Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 303 The Evil Party: What Can You Do? Ants

The scorching flame centered on the magic circle, setting off layers of sparks, flying in the entire space, and spreading in all directions.

Putting her hands in her pockets, Raisel, who had a vicious look, didn't even look at the others, and directly cast her fierce eyes on Rias, with a pissed smile on her face , which made Rias' complexion become unhappy.

"Rassel, what are you doing here?"

"I don't really like coming to the human world. The air and wind in this world are too dirty. It's hard for a demon like me who is in charge of fire and wind." Raisel spread his hands, A look of helplessness.

"However, even I would be anxious to hear that my fiancée intends to regret the marriage. Rias, if you are obedient and obedient now, I can go back now."

In other words, did Raisel come here specially because she heard that Rias planned to regret her marriage?

That's really kind.

It's a pity that this kindness was wrongly targeted.

"Risel, what you are worried about is not my fiancée, but because the road to establish a good relationship between Phoenix and Gremory is about to disappear, right?" Rias looked at Raisel coldly. .

"Since you all know that I plan to regret my marriage, and you still come in front of me at 25, it will only exacerbate my thoughts."

Hearing this, Raisel still had the same smiling face. Lianyan Shendu revealed a feeling of indifference, as if he sneered at Rias's thoughts.

"I said, Rias, don't you know that the current situation of your Gremory family is not as good as it seems on the surface?"

Rias didn't speak, but just stared at Raisel, making Raisel curl her lips helplessly.

"During the perennial battle with angels and fallen angels, many pure-blooded demons have died on our side, even though we are now in a state of being out of war. We are still engaged in small-scale conflicts with the camps of angels and fallen angels And confrontation, it cannot be said that there is no danger.”

"This is especially true for young demons like you who stay in the human world without the protection of your family." Raisel said eloquently.

"It's not uncommon for us that the heir of the pure-blooded demon and the angel and the fallen angel died in unnecessary conflicts, and the family's blood lineage was cut off. How important this is to our pure-blooded demon's family, you Don't you know?"

Rias remained silent, but her eyes became sharper and sharper.

Not just Rias. Except for Aisha who is a little clueless. Everyone present knew what Raisel was talking about, and even Yan Luo, an outsider who had been in this world for less than a month, was able to perceive the devil's dilemma with his keen political intuition.

Because of the massive reduction of pure-blooded demons, in order to increase the strength and number of demons, Beelzebub, one of the current four major demon kings, has developed a technology that can transform creatures of other races into demons.

Among the demon chess pieces (evil pieces) given to the superior demons to reincarnate creatures of other races, a superior demon can have at most fifteen reincarnated demons as servants.

In this way, under the reincarnation of superior demons one by one, the underworld should be more accurately called the evil devil. The stars and collectives of the new demons reincarnated from creatures of other races are getting stronger and stronger.

Well, those pure-blooded demons should be worried.

I am worried that the status of ancient pure-blooded demons like them will gradually be replaced by foreign reincarnated demons, becoming less and less groundless, and in the end, it may even make the entire demon world no longer have pure-blooded demons exist.

"The current demons do need new blood, and we will not reject foreign reincarnated demons, after all, they are our hope for continuation, but we can't let the pure blood demons disappear like this?" Raisel looked at it funny Rias glanced.

"In order to prevent pure blood demons from becoming extinct, Gremory and Phoenix will choose me and you. The birth of offspring of pure blood demons is a problem that all pure blood demon families will consider. Compared with me, your family The situation is more severe. I still have at least two big brothers, so don’t worry that if I die one day, no one will inherit the Phoenix family, but your family is different, isn’t it?”

"Your family has only two brothers and sisters, and your big brother has already left that family and ascended to the top as a demon king. It is impossible to descend from his status to inherit a pure blood demon family. In this way, your family will be You, Rias, are the only one left to inherit." Ressel pouted.

"If you don't find a husband and give birth to an offspring, once you die, your Gremory family will be completely cut off from you. Originally, there are not many pure blood demon families. If you lose you, Gremory In the Ri family, the form of the devil is even more serious, so our marriage is related to the future of the devil, Rias, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Reesel's face suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Rias coldly.

"Even if you intend to be self-willed, I will not let you play your temper casually, Lias, I am not only here to see you today, but also to let you take back your own ideas, otherwise, I can't guarantee that the next I won't do anything bad."

As soon as the words fell, a faint magical power began to rise around Ruisel's body, turning into a burning red flame, flying in the room with strong sparks.

A heavy pressure swept through the entire Natural Research Department at this moment.

Yan Luo could feel that Aisha's body, who was hiding behind her, shook violently, and the hand holding his clothes was getting stronger and stronger.

Himejima Akeno and the kitten tensed their bodies almost like a conditioned reflex, stared at Raisel closely, and entered the state of preparation for the battle.

Seeing Raisel wasting her magic power unscrupulously in her social office, Rias' complexion also sank.

Just when traces of scorching red magic power began to rise from Rias's body, a hand [weiran] pressed her shoulder.

"Calm down, Rias, this is the academy."

Rias subconsciously turned her head and looked behind her.

There, Yan Luo was stretching out a hand, put it on Rias's shoulder, and shook his head at Rias.

"The class will start soon, and almost all the students are here. If there are two high-level demons fighting here, it will not be as simple as destroying one or two buildings. Stop it.

"But teacher, I can't let Raisel make a move here!" Rias frowned.

"Even if he is alone, if he is allowed to squander his magic power, the academy will be burned down!"

Hearing this, Yan Luo smiled indifferently and shook his head.

As long as you don't make a move, I promise, he won't be able to do anything here. "

In a word, everyone's attention was shifted to Yan Luo.

Raisel, whose body was burning with flames, seemed to have noticed Yan Luo only then, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Gu Lei Fia who had been silent all this time.

"I said, why are there humans here?"

"Master Raisel." Gurefiya responded unhurriedly.

"That seems to be the lady's friend."

"Friend?" Raisel looked straight at Yan Luo, his eyes became lighter, as if he was looking at some big garbage.

"Rias is looking for a human as a friend? Are you kidding me?"

"No, rather than being a friend, I still think that I am Rias's mentor. I have given her a lot of advice on where to go in life." Facing Raisel's contemptuous eyes

Yan Luo's complexion remained unchanged, he just said with a smile.

"Fortunately, Rias is quite obedient to me. No, I told her to focus on finding her own happiness, and she immediately regretted the marriage. Isn't she obedient?"

With these words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Teacher!" Rias, Aisha, Akeno Himejima, Kitten and others all cried out in surprise.

Gu Lei Fia also set her sights on Yan Luo, which is full of cold colors.

Ruissel's complexion changed even more, from the contemptuous look just now to an ugly one, and there was a trace of murderous intent and malice in the sight of Yan Luo.

"That is to say, Rias will renege on the marriage entirely because of your relationship?"

Faced with Raisel's murderous and malicious gaze, Yan Luo frowned.

"So. It's me. What can you do? An ant." Yan Luo closed his eyes. when opened. It has become a circle of eyes. The desperately powerful Conqueror's Haki broke out. Precise looms over Gulei Fia and Turkey Ressel.

"Om..." Ressel and Gulei Fia's expressions changed wildly. Gu Lei Fia is okay [after all, she has the strength of a demon master. But Cyril was miserable. Face Yan Luo's Conqueror's Haki. It's like several mountains are pressing on me. In the next second, he couldn't bear it and fell to his knees on the ground.


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