Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 334 Infighting Among Lias' Family Members?

Just after Yan Luo pressed Chiryuutei's cage hand into his heart. Yan Luo's power miraculously merged with Chiryuutei's caged hand. Make power evolve. Yan Luo couldn't wait to test his evolved powers.

On the roof of the school building of Kuou Academy, Yan Luo opened the door of the roof, walked into the roof, closed the door of the roof again, and came to the middle.

Lowering his head and looking at his hands, Yan Luo gently tightened his palms and closed his eyes.

In Yan Luo's heart, the pattern of the red dragon appeared automatically.

"All those who do evil, be afraid of my power. Now I will have the magnificence of ten mountains, the power of a hundred rivers, and the strength of a thousand dragons. What I raise is the ferocious power to slay dragons."

Chant the word spirit that gains the power of the dragon.

In this instant, Yan Luo used the avatar of the evolved Power Dragon Emperor.

The power that belongs to the dragon burst out from Yan Luo's body, flowed into the limbs, and filled Yan Luo's body.

Immediately, Yan Luo suddenly opened his eyes and stretched out a hand.

"The Sekiryuutei's ostedge!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Luo's hand suddenly flashed a dazzling light.

The red light gradually condensed into a substance, turning into a gauntlet as hideous as a dragon's claw.

It was a gauntlet that covered everything below Yan Luo's elbow, and was red all over, with a green gleaming gem on the back of the hand.

That is exactly Sekiryuutei's ostedge.

Once entering the use state of the dragon emperor incarnation. And manifested Sekiryuutei's cage hand (ostegear), Yan Luo immediately got two ways to use Sekiryuutei's cage ostegear.

One: Doubling.

Every ten seconds, Yan Luo's own strength can be doubled.

Two: transfer.

Able to transfer the power of promotion to others and enhance the power of others.

The two abilities are exactly the same as in the rumors.

At that moment, Yan Luo poured the magic power in his body into the ostedge of Chiryuutei in his hand.


Immediately, on Chiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear), the green jade immediately shone brightly. And made a deep voice.

That voice is exactly the same as Draig's, but it's a little mechanical.

At the same time, Yan Luo felt that he had used the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor to possess the physical ability to rival the dragon.

Of course, this kind of improvement is only temporary, and the time it can be maintained is very short.

However, it can be increased every ten seconds. That was indeed quite a foul.

"I remember what Vali said. If the Sekiryuutei's cage hand (posted gear) reaches the forbidden hand (balane breaker), it can double the power at any time and in any ratio.

Feeling his own power multiplying again and again with the passage of time every ten seconds, Yan Luo was thoughtful.

"If I can also reach the level of balanebreaker, then my strength will be truly terrifying."

Every saredgear has its own balanebreaker.

However, among the holders of the sacred weapon (saredge) that can achieve the balanebreaker (balanebreaker), out of 100%, I am afraid that even less than half of them.

after all. The condition for achieving the balanebreaker is to make thoughts and desires so intense that they can reverse the flow of this world.

If anyone can do it, then only the holders of the sacred weapon (saredge) will be able to make demons, angels and fallen angels have no place to stand, and dare not look down on human beings anymore.

"Reversing the flow of the world..."

Yan Luo's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

"Perhaps, reaching the balanebreaker is not difficult for me at all."

As soon as this sentence was said, Yan Luo felt a sharp pain in every part of his body.

Yan Luo seemed to have remembered something. Hastily stopped the multiplication of Sekiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear), and smiled wryly.

"Infinite multiplication. It really can't be that easy."

Yan Luo already knew this fact.

If someone really thinks that using Sekiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear), there is no upper limit to the increase in ability. That would be naive.

To give a simple example, Yan Luo's physical strength, which was originally super pervert, can withstand 10 million catties. After doubling, it will be 20 million, which doubles every ten seconds. One minute is 60 million, ten minutes is 600 million. Even Yan Luo's physical strength can't stand up to such a pervert multiplication.

Once used for too long, Yan Luo's body will not be able to bear the burden.

The reason is the same.

It's like a truck. Although it can carry a lot of goods, if the truck is carrying goods that are far beyond the load, let alone it will not be able to drive, and it may even overturn.

Comparing cargo to multiplied power, and Yan Luo himself to a truck, if the cargo is doubled, Noah’s truck will still be unable to move, or even overturned

In other words, if the strength increases too much, it will only burden Yan Luo's body.

Even though the multiplication of Sekiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear) is indeed infinite, Yan Luo's user is limited.

This is the limitation of Sekiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear).

Coupled with the fact that it takes time to proceed, Sekiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear) has a weakness.

In addition, Yan Luo, the Sekiryuutei's cage hand (postedgear), has another limitation.

This limitation is limited to Yan Luo alone.

In the next second, Yan Luo canceled the Dragon Emperor's incarnation.


In Yan Luo's hand, Chiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear) flickered and disappeared.

#Sure enough..." Yan Luo murmured.

"If the incarnation of Dragon Emperor is cancelled, will Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand (Postedgear) be unusable?"

After all, it is the power integrated into the authority.

Once the use of power is cancelled, it is naturally impossible to maintain it.

This is a limitation that only Yan Luo has.

"Although there is such a restriction, I also have the power that the holder of Common Red Dragon Tei's cage hand (postedgear) does not have." Yan Luo suddenly smiled.

"Being able to summon Ddraig and let a Heavenly Dragon help him fight, besides, Chiryuutei's cage hand (Postedgear) has also got rid of the system control of the God of the Bible, and can be used even in other worlds. One disadvantage, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

Therefore, Yan Luo is still very satisfied.


At this moment, a dull and subtle explosion sounded from a corner of the academy.

Although the sound was weakened a lot due to the distance, Yan Luo still caught it.

"what happened?"

Yan Luo frowned, and when he looked towards the source of the sound, his complexion changed again.

"It's the direction of the old school building!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yan Luo jumped up directly, stepped on the fence of the roof (good Zhao Zhao), and rushed towards the direction of the old school building.


When Yan Luo came to the old school building, the sound of iron and steel colliding echoed.

Yan Luo immediately stopped, looked forward, and then froze.


I saw that in front of the old school building, two people were holding a sword each, and slashed together fiercely, sparking a lot of sparks.

Of those two people, one was Xenovia holding the Holy Sword of Destruction.

The other one is Yuuto Kiba with a gloomy face and holding a dark magic sword.

"Why did these two fight?" Yan Luo was amazed.

Then, the gate of the old school building was also opened, and the Gremory family members headed by Rias all ran out.

"Yuto!" Rias yelled.


To Yan Luo's surprise, Kiba Yuto ignored Rias' words and continued to scare Xenovia.

Now, Xenovia is also very angry.

"Since that's the case, I won't hold back any more!"

After speaking, Xenovia set up the holy sword and rushed out as well. .

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