Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 309: The Reason Why The Demon King Rushes To Marry His Sister

In the health room of Kuou Academy, Yan Luo received a visit from the President of the Student Council, Shitori Sona.

Cangna, who entered the health room with Rias almost front and rear, took off his glasses as soon as he appeared on the stage, and said as if he couldn't stand it while wiping the mirror.

"As a result, you have no choice but to compromise temporarily and agree to the marriage contract that appeared out of nowhere?"

"In this way, it's just a new marriage partner, Rias, you haven't gotten rid of Gremory's request at all, have you?"

Rias, who was leaning against the wall beside her, let out a big sigh and complained involuntarily.

"Whether it's dad or big brother, they're all too worried. Doesn't it make me feel like I can't get married?"

"I haven't met your father, but your big brother really looks like he can't wait to marry you off." Yan Luo, who was sitting at the desk, propped his face with one hand, and gave Rias a white look. I laughed so hard in my heart. After all, Rias still can't escape her Wuzhishan.

"I've seen someone eager to hold a grandson, but I haven't seen someone who is so anxious, Rias, is your family's situation really so bad?"

The reason why the Gremory family is so anxious to marry Rias is not because they don't love Rias, it's just that the Gremory family really needs a new generation of supplements

The current head of the Gremory family had only one pair of children.

And the son. That is to say, Suzeks has become the devil [cannot inherit the Gremory family. As a daughter, Rias naturally had to instigate the succession of the entire family.

In this way, once Lias really died unexpectedly. Najimori's family really has no successors, so they can only be cut off.

Under such circumstances, it's no wonder that the Gremory family was eager to marry Rias, so that Rias gave birth to the blood of the Gremory family.

In the end, this glorious task fell on Yan Luo, which is obviously a good thing. Yan Luo had to pretend to be helpless. Otherwise, Rias might turn her face off.

Rias looked at Yan Luo. Sighed.

"Actually, big brother, Sazex? Lucifer already has a son, and my father expects him to be the next head of the Gremory family.

Hearing this, Yan Luo couldn't help being stunned and made a sound in doubt.

"Since this is the case, why are you in such a hurry to have another one?"

"Even with the son of Lord Suzeks, the situation of the Gremory family has not improved much. Whether it is Rias or the son of Lord Suzeks, once something happens to one of the sons of Lord Suzeks, it will be very difficult for the Gremory family." Everyone in the house was a blow`||. Cang Na put on the glasses that had been wiped, and glanced at Rias.

"Besides, among the demons, there is also a branch that seems to be planning to support Lord Suzeks' son as the next Lucifer's supporter, before Lord Suzeks' son inherits the Gremory family. Lord Suzeks If he resigns, Lord Suzeks' son will become the next Lucifer. Then he won't be able to inherit the Gremory family, right?"

Speaking of this, I have to mention the current situation of the demon world.

In the battle between demons, angels, and fallen angels, the four major demon kings who originally ruled the entire demon world have actually joined most of the pure-blooded demons who can be called seventy-two pillars. Died on the battlefield.

Without the devil king, the world of demons basically cannot maintain operation.

Therefore, among the remaining seventy-two pillars of pure-blooded demon families, the four people led by Suzeks who stood at the top of all the demons stood up and inherited the position of the four major demon kings.

That's why Suzeks said that this Lucifer is just his duty.

Because, the surnames of the current four major devil kings no longer represent blood relationship and family background, but represent the position of devil kings.

This is why Suzeks, who was born in the Gremory family, changed his surname to Lucifer.

And just like Suzeks, if his son is elected as the next Lucifer and becomes the Demon King, he will naturally not be able to inherit the Gremory family.

"Sure enough, a good background is different. For the rest of his life, he will either be the head of a noble family or directly be the devil king. The son of Suzeks is very lucky." Yan Luo said helplessly. By the way, isn’t Suzeks a transcendent? Why is it so easy to have offspring. I have worked hard for so long but there is no one? Is there a secret recipe? Ask at that time.

"I'm wondering, knowing that Rias is so important, the Gremory family dares to leave her alone in this academy, isn't it afraid that someone will kill her?"

"Ah, I, Rias Gremory, didn't die so easily." Rias frowned, and looked at Yan Luo provocatively.

"Even if I'm not as powerful as the so-called Godslayer, I'm still a pure-blooded high-level demon. If you want me to die, in the name of the Gremory family, you must beat him to the ground!"

"Besides, that godslayer is now in this academy and has become the next head of the Gremory family's fiancée. It's impossible for him to die so easily." Cang Na couldn't help showing a slight smile. . Yan Luo didn't expect to 'expose' the identity of the godslayer so quickly. Maybe it's because Rias has such a good relationship with Shishikura.

"If you think about it this way, in fact, the marriage contract between the teacher and Rias is still well concluded.

"Well, instead of marrying Raisel, I'd rather marry my teacher, that's the truth." Rias showed a beautiful smile towards Yan Luo.

"Teacher, please also protect me as a fiancée."

"Don't be too happy, I just compromised temporarily because I have no platform to step down, and I made a bet on my own. There are so many people witnessing it. If you refuse directly, it will be difficult for you to do it." Rias, who spoke enthusiastically, Yan Luo's performance seemed a little cold.

"For a fiancée who has a serious tendency to quit the engagement. Who do you think will go all out to maintain it?"

Hearing this, just when Rias was about to say something more, Cang Na interrupted with a serious face.

"Indeed, it's still early to discuss a marriage contract. Before that, we must pay attention to another more serious problem."

"A more serious problem?" Yan Luo and Rias looked at each other, and both turned their attention to Cang Na.

"What's the problem?"

Under the watchful eyes of Yan Luo and Rias, Cang Na pushed his glasses and said this with a blank face.

«Teacher, you should know that although demons, angels and fallen angels are in a temporary truce, it is only a truce. The peace between each other is barely maintained, and war may break out again at any time ?”

Yan Luo nodded immediately.

Demons, angels, and fallen angels have been fighting with each other all year round, and all of them have been severely injured in the battle. They have to temporarily stop fighting and recuperate, so as not to be directly dragged down by the war.

In other words, the three major powers are currently only forced to temporarily cease fighting, that is, there is no winner or loser, and no peace treaty has been concluded, as if they are reorganizing their military forces

It is true that another war may break out at any time.

"Teacher probably doesn't know?" Cang Na narrowed his eyes slightly.

"In the past, when the three major forces were still at war, there were two dragons fighting on the battlefield.

"Two-headed dragon?" Yan Luo's heart skipped a beat. There is already speculation.

Rias's expression also became serious, and she looked at Tana.

"Are you talking about the two-headed dragon Nitenlong that is located almost among all the dragons?"

"It is called Tianlong, it is higher than the so-called Dragon King, and its strength is enough to rival the gods. It is an existence that every force is afraid of." Cang Nazhi (de Zhao Hao) looked at Yan

"The two-headed dragons with such power fought fiercely on the battlefield, and the impact caused was so great that even the three major forces could not ignore it. Therefore, with God and the Demon King at the fore, the three major forces temporarily ceased fighting at that time."

"In the end, Er Tianlong was directly chopped into pieces by the three major forces, and his soul was turned into a sacred weapon (saredgear), which became two of the thirteen known longinus, and was sealed into the human body. "Rias recalled the incident she had heard.

"After that, did the Japanese forces start fighting again?"

"The power that can rival the gods and demon kings is too sensitive for the three major forces." Cang Na said to Yan Luo very seriously.

"Great power is often accompanied by endless disputes. Teacher Yan Luo, you have to be careful. For the current three major forces, perhaps, you have become an unstable element that may lead to war again. Next, There will definitely be all kinds of people attracted by your powerful power!"

Yan Luo's eyes flickered, and he became thoughtful. Laozi is not Tianlong. Lively, Laozi directly shook the double. .

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