Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 5 Drinking Black Tea Is More Suitable On The Battlefield

Right after the murderer jumped into the ocean over at the Marine branch. Yan Luo's Wood Clone has been automatically removed. Yan Luo felt in his heart that the avatar dissipated. There was a faint smile on his face. "Colonel Harry. Congratulations on your release."

Yan Luo is still very confident about the strength of his Wood Clone. Just a colonel. Still the colonel who hadn't even been in Naval Headquarters. A Wood Clone would kill him like a chicken. Now that Wood Clone is removed, that greedy idiot is dead.

"Boss. Do you want to start attacking?" Rem reminded from the side. The distance between the two fleets is about to reach the attack range.

Yan Luo took off the cigar in his mouth and flicked the ash. He said lightly: "Fire the gun."

"Boom boom boom." Following Yan Luo's order. The fleet of House Pendragon begins to attack. Shells bombarded the fleet of the Ogura family.

"Dodge. Pay attention to dodge."

"Counterattack. Shoot me. Kill the bastards of the Pendragon family." Rack Ogula yelled angrily. In this life, he has gathered 80% of the fighting power of the family. A full four thousand people. More than twenty warships. The old man in the family agreed to him. Just defeat the Pendragon family. He is the head of the house. Originally thought that his battleship and number of people were more than three times that of the opponent. Pendragon's pussy is sure to scare the shit out of him.

I didn't expect the Pendragon family to be so ignorant that they dared to take the initiative to attack. Rucker decides. Later, I must brutally kill that little bastard.

The battle was intense from the very beginning. Both sides fired regardless of cost. Countless shells exploded at the positions of both sides. Seeing this, Yan Luo has to complain about the gunners of One Piece World. Throughout the entire original. It seems that few pirates were killed by shells. Such a large target vessel. None of the dense shells could hit the ships on both sides.

Even if it is about to hit, it will be directly blocked by the masters of both sides. For example. At this time, Ram stepped forward and raised his hand to "explode the crystal." A crystal ball appeared in front of Ram. The next moment, a large number of crystal fragments burst out from the crystal ball. The shells approaching the ship were intercepted by crystal fragments. It can't be within 20 meters of this ship at all.

There are also masters in the Ogula family. They used weapons or body skills to stop the shells approaching the ship. The distance between the two fleets is getting closer and closer. Then they stopped shelling tacitly. Ready to take on the battle.

"Boss, I'm ready to take on Hyun. That. Can I..." Lahm looked at Yan Luo shyly.

"Ram. Your job is to be a maid." Rem reminded coldly.

"Rem. People know. You don't need to remind me." Ram said unconvinced. But look at the enemy who is getting closer. Ram couldn't help being a little excited.

Yan Luo smiled and said, "It's okay. Go if you want. After all, this is Ram's favorite fight."

Ram's eyes lit up. "Thank you boss. You are so kind. Haha." Lahm hugged Yan Luo excitedly and made a sneak attack. Then a crystal dagger appeared in each of the hands. Ram's Devil Fruit ability. Paramecia crystal fruit. This girl is different from Rem. Four fighters. Whether it's fighting the enemy. Or a special fight with Yan Luo. like it all.

I remember that this girl attacked me at night when she was sixteen. Yan Luo is not a nice person. Naturally, he suppressed it unceremoniously. That was the first time for both parties. Ram was directly suppressed by Yan Luo many times to the death.

Compared with Ram's initiative. Rem is more self-disciplined. It was not until last year that Rem was taken down by the 'drunk' Yan Luo. And every month, the number of "fights" with Yan Luo is arranged according to reasonable arrangements.

Thinking of this, Yan Luo smiled. Decided to reward these two maids who have been by my side tonight. Think of it as a reward for celebrating your own expansion.

"Little ones. For the Pendragon family. For the boss. Get rid of Ogura's bastards." On the battleship where Black Shark was. Black Shark shouted loudly.

"For the boss. Kill, kill, kill!" Hundreds of younger brothers shouted loudly. Immediately afterwards, the mafia on other battleships seemed to be infected by this atmosphere. One by one raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

Yan Luo nodded in satisfaction. The fleets of both sides have approached. Yan Luo stepped forward. Clap "Wood Style. Bridge Technique." "Ka Ka Ka" the next second. The boat that Yan Luo was on immediately grew wooden sticks. Quickly link the ships of the entire fleet. Then the wooden bar quickly extended towards the hostile ship.

The warships of both sides are linked together by wooden battens. Everyone was dumbfounded. "It's Demon fruit power. The boss has built a bridge for us. Kill them all. Kill all the offal of the Ogula family." Black Shark took the lead. Step on the bridge and kill the local ships.

"Boss, I'm going to fight." Ram hadn't finished speaking. The figure has disappeared from Yan Luo's side. Quickly rushed to the local fleet to fight.

There was no fluctuation in Yan Luo's eyes. Clap your hands again and "snap" 'Wood Style. Throne Technique' the next moment. A wooden platform grew out of the deck beneath Yan Luo's feet, forming a throne. Yan Luo sat on the throne grandly. Rem stood beside her, motionless. The wooden platform raised the throne slowly. It rose thirty meters in a short while.

Yan Luo looked down on the entire battlefield like a king. Rem took out the black tea and started making tea. Everything is so natural. It was as if the fighting below did not exist at all. Yan Luo rested his chin on one hand. Watch the battle below. There is no suspense. The eight leaders of the Pendragon family and Ram entered the flock like tigers. Countless enemies fell under their weapons.

"Boss, please drink tea." Rem, as a maid, made a cup of fragrant black tea for Yan Luo very professionally. The battlefield below did not affect the master and servant at all.

Yan Luo's thoughts were indeed not on the battlefield. Because the battlefield does not need him to care about. The Augura family's mafia is nothing but trash after all. Paying attention to these miscellaneous fish is not as important as drinking a cup of Lemm's black tea.

What Yan Luo thought about was Wood Style's ability. obvious. Wood Style's ability is very useful. The inheritance of Senju Hashirama is even more impressive. What do you call when you clap your hands. No stamping is required at all. As long as you want to make what you want to make, just make what you want. It's simply off.

No wonder in the world of Hokage, Madara of Mangekyō, who can be played by Hashirama in the world of Hokage, screams. Yan Luo also discovered another ability of Wood Style. Very interesting ability. Can accelerate the maturation of plants. According to the characteristics of plants, you can make plants you want. That's where it gets interesting. There was a plant in Blue Star in the previous life, which Yan Luo felt was very suitable for Celestial Dragons. Its name is Poppy. "Hehe... This is the rhythm for me to be a poison king. But it seems to be a good match for fooling those pigs."

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