Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 322: Crazy Fallen Angel

"I've wanted to see you for a long time, Godslayer..."

He said such a sentence, but Ke Keboer's condescending gaze towards Yan Luo was full of jokes and sarcasm.

Even thinking about it with his knees, Yan Luo knew why Kirkball behaved like this.

"A mere human actually claimed to have killed a god, when Asachel told me about it, I almost burst out laughing.

No need for Yan Luo to say it himself, but Kirkball gave the reason why he looked at Yan Luo with such eyes without fear.

"If the God and the Demon King were so easy to kill, I wouldn't have had to struggle so hard to survive the three-party war. Boy, once you see the power of the God and the Demon King, you will never be able to say that. Come on.” Kokball sneered.

"However, your stupid words made me happy for a while, so you can continue to pretend to be a godslayer. There should be many people like me who find it quite funny. In this boring world without war It's the best way to tell the time in the days."

Listening to Kirkball's "190" ridicule every single word, Yan Luo just glanced at him, and immediately his shoulders relaxed. It seems that I am still too low-key. You must know that Laozi is not afraid of the so-called devils and gods. But the infinite dragon god above the gods and the great red. It seems that it is necessary to let this ant know its mistake. You must convince people with virtue.

Yan Luo looked at Ke Keboer, "I see, is this the ability of fallen angel cadres?"

"Oh?" Kirkball frowned.

"What? Do you still want to save face in front of me?"

"No, I'm just a little bit sentimental. I thought of you a little too highly before. Yan Luo curled his lips.

"You know? Suzeks no longer doubts that I am a godslayer after seeing me."

"Sazex?" Kirkball was slightly taken aback.

"Isn't there a saying that is very good? A strong person can clearly know the strength of beings who are also strong people and beings stronger than themselves!" Yan Luo slightly raised his eyes and looked at Kokbol .

"You can't even tell what kind of strength your opponent has, no wonder you can only survive under the hands of gods and demon kings.

A ferocious light flashed across Kirkball's eyes, and the smile on his face became a little ferocious.

"That's right, the mouth is quite powerful. I'll tear up your mouth later, and then bring your head to Suzeks and tell him how bad his eyesight is."

"Kokebol!" Rias finally couldn't help but stepped forward, staring straight at Kokobol.

"Do you really want to cause a war between the three forces?!"

"What? You've already seen it, haven't you?" Kokball spread his hands, pretending to be innocent and said.

Originally, I thought that if I snatched the holy sword, that guy Michael would not be able to resist leading troops to kill him, but in the end he just sent two little-known holy sword envoys to die. no way. I can only go and grab this little girl. "

Saying such a sentence, Kokbol floated to the side of Canna who was tied to the cross, stretched out his hand, and put his hand on the shoulder of the unconscious Canna.

"Since the angel can't make a decision, then I can only make an idea on the devil's side. I happened to be eyeing her. As long as I snatch her over, Serafur should come to kill her. Plus You are here too, Suzeks will not be able to resist attacking, right? It's really great!"

Rias' expression became extremely ugly.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Crazy? If I continue like this, I will really go crazy!" Kirkball couldn't help laughing out loud, with a bit of madness in his appearance.

"Since the end of the war, I have been extremely bored every day. That guy Asachel even threatened not to start a second war. When I think that I can only live in this boring life for countless years in the future, I I can't help but want to destroy everything!"

"That's right! I can't bear it any longer!" Kokball looked at Rias coldly.

"Since everyone doesn't want to fight anymore, even if I'm the only one left, I will wage war against the angels and demons. Kill the four demon kings, and then kill Michael. No one can stop me!"

Everyone couldn't help but shudder when they heard Kokber's almost crazy words.

"So that's why. Is that why you invaded this town?" Yan Luo was the only one who spoke lightly without being affected at all.

"Because Rias and Canna are both in this town, as long as they are captured or even killed, it will arouse the anger of the demon camp, right?"

Rias' big brother is Lucifer, one of the Four Great Demon Lords.

Compared with Rias, Sona's background is also strong.

If you want to say why, Cang Na's sister is also one of the four great demon kings.

Leviathan Serafur Sidi, one of the current Four Demon Lords.

This is Cang Na's own sister.

In other words, Rias and Canna are not only the next heads of the pure-blooded demon family, but the big brother sisters of the two girls are also two of the current four major demon kings.

If something happened to Rias and Canna, then both Suzeks and Serafur would be mad, right?

At that time, Kirkball's goal of initiating war will be achieved.

"Well, there is more or less a godslayer's reason for choosing this town." Kirkball cast a contemptuous look at Yan Luo.

"I just want to see what a stupid human being who dares to claim to have killed a god looks like. After I kill you, I will tell others that the person who claimed to have killed a god has been killed by me, to prove my He is stronger than a god, if that is the case, Michael will go crazy too, right?"

Should this person be called smart? Or should this person be called stupid?

Saying he is smart, this person is like a lunatic, wanting to lead a war between the three forces by himself.

He is stupid, but this person can think carefully about everything, first use the holy sword to involve the church in his own disputes, then kidnap Canna, let the devil get involved, and then want to kill Noah and Li Yasi forced the angel camp and the demon camp to be crazy, so that she could get...

However, it is true as Cang Na said that Noah's identity as a godslayer really attracted people with bad intentions like Kirkball, and it is indeed very sensitive to the three major forces. The possibility of a power struggle.

After all, in a word, no matter how you shake off the fly, you can't get rid of it.

It's a pity that Kirkball still miscalculated.

"The holy sword was taken away, but as a result, the supreme ruler of the angel camp, Michael, did not come, and the sister of the demon king was snatched away. As a result, the supreme ruler of the demon camp, the four major demon kings, did not come either." Yan Luo couldn't help but Laughed, very ironically.

"You just want to tell us that you performed a one-man show by yourself, right?"

Kirkball snorted coldly.

"As long as I kill you here, kill the sisters of Suzeks and Serafur, and kill all the people from the angel camp and the demon camp, the three-way war between demons, angels and fallen angels will break out sooner or later. I've been waiting for so long, and I don't mind waiting a little longer."

After finishing speaking, Kokbol turned around and looked at Canna who was tied to the cross, with a violent arc on the corner of his mouth.

"I thought that catching this woman would lead Serafur over, but if neither Michael nor Seraur came over, then she would be useless."

Hearing these words, an extremely strong ominous premonition emerged in Rias's heart, and then she finally thought of something, and her pretty face changed dramatically.


Amidst the vibrations in the space, strong power of light emerged from Kokboer's hands, gathering 5.8 in the palm of his hand like a large number of fireflies gathered together.

After a while, a gigantic gun of light that was incomparably bright, taller than a human, and as gorgeous as if it had been specially decorated appeared in Kokebol's hands, and Kokobol lifted it up.

"Don't hate me, if you want to hate, hate that you are Serafur's younger sister, hate this too peaceful world!"

As soon as the words fell, the gigantic spear of light rubbed against the air under the wave of Kokbol, and amidst the sharp piercing sound of the air, it ruthlessly aimed at the heart of Hua Na who was tied to the cross.


Rias let out a miserable cry.

Both Himejima Akeno and Kitten opened their eyes wide at once, but they also knew that they could do nothing to stop them, so they turned their heads away almost subconsciously.

Only Xenova and Irina, one suddenly untied the bandages on the holy sword of destruction, and the other transformed the holy sword of mimicry from the form of a rope to the form of a knife, set up the holy sword in their hands, and prepared to face Kokbor .

Under such circumstances, the Ravenous Light Spear fell heavily on the cross.

Exploding sound resounded throughout. .

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