should entertain the sisters well." Luo Hao had a generous face.

The first to appear is Ram in a maid outfit. Look left and right as soon as it appears. "Rem. It's been a long time since I missed you." Ram rushed into Rem's arms in an instant.

"This is Ram. She is also the captain of the Battle Maid Team. She is also your sister." Yan Luo introduced.

"Sister Lamu, please be polite." Luo Hao greeted generously.

"You are Sister Luo Hao? You are so beautiful. No wonder the boss is fascinated by you. I am Lamu, please give me your advice." Lamu responded cheerfully.

The next one to play is. Gion in a Black Marine suit. Yan Luo introduced: "This is Gion, Marine General Admiral."

"Meet Sister Gion...

"This is Nami. Finance Department...

"This is Arturia Pendragon, the head of the Knights.

"This is Acedes... Pico. Khalifa. Ain..." with Yan Luo's introduction.

Luo Hao's face became stiff. He turned his head and gave Yan Luo a gloomy look. I thought three wives and four concubines were already good. Good you smelly man. It turned out to be the seventy-two concubines of the Sangong Six Courtyard. Why don't you go to heaven? Luo Hao suddenly regretted it. Looking at the rows of graceful beauties. Is this the rhythm of forming an army?

Fortunately, Luo Hao still held back. After all, the words that are spoken are the water that is poured out. But Luo Hao had already made up his mind. Be sure to limit this bastard in the future. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of people appeared. There are murlocs. There is a small titan with a height of seven or eight meters. And the fur tribe. long-handed family. And the Sky Island people with wings. This time Luo Hao has learned a lot. There are all kinds of races.

This time, Yan Luo summoned thousands of subordinates. There will definitely be more to follow. Seeing Lu Huaying and the group of receptionists, their jaws almost dropped. Yan Luo secretly trembled, "Small sample. Is this a shock? When the Poseidon troops come over, I think you will be frightened."

After the unification of the pirate world. Yan Luo put Shirahoshi in charge of taming a large group of Sea Kings. Plus the murlocs. Hundreds of thousands of Poseidon troops patrol the sea. If the hundreds of thousands of Sea Kings with a size of at least 100 meters come over. The countries at sea will definitely not be able to bear it.

Just when Yan Luo was shaking people in large numbers. The Alliance of Demon Lords in Europe. Princess Alice, the former speaker of the Council of Wise Men, suddenly widened her eyes. The godslayers who were having a meeting with Alice were immediately attracted by Alice's situation.

Mrs. Aisha was suddenly in a daze when she saw Princess Alice. Then began to tremble "Cold sweat broke out on the forehead. Immediately stepped forward to support Princess Alice "How are you? Alice?"

"Ah..." Princess Alice exclaimed. Look at several godslayers. His face was troubled. It took a long time before he sighed: "Hey. There is no need to send people to look for the devil. Our direction was wrong at the beginning."

"What? Didn't you predict the true identity of the Demon King?" Tony asked curiously.

"It can't be true, right? Who is the devil in the language?" John Pluto Smith and Alexander Gascoigne were all staring at Princess Alice.

"That's right. I've seen the truth in the prophecy just now. The real demon king of Otherworld is the seventh godslayer. The king of taboos. And the other party has summoned a large number of men from Otherworld. Everyone. The war is about to begin. We will There is also the martial arts king. And the three new kings of 713." Princess Alice said with a serious face,

"Nani? The taboo king and the martial arts king. There are three new kings. This is terrible." Tony couldn't believe it. Alice predicted that the one who would invade the world is actually the King of Taboo.

Mrs. Aisha, John, and Alexander also looked heavy. Before the taboo king appeared. The martial arts king is recognized as the strongest demon king. Then the taboo king appeared. Kill Tony with one move. He even defeated the Marquis of Vauban. Then powerfully killed Athena, the ape god and the subordinate god of the ape god in the island country. Created three new Godslayers. The strength of this group of people is absolutely terrifying.

And Alice predicted it. The opponent has summoned a large number of subordinates from Otherworld. How many devil-level existences are there? If there are five or six. They probably don't need to fight Party B. Just admit defeat. After all, he is also a godslayer. If you are besieged by a group of beings of the same level. Basically lost.

There was still a fluke in John's mind. He opened his mouth and asked, "Alice. How is the strength of the subordinates summoned by the other party? Are there many?"

Alice's words put them in a bad mood again. "The enemy is very powerful. At least dozens of them are no less than those three new kings."

"Damn. What a fart?" Alexander cursed with a black face. .

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