Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 33 What To Do If You Want To Talk To Sengoku

After Yan Luo used Distinguished Heavenly Gods to control cp5's secret agent team leader. Returned to the castle with the captives. Distinguished Heavenly Gods can only be used once per day. So the rest of the captives were handed over to Rem. With Mike's cooperation, the poison hidden on their bodies was soon found out and cleaned up.

I have to say that the cp organization is ruthless enough. Except teeth. And inside the nails. There are even poisonous needles hidden in the hair. There are also decorations such as rings, belt buttons. All in all poisonous. If it weren't for the 'undercover' Mike who provided information. Yan Luo and the others will definitely not be able to find out.

the next day. Yan Luo took Grace whose memory had just been modified today. According to the information provided by Mike. A group of people came to the secret base of West Bluecp5. Three people passed the inspection quickly. Come to this secret base.

Because Mike is one of the few people with the highest position besides the head of West Blue. It's not the first time Grace has been to the base either. Loyalty to the World government is absolutely 'reliable'. The agents did not dare to ask more questions. Let three people pass directly.

After entering the island. The island was found to be deserted. Not even many plants. Without a single animal, it looked like a useless, desolate island. In fact, there is another world inside. After entering a cave. Going straight down, it turned out to be an underground base. Many teenagers train here.

The three came to the office of the person in charge, Mitto. The head of West Blue, Mi Tedo, looks like he is in his forties. A poker face. Just glanced after seeing Mike and Grace. Then continue to look down at your own files. "You're back? Have you seen that villain? How do you feel?"

Mike immediately replied, "He is wise and mighty, extremely powerful, and strategizing. He is simply the greatest adult in the world."

Mitto froze for a moment, then raised his head, "You...do you know what you're talking about? Mike. That evil party is the enemy of the World government. The cancer of West Blue. Evil devil. Justice should be punished .You actually worship such a vicious party? Mike, tell me what's going on? No. You should know how serious the organization's punishment is."

"Devil? I accept this description without hesitation. Mr. Mitto." Yan Luo said suddenly.

Mito frowned. After looking at Yan Luo, his face changed wildly in the next second. Damn, isn't this the evil party, Yan Luo. Pendragon? Good guy, this guy has already reached my base camp. what to do? This guy is a monster that even Admiral can defeat. There was a smile on Mitto's face instantly.

"It turned out that Master Yan Luo is here. It's our first time to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mitto, who was speaking righteously just now, instantly became a humble servant.

"Meet Mitto for the first time. Then Sayunara. Distinguished Heavenly Gods." Yan Luo's eyes immediately opened Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. When Mitto saw Yan Luo's Sharingan, he immediately became demented.

One second, two seconds. . . . Ten seconds later. Blood flowed directly from Yan Luo's right eye. "Damn. This guy is simply loyal to the World government. It's a big loss." Yan Luo covered his right eye in displeasure.

"Boss." Mike and Grace saw Yan Luo's right eye bleeding. Immediately looked at Yan Luo nervously. "Are you all right?"

Yan Luo shook his head. Looking at the two of Mike, I found that they both blamed themselves and were sad. Worse than getting hurt. This made Yan Luo's evaluation of Sharingan a little bit higher. It seems that I have two more loyalists. Yan Luo looked at Mi Teduo again. "Wake up, Mitto."

"Master." Mitto knelt down directly in front of Yan Luo. Also controlled by Yan Luo.

"Fortunately, it succeeded. Otherwise, it would be a big loss." Yan Luo spent a lot of pupil power in order to control Mi Te this time. Cannot use Distinguished Heavenly Gods for at least half a year. Yan Luo also has a spot on Distinguished Heavenly Gods. It is not particularly expensive to control the loyalists. Controlling the microphone was not expensive before. That's because Mike has other feelings besides World government. He has a crush on Grace.

But Mitto only had the idea of ​​being loyal to the World government in his heart. So the price paid is so high. "Mitto will tell you all the information you know."

"Yes, my master..." Half an hour later. The three of Yan Luo got the information they needed and left the secret base.

After Yan Luo left. Mitto immediately picked up the phone bug. "Notification, all members of cp5 West Blue rushed to xxx island immediately. There are major plans. They must arrive within seven days. Otherwise, they will be treated as mutiny."

For a time the agents of the entire West Bluecp5 acted. According to the order of the person in charge, Mitto, they rushed to the designated place one after another.

And what is Yan Luo doing after getting the information? Yan Luo went straight to West Blue's Marine Base. Colonel Marine at this base is no match. Ten minutes later. Hundreds of Marines were all beaten to the ground by Yan Luo. Yan Luo stepped on Colonel Marine's head. Breathed out a smoke ring. "Hey, Mr. Colonel. I have a question for you. Can you get in touch with Sengoku?"

It wasn't that Yan Luo was full and had nothing to do to bully Marine. It was Yan Luo who wanted to send a message to the top management of the World government. Although there is his online contact method on Mitto. But contacting in the way of mitdos may surprise the World government. At that time, it will affect your plan. Then let Marine have a word for the World government. Yan Luo immediately thought of Sengoku.

What if I want to talk to Sengoku? The answer is simple. Of course, ask Marine directly. So Yan Luo directly found a Marine Base. Come in single-handedly. Ask the person in charge of this base directly. In Yan Luo's view, this is a matter of course. Marshal Zhao Marine asked Marine. no problem.

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