Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 312: The Church Beauty Who Talks To The Devil


A figure fell from mid-air and landed heavily on the ground with its back on the ground. After a muffled cry, it quickly got up, but it was covering the shoulder that was hit by the stone, and a look of pain appeared on its face.


The other figure who was about to flee into the distance immediately stopped, jumped up, and landed in front of his companion, directing his sharp eyes to Yan Luo, and raised a large weapon. Vigilantly guarding against Yan Luo,

It was a weapon wrapped in bandages that looked like a giant sword.

But the one holding such a weapon is a tall and plump figure, wearing a white robe, with blue shoulder-length bangs and a bunch of green-dyed bangs on his forehead.

Such a girl is holding a huge weapon that is almost as tall as her body, and her eyes are extremely fierce, just like a capable female Warrior.

As for the person who was hit on the shoulder by the stone, kneeling on the ground with one hand on the shoulder, she was also a young girl in her prime.

He is also wearing a white robe "Two Eight Zero", and underneath the white robe is a black tights with maroon long hair. Hanging with twin ponytails, she looks very cute, like a playful little sister next door who needs to be protected, forming an extremely sharp contrast with that Warrior-like girl.

Yan Luo was a little surprised when he saw that the people lying in ambush and waiting for an opportunity were such two young girls.

Compared with Yan Luo, those two girls unanimously cast all kinds of vigilant eyes on Yan Luo.

"Irina." The girl who was holding a bandaged giant sword at Yan Luo didn't even turn her head, or she was worried that she would be attacked if she turned around. Looking straight at Yan Luo, he spoke softly.

"Are you all right?"

"It's nothing, it's just being hit by a stone." Saying this, the pretty girl called Irina still had a hint of pain on her pretty face, and she showed a forced smirk.

"However, it still hurts, Xenovia."

"Really?" The girl named Xenovia's eyes became more and more indifferent. The hand holding the sword became tighter and tighter.

"Sure enough. The guy who dared to claim to have killed a god would not be able to say such rebellious words without such a little ability. It was right for us to choose not to contact him directly.

Although he didn't know where the two girls in front of him came from, Yan Luo had some guesses.

After all, Yan Luo keenly sensed a trace of sacred aura from the sword in the hands of the girl named Jenova.

Holding a weapon full of such a sacred aura, and saying such words and deeds to Yan Luo, how could Yan Luo not guess the origin of the other party?

"People from the church?" Yan Luo couldn't help laughing. Laughing without a trace of emotion.

"First, a turkey came from the demon camp, then came the white dragon who joined the fallen angel camp, and now it is a member of the church under the angel camp. When will Kuou Academy become so famous that it can attract you guys? An inexplicable character?"

"Hey, hey, if you want to say something inexplicable, it should be you, right?" the girl named Irina yelled.

"The three major forces of demons, angels and fallen angels are already in confrontation. It is not surprising when and where they appear and conflict. What is strange is that you broke into the three camps inexplicably. How dare you call yourself a murderer?" Sinners who have surpassed God are right!"

"According to what you said, I really shouldn't be here." Yan Luo shrugged.

"So. Hiding aside and peeping is something that people in the church should do? Those who don't know think it's some chicken thief.

"You are the chicken thief. You bastard. We are just avoiding unnecessary conflicts." Xenovia said angrily.

"Sinners who call themselves godslayers. In the name of my lord, a heretic like you should give you the purification of mercy, but our target this time is not you. If possible, I hope you can be treated as something Didn't see it, let's go."

"Since you want to leave, why don't you come here at first?" Yan Luo laughed mockingly.

"Come when you want to come, leave when you want to, presumptuously position others as sinners, and presumptuously think that you are the so-called spokesperson of God, who can punish rape and eradicate evil, and what you want to eradicate is the evil that you think is evil. You plan to do this Have you always been self-righteous?"

Saying such a sentence, Yan Luo raised his footsteps and walked forward slowly.


Xenovia and Irina immediately reacted to Yan Luo's actions, and retreated step by step as Yan Luo approached step by step.

"Originally, I was very displeased with the church because of Aisha's affairs. Now, you have further deepened my dislike for the church. Should I arrest the two of you and bring you directly to the church to complain about it?" Is there a better way to say it?"

Although he didn't use any strength, at this moment, from Yan Luo's body, an astonishing sense of oppression really surged, covering the entire space around him.

Xenovia and Irina only felt that their breathing was almost suffocated. They bit their lips tightly, resisting the physical instinct that made their hands tremble, and pointed the huge sword in their hands at Yan Luo

A terrified look appeared on one of his faces, and he backed away again and again.

With the oppressive feeling emanating from Yan Luo, both Xenovia and Irina realized an unshakable fact.

That is, no matter whether Yan Luo really killed the gods or not, with the power of Xenovia and Irina, they will never be able to shake each other.

If they let the impulse in their hearts and their belief in God act and swing their swords at the man in front of them, then Xenovia and Irina could only return to the embrace of the so-called Lord.

Therefore, you must not attack Yan Luo......

Therefore, Xenovia, who calmed down before Irina, took a deep breath, and lowered the giant sword in his hand.

"Although I really want to prove whether you have really killed God or are you just uttering wild words, unfortunately, we have other tasks, so we cannot conflict with you here."

"Other tasks?" Yan Luo looked at Xenovia with a half-smile.

"Since you have all come to Kuou Academy, then the so-called other mission, shouldn't it be to hunt down the demons in this academy?"

"No, we didn't receive that kind of mission." Xenovia shook his head calmly.

"Although our mission has something to do with the demons, before that, we must first negotiate with the pure-blooded demons here. Whether we will become enemies "depends on the results of the negotiations after that."

"People from the church came to negotiate with the devil?"

Yan Luo's forward steps stopped, and the astonishing oppressive feeling that filled his body dissipated little by little.

Xenovia and Irina breathed a sigh of relief almost subconsciously at the same time.

It has to be said that the aura and pressure emanating from Yan Luo's body are really amazing.

Even Xenovia and Irina, who are the elites of the church, were so intimidated that they retreated and trembled instinctively. If a common human stepped into this area and exposed their bodies to the oppressive feeling just now, it would be instant. Swoon out and squeezed away to bleed?

Could it be that this man really has the ability to kill gods?

"You have saved a life." Yan Luo snorted coldly, resisting the distaste for the church people because of Aisha's relationship, and glanced at Xenovia and Irina.

"What is the negotiation you said?"

"You have a lot to do with the demons that rule this town, right?" Xenovia didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"That matter will be much easier to handle in 4.7, can you please be an intermediary, let us have a meeting with the devil of this site, Rias Gremory?"

"Oh?" Yan Luo pouted.

"People from the church came to talk to the devil, and the only thing I can think of is that the person who comes is not good."

"As I said just now, our mission is not directly related to the devil, but we do need to negotiate with the devil. Whether we will become enemies or not will be decided after that." Jenova said in a neither humble nor haughty manner. One sentence.

"Even if you don't plan to be an intermediary, we will directly break into Rias Gremory's territory and negotiate with her face to face.

"It's really like a church." Yan Luo laughed out loud.

"Arbitrarily convicted, trespassing, and taking it for granted, self-centered, it's really unpleasant."

Yan Luo's ridicule made Xenovia and Irina dare not speak out.

On the other side, Yan Luo was thoughtful.

It's unusual for people from the church to come.

It seems that it is necessary to observe it. .

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