Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 339 The Evil Party: Why Are Mountains Behind Everywhere?

After Yan Luo and his group entered the door, they looked around casually. There was a table in the meeting room, which looked quite luxurious.

There are only three seats next to it, so you can tell who it is for at a glance.

On the seat, three people have already sat up.

First of all, it is naturally the representative of the demon side, the demon king Lucifer, who has the same bright red hair as Rias——Sazex.

Then, the previous kimono has been changed, and the fallen angel governor-Azazel, who is wearing a decent robe.

The last one was someone Yan Luo had never met before.

It was a very handsome man, even more handsome than Kiba Yuto, with a dignified appearance, a kind complexion, and a man with a halo hanging over his head.

If the characteristic of a devil is the bat-like wings, and the characteristic of a fallen angel is its pitch-black wings, then the halo suspended above its head is one of the characteristics of an angel.

Then, there is no need to doubt who this person is who is on the same level as the devil king and the fallen angel governor.

The commander of the heavens, the leader of the angels, and the most powerful right-hand man of the God of the Bible-Michael.

Like Asachel, he has the highest six pairs of twelve wings, is the boss of all angels, and is also the angel with the highest status in the entire opening today.

In addition to the top leaders of the three major forces, Suzeks, Asachel, and Michael, there were several other people present.

One is Gule Fia, who is dressed as a maid and serves beside Suzeks.

One is to stand in the corner. Entering the arena as a spectator, with only Canna of Shinra Chunji.

There was another one, who was also standing in the corner, but was closest to Asachel's direction, staring at Yan Luo all the time. Vali wore a smile that he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

At the scene, the day was silent.

An extremely serious atmosphere permeated the entire conference room.

Perhaps because he was nervous, Yan Luo felt his clothes being tightly grasped by Aisha.

Not only Aisha, but even Xenovia and Irina had heavy faces, their eyes glanced in Michael's direction from time to time, and then turned their heads away.

As a believer who once believed in God. Now, Aisha, Xenovia, and Irina feel very unnatural when facing the supreme leader of the angel side, the supreme representative of the heavens, the right and left hand of the God of the Bible, right?

but. However, Michael didn't care about the unnatural behavior of Aisha, Xenovia, and Irina. After giving the three church girls a kind smile, he turned his head and "looked at Waste.

"I've wanted to meet you for a long time. Are you the rumored 'God Slayer'?"

"Let me introduce you to everyone." "Sazeks greeted Yan Luo.

"This is Yan Luo. Pendragon, it seems that he will also attend our meeting today as an observer. In the previous Kokbol attack, it was this Lord who crushed Kokbol's ambition."

"About this matter. I've heard about it." Michael nodded towards Yan Luo.

"Thank you again.

"You don't need to thank you." Yan Luo took a deep look at Michael and smiled indifferently. Speaking of which, it is in the world of godslayers. The Holy See summoned a multitude of angels. Among them was Michael. It was still tortured and killed by the M-shaking Acedes. Seeing another Michael now, Yan Luo has a sense of déjà vu, I don’t know what will happen if Acedus summons him?

But Yan Luo just thought about it, and said calmly as if nothing had happened, "As a reward, the 'Holy Sword of Destruction' and the 'Holy Sword of Mimicry' belong to me. The other three holy swords taken by Kokbol , including the "Holy Sword of Sky Shine", has been returned to the church through Rias's hand, I remember that I said so before."

In order to recapture the stolen holy sword from Kirkball, the church sent Xenovia and Irina to try to take back the holy sword that fell into the hands of the fallen angels.

After that, Xenovia and Irina were expelled from the church because they knew the news that God was dead. The "Holy Sword of Destruction" and "Holy Sword of Mimicry" are naturally still in the hands of these two girls.

So, as an excuse to help crush Kirkball's ambitions. Yan Luo gave Rias the "Holy Sword of Sky Flash" obtained from Freed and the other two holy swords that Xenova and Irina found afterwards, and asked Rias to convey to Yan Luo idea.

then. The "Holy Sword of Destruction" and "Holy Sword of Mimicry" will continue to be in the hands of Xenovia and Irina, and they have not caused the church to send people to retrieve them.

As a human being who does not belong to any force, Yan Luo has every right to propose such a condition.

"That said, please allow me to thank you." Michael's smile was still so peaceful.

"Thanks to you, things didn't get to the worst."

"No, no, don't we also find a way to clean up the mess?" Asachel said cheekily.

"I sent the 'White Dragon Emperor' out here."

Asachel's words made the atmosphere in the entire meeting room drop to freezing point once again.

Doesn't this man know that today's tripartite meeting is mainly to hold the fallen angels accountable?

"As I have said before, Kokboer's actions are entirely on his own initiative, and he cannot represent the fallen angels." Asachel spread his hands helplessly.

"Now, we have given Kirkball the punishment he deserves, so can we stop talking about such unnutritious things?"

"Nutritious things?" Suzeks pressed.

"Could it be that the Governor thinks that the Fallen Angels don't need to bear any responsibility for Kokball's actions?"

"Well, no matter what, our people caused the trouble. Naturally, I won't completely shirk the responsibility." Asachel waved his hand impatiently.

"If you are not at ease, how about signing a peace treaty directly here?"

In a word, everyone present except Yan Luo was amazed.

Because Yan Luo knew about Asachel's plan in advance, he didn't find it strange at all.

However, for others, it is a little surprising that Asachel, the governor of the fallen angels, in short, the head of the villains, would make such a suggestion

Besides, peace?

The three parties have been fighting wars from ancient times to the present.

Even now that the war is in a state of truce, small-scale conflicts are still going on, and even the gods and demon kings are all dead.

Who can't be surprised that peace is suddenly proposed now, or by the head of the fallen villain's villain?

However, after being surprised, Suzeks and Michael looked at each other and smiled.

"It's really surprising." Michael directly expressed his thoughts.

"Although His Royal Highness Suzeks and I originally planned to propose a peace agreement with the fallen angels, we did not expect that you would propose it first.

"However, if this situation continues, there is really no need." Suzeks sighed.

"Both the god and the demon king are dead, and our three major powers have also reached the point where they cannot continue to wear down because of the war. In order for the race to continue, the war should not break out again."

"That's right." Asachel's expression became serious.

"If war breaks out again, this time, the three major forces will definitely die together!"

Speaking of this, Asachel suddenly smiled and looked in the direction of Yan Luo.

"So, I also invited the famous "God Killer" to attend this meeting. The purpose is to let him witness the peace treaty concluded by our three parties. If someone deliberately breaks the treaty in the future, I hope you can think about it first. Let's deal with the subjugation of the "God Slayer"!"

There was a sudden silence in the audience.

(Hi Zhao Wang) Sazeks and Michael all looked at Yan Luo one after another, and then smiled wryly at the same time.

"Since there are all 'God Slayers' as witnesses, then we can rest assured."

At this time, Valli suddenly spoke.

"Before then, can I ask that land god to ask a question?"

Hearing Wali's words, everyone turned their eyes to Yan Luo's direction.

Yan Luo frowned. This guy can't be a back, right? Yan Luo suddenly felt creepy, why are there mountains everywhere? Could it be that Laozi's handsomeness can already affect pervert?

Because, the way Vali looked at Yan Luo was full of unprecedented weirdness. fanaticism. excited.

Then, Valli said such a sentence.

"Yan Luo. Pendragon, have you become the new "Sekiryuutei"?"

This time, everyone including Suzeks, Asachel and Michael looked at Yan Luo in surprise.

Not to mention the others, even Yan Luo himself was a little surprised.

Did this Vali already know that Yan Luo Cheng became the host of "The Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand (dgear)"?

It seems that the karma between "Red Dragon Emperor" and "White Dragon Emperor" is deeper than Yan Luo imagined. .

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