Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 294: The Nun Who Even Moves Demons

After dinner. The kitten came back with a schoolbag on its back, but it cast extremely sharp eyes towards the front, and a hint of hostility appeared faintly on its doll-like delicate face


In front of the kitten's sharp eyes, Aisha twisted her body very uneasy. Her slender hands seemed to be overwhelmed and didn't know how to place them. She clutched the clothes tightly for a while, and held them tightly for a while. Together, they looked very flustered, and cast a look of help to Yan Luo at the side.

Almost at the same time, the sharp eyes of the kitten also turned to Yan Luo.

......…what happened?"

From the kitten's low tone, Yan Luo could hear a feeling of unspoken fear and doubt.

There is no doubt that the kitten seems to have serious hostility towards Aisha who appeared at Yan Luo's house. The boss is my' kitten thinking with its teeth and claws in its heart.

This is nothing strange. After all, Elsa is still dressed as a nun now. And demons are natural enemies.

Just as the church that believes in God regards the devil as an object that must be eradicated, the devil naturally regards the people of the church as enemies.

Because he still doesn't know what's going on with Aisha, the kitten doesn't know that Aisha is no longer a member of the church.

However, the kitten can't recognize the nun's costume that Aisha is wearing.

Therefore, the kitten regards Aisha as a member of the church.

Of course, even if the explanation is clear, the kitten's hostility probably won't let go, right?

After all, Aisha, who was expelled by the church, has been relying on fallen angels until now.

For the devil, the fallen angel is also an enemy.

In other words, in the eyes of kittens. Aisha who suddenly appeared at her home didn't look like her own.

It is understandable that there will be this performance.

"Okay, kitten, let go of your hostility first.

In desperation, Yan Luo could only speak.

"From today, Aisha will live with us too, you have to get along well`"

"Well, my name is Aisha? Algert." Aisha reacted and quickly saluted.

"Please give me more advice."

Facing Aisha's salute, the kitten fell silent, and his pretty brows were conspicuously frowned. Tell others how complicated her mood is.

After a while, the kitten looked closely at Yan Luo.

"Is the teacher going to betray us?" has another meaning. That's the boss, don't you want me?

"You're wrong, little cat." Looking at the predestined eyes of the little cat [Yan Luo, who knows that perfunctory words will never be forgiven, closed his eyes. Immediately opened suddenly.

"Aisha and the apostles of the gods are not the same way."

The kitten is skeptical, but the kitten has been modified by the Distinguished Heavenly Gods. There is no doubt about Yan Luo's words. Just looking at Yan Luo seemed to be waiting for Yan Luo's explanation.

All in all, you come in first. " Yan Luo waved at the kitten.

"As a cohabitant who will live together in the future, you should first understand why Aisha is here before making a judgment.

Hearing this, the kitten raised its head because it didn't know what to say, glanced at Aisha who looked at Yan Luo with some emotion, nodded, and walked into the room.


Ten minutes later, all the kittens who learned from Yan Luo bowed their heads to Aisha and apologized.

"I don't know that you have left the side of angels and fallen angels for that reason, and I am really sorry for being hostile to you casually."

"No, it's okay." Aisha shook her head quickly, and then, as if praying, she shook hands on her chest, showing a gentle smile like a virgin.

"Now I have a new destination. I am no longer someone who is not favored by the Lord. Please raise your head and get along with us."

"En." The kitten nodded heavily immediately.

"I'll get on well with Elsa."

"Kitten sauce..." Aisha's face was immediately touched, which made Yan Luo secretly a little surprised.

Isn't this girl too innocent?

I never thought about whether the words of the kitten came from the heart, so I was so moved?

Of course, the kitten's words are completely from the heart, and Yan Luo can guarantee this. 'Tell me a joke. A demon is touched by a nun. hehe. "

Seeing the devil kitten and the nun Aisha cherish each other, why does Yan Luo feel inexplicably speechless, are the devil and the nun really enemies? Yan Luo suddenly remembered. If you want Aisha to get into this circle, Aisha's artifact is very important, so Yan Luo reminded

"By the way, Aisha, you said you have the power to heal everything, so what kind of power is that?"

Rias said that in this world, there are basically only three types of people who have powers that humans cannot possess.

One is the holder of the artifact (saredgear), one is the Mage, and the other is the exorcist.

Except for these three types of humans, the rest of humans generally do not possess special powers.

That's right, in general.

But Elsa is special. It is already incredible to be able to heal demons with artifacts.

Next, the strength displayed by Aisha surprised even the kittens.

"..." Well, Mr. Yan Luo, do you want to take a look?" Aisha held her hands in front of her again as if praying.

The next moment, on the fingers of Elsa's clenched hand, a pair of rings emitting soft green light suddenly appeared.

"That's..." Yan Luo was slightly surprised. Knowing that the healing effect of Our Lady's smile is amazing. But when I actually saw it, I was still surprised, what an amazing breath of life.

"Aisha..." Even the kitten looked at Aisha in a daze, and said in surprise.

"Are you a saregear bearer?"

Aisha nodded again and again, causing Yan Luo who was on the side to move in his heart, and guided him aloud.

"Aisha, you said earlier that after you were expelled from the church, you (De Nuohao) took refuge in the fallen angels, right?"

"Yes... yes." Aisha was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Did you go to seek refuge with the fallen angels yourself? Or did those fallen angels find you by themselves?" Yan Luo continued to guide.

"No, I didn't take the initiative to seek refuge." Aisha said a little confused.

"I met the Lost Exorcist's organization after I was expelled, and then I was introduced to the fallen angels."

Yan Luo secretly smiled. The little girl is so naive. Casually explain your details clearly. But then Rias wouldn't suspect anything. Soft and cute loli Laozi is about to be ordered.

Yan Luo looked at the kitten. This devil with a cold appearance and a kind heart has completely accepted Aisha. Although there is the role of Distinguished Heavenly Gods. It is impossible for the kitten to betray Yan Luo. But there is no guarantee that the kitten will not be jealous. Now the kitten is moved by Aisha's experience, and he no longer rejects this nun loli in his heart. The next thing will be easy to handle. .

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