Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 324 The Evil Party: I Have Never Seen Such A Weak Fallen Angel

Looking at the man who was blown away by a single blow, a long ravine was wiped out on the ground, and he slid down in front of himself and the others, Lias, Junai, Kitty, Xenovia, and Irina, a group of five girls Almost didn't react.


And Kokboer, who was rubbing fiercely on the ground with his face on the ground, jumped up suddenly, covered his face, and looked forward with anger and disbelief.

"How could it be... what happened to those eyes?"

Under Kirkball's watchful eye, a figure gradually stepped out of the center ahead, which was still filled with intense flames and violent wind and waves.

Impressively, it was Yan Luo who didn't even have the slightest injury on his body.

"How is it?" Yan Luo calmly asked such a question while walking towards Kekeboer.

"Although he is a cadre of a fallen angel, it shouldn't be embarrassing to be knocked away by a godslayer, right?"

Hearing this, Rias and her party finally understood what was going on in the scene just now.

However, after understanding it, all the girls stared at Yan Luo and Kirkball in a daze, unable to react even more.

Hitting a Fallen Angel cadre with one move?

real or fake?

"Bastard!" Kekeboer's face was terribly black, but more of it was disbelief and anger.

"Why?! Why does my attack have no effect on you?!"

If it were a different person, it would be thought that Yan Luo blocked Kokbol's attack, and then countered Kokbol's attack, right?

However. As the attacker, Kirkball clearly witnessed it.

His full-strength spear of light landed in front of Yan Luo, and exploded like shattering in an instant. The abandoned church and the surrounding environment were completely destroyed, but it didn't cause any harm to Yan Luo. Then he was inexplicably blown away by an invisible attack.

This is the reason why Kirkball was really shocked and unbelievable.

"What? Didn't I tell you?" Pretend time seemed to come again. Yan Luo raised one of his hands, as if wanting to show his body in front of the other party, and said word by word.

"You are too weak, so weak that you don't even have the qualifications to approach me. I have never seen such a weak ten-winged fallen angel. Are you really a fallen angel cadre?"

Having said that, Yan Luo looked at Kokball ironically.

"Looks like that's the case with fallen angels!"

"You...you..." Kirkball couldn't help but took a step back, looking at Yan Luo as if he was looking at a monster.

"Are you still human?!"

"Unfortunately, what I explained to you is not clear." Yan Luo spread his hands pretending to be helpless, and looked at Kokboer with a half-smile.

"Not to mention that explaining to a dead person is a waste of time."

"Damn it! Don't think that you are proud of sneak attacking Laozi." Kirkball was furious. The dense power of light also slowly gushed out from Kokboer's body, filling the sky above the open space.

"Even if you are really a godslayer, so what? I will never lose to you!"

With such a loud cry, the power of light permeating Kokobol's body suddenly turned, and in Kokobol's hand, it gathered into a sword of light.

"As long as I kill you, the godslayer, and then go to Michael's side to show off your power. My goal will be achieved!"

After the words fell, the wings behind Kokball fluttered. The body shape is like an arrow from the string, and it suddenly rushes to Yan Luo's direction. The sword of light wrapped in the strong power of light brought a sharp energy to tear the air, and slashed down on Yan Luoli fiercely.

The ear-piercing sonic boom sounded continuously.

"I really don't learn well."

Facing the oncoming sword of light, Yan Luo raised his hand violently, clenched his fist, pulled his body away, and set up a fighting posture, covered by Armament Haki.

"Stupid weakling, let you taste the iron fist of Laozi's love."

"Crack!" The punch hit the lightsaber directly.

Even though Kokbol concentrated a large amount of light power on the sword body of the sword of light in his hand, the sword of light on Yan Luo's fist suddenly cracked, and finally, with a crisp bang, he shot burst open.

And in the sparks that hadn't had time to dissipate, the sandbag-sized fist slammed heavily on Kokboer's chest under the gaze of Kokboer's shrinking pupils.


There was a muffled sound that was many times louder than before.

Kokboer only felt an unrivaled and powerful impact on his body, causing a pain in his chest. After his feet wiped a deep mark nearly ten meters away on the ground, his body hit hard. It landed on a tree trunk, shaking the trunk behind it into two pieces.


Leaning against the broken tree trunk with his back in two, Kokboer's face turned red and he spat out a mouthful of blood, then his legs softened, his body slid down the tree trunk, and he sat paralyzed on the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. fall down.

Being hit in the chest without fancy by Yan Luo's punch, even the cadre of the fallen angels recorded in the Bible still ended up with a serious injury.

It's not that Kokball is too weak, but that his opponent is too terrifying.

Yan Luo raised his fist to his mouth and blew. With a look of disgust, he took out a paper towel and wiped it off. "Hoo hoo, your sister, dirty Laozi's fist." cut.

Watching this scene, Lias, Zhu Nai and Xiaomao looked at each other, and they all felt a little shock in each other's eyes.

The last time Yan Luo used the 10,000-meter Senju giant Buddha attack against Raisel was actually a little more shocking.

But after all, it is just a scene seen through the same way as watching a TV screen. How can the real scene in front of you be more shocking?

Besides, Raisel is just a high-level demon, and it's nothing to be solved by one move, but Kirkball is the cadre of the fallen angels.

There is no comparison between the characters who can survive under the hands of the king of gods and demons (Zhao Nuozhao).

In this way, it is naturally even more shocking.

As for Xenovia and Irina, their expressions became extremely dignified.

It's just because, in the hearts of these two believers, they have gradually become more and more sure of Yan Luo's record of killing gods.

Under such circumstances, Yan Luo just walked slowly in front of Kokboer and looked down at him, just like at the beginning, Kokboer looked down at Yan Luo in the abandoned church, in his eyes, All jokes and sarcasm.

"Are you a historical figure who survived under the hands of gods and demon kings? Can you also survive under the hands of me, a godslayer, this time?"

Kirkball raised his head with difficulty, stared at Yan Luo, and suddenly smiled.

Anyway, I am content to live longer than the gods and demon kings. "

This sentence stunned everyone. .

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